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Textual and Comparative Explorations in 1 & 2 Enoch
“Zion” and “Jerusalem” as Lady Wisdom in Moses 7 and Nephi’s Tree of Life Vision:
Reverberations of Enoch and Asherah in Nineteenth Century America
Samuel Zinner

Part of our book chapter reprint series, this article originally appeared in Textual and Comparative Explorations in 1 & 2 Enoch (2014) by Samuel Zinner. For more information, go to

To download this chapter in PDF format, click here.


About the Interpreter Foundation Book Chapter Reprint Series

The purpose of this reprint series is to make individual chapters from books published by The Interpreter Foundation more accessible to readers. Although in some instances the formatting and pagination may have been changed, the content of this chapter, like others in this reprint series, is identical to what appeared in its original book publication. It has not been updated to incorporate research that has appeared subsequently nor to reflect the current practice of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to use the full name of the Church and to avoid terms such as “Mormon” and “LDS.”

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