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Donating to The Interpreter Foundation

The Interpreter Foundation is a nonprofit organization. All journal publications and video presentations are available for free by digital download and streaming. The price of hard copy versions of journal articles covers only the cost of printing; books are typically priced to help cover both upfront pre-publication expenses and royalties to authors when applicable. In some cases, the Foundation may subsidize publication costs to keep retail prices affordable. The Foundation does not profit from sales of its publications.

However, we do have a number of expenses associated with the preparation of this publication—editorial services, typesetting, web servers, web design, etc. If our fundraising is sufficiently successful, we hope also to publish books, sponsor symposia, and produce videos.

In a communication dated 24 January 2014, the Internal Revenue Service of the United States has determined the Foundation to be a “public charity” that is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the Foundation are deductible under section 170 of the Code. The Foundation is also qualified to receive tax-deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts under sections 2055, 2106, and/or 2522 of the Code. Our EIN is 46-0869962.

Anyone wishing to donate to defray the costs of Interpreter can do so in four ways:

  1. Check – Checks can be mailed to:

    The Interpreter Foundation
    P.O. Box 970542
    Orem, UT 84097

  2. Wire – Wires can also be made directly to our account. Please contact us for more information about wiring donations.
  3. Volunteer – We can use the help of volunteers in many different areas of The Interpreter Foundation. If you would like to offer your help, please contact us and let us know where your interests are.
  4. Credit Card/Debit Card/Bank Account/PayPal – You may also send donations directly online through PayPal by clicking on the “Donate” button below, which allows payment by credit card or debit card. If you have a PayPal account, you can also pay from a bank account or PayPal account. PayPal deducts a small fee from your donation to process the transaction. (Note: You are not required to have a PayPal account to donate with a credit card or debit card. On the PayPal page, simply click on the “Continue” link under “Don’t have a PayPal account?” You’ll then be able to fill out your payment information directly. You are not required to log in to PayPal.)

We thank you for your support.

A Partial List of Our Donors

Wayne Allred
Alphaskills, Inc.
Anonymous (4)
Larry and Laura Ainsworth
Jon Albright
Richard Alden
Dean Anderson
Russell Anderson
Miles Andrew
Michael Ash
Travis Bailey
Ted Balderree
Lindsay Ball
Sandra Ball
Stanley Barker
Thaylene Barrett
RoseAnn Benson
Wayne Bergeron
Ronald Beron
Gail Berry
Nathan Black
Steven Black
Donald Blackwelder
Larry Blomquist
Oscar Daniel Bluth
Steven W Booras
Jorn Borup-Andersen
Coreen Bousfield
Carlos Bowman
Duane Boyce
William Boyce
Christopher Bradford
Theodore Brandley
Barton Brower
David and Carol Buell
Daniel A. Burgess
RC Burnett
Drake Busath
Don & Roxie Bybee
Scott Call
Kim Cameron
Linda J Campbell
Mark W Campbell
Orson Scott & Kristine Card
Eric Forsman Carlson
Stanford Carmack
Wallace and Dianne Carr
R Scott Carruth
Li Chen
Ray Child
Ami Chopine
Kevin Christensen
Linsee Christensen
Ruth Clark
David & Allison Clayton
Weatherford Clayton
Mark Clifford
Morris Cline
Joshua Coates

Don Colton
David Cook
Eric Comer
Jean Corey
Matthew Cox
John Cunningham
Lynn Dahle
Bruce Dale
Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury
Margaret Dansie
Rosanne Day
Dr. & Mrs. Lynn T. Dayton
DeAnna DeBry
Christopher DeLange
Russ & Christie Dickson
Keith Dohogne
Larry Dolton
George Drysdale
Fredrick Edvalson
Gerald Eliason
Steven Elieson
Susanne Ericsson
Max Evans
Janet Ewell
Regina M Faresin
James Faulconer
Stephen Fenn
Tracy Ferguson
Wade W. Fillmore
Kyle Fisher
Merrill Flinders
Richard Flygare
Norman D Fobert
Brett and Sandy Folkman
Benjamin Ford
Suzanne Foster
Emerson Fry
Jack Fuller
Theodore Fullerton
Gaslamp Used Books
Steven Glover
Edwin Goble
Melanie Goldmund
Scott Gordon
Raymond Gorham
Terry Gorton
Robert Goss
Craig Gossage
J M Graham
Adam Greenwood
Rob Haertel
Jay Haldeman
David Hall
William Hamblin
Mark Hamilton
David Handy
Russell Handy
Rondell B. & Joyce P. Hanson
Bill Hardesty
Delisa Hargrove
Darrell D. Harmon

David Harmon
Bryce Haymond
Tony Henderson
Lenell Heywood
Keith Hiatt
Rebecca Hicken
Maurice Hillyard
Kay Hinckley
Jeffery Hogge
Douglas E. & Suzanne J. Hollowell
Kevin Howard
Hughes Estate Group
Daryl Hughes
Matthew Hughes
Michael Hutchings
Kendell Hyde
Keith Ivy
MarLynn James
Mark Jasinski
Janet & Michael Jenkins
Jeffrey Jenkins
James Jensen
Kevin Johnson
Marion Johnson
Michael Johnson
Vaughn Johnson
Gary Kennedy
Kensington Capital Children’s Fund
David Kent
Bryan Kerr
Chris Kingsley
Christopher Kittle
William L. Knecht
Darrell Knowles
Bart Kowallis
Bryce Larsen
Misty Larsen
David Laughlin
Robert Lavender
Phillip Wm Lear
Michael LeCheminant
Ruediger Lehnardt
Lightspeed Technologies Inc
Jeff Lindsay
David and Bianca Lisonbee
Tyler Livingston
R Scott Lloyd
Michael Loveridge
John Lundberg
Scott Lutz
Wayne Lutzow
Glen and Michelle Maddy
Maple Knoll Farms
Stephen Marshall
Carl Martin
Wilford Martin
Terry Maxfield

Debra McCoy
Dennis McKay
Marilyn McLean
LouRita McNeil
Steve Metcalf
MicroClean Technologies
Ireta and Louis Midgley
Dave Mitton
Shirley Montgomery
Peter Morkel
Mormon Jewelry Inc.
Sandra Mount
Dale H. & JoAnn H. Munk
Edgar Nelson
Laralee Nelson
William Nichols
Kirsten Nielsen
Samuel Noyce
James Ogilvie
Daniel and Tamara Oswald
Ralph Pacheco
Luther Palmer
Rosemary Palmer
Ceely Parham
Ken Patterson
Arthur Pendlebury
Laurie Perez
Daniel & Deborah Peterson
Jason Peterson
Paul Peterson
Scott Peterson
Mark Pierce
Mark Ping
H Jay Platt
Evaly Poole
Richard Pratt
Kandace Prisbrey
Teresa Rayback
Terry Redding
Shellie Reeve
Jonathan Reynolds
Juliann Reynolds
Stephen and Shirley Ricks
Jared Riddick
Brent Robertson
Diana Rollo
Bradley Ross
Bruce Rudd
Ruth Schmidt
William Schryver
Aaron Scroggin
Michael Shea
Kathryn Shirts
Steven Skabelund
Benjamin Skousen
Neil Skousen
Jenna Slingsby
David Smith
Edward D. & Shauna Smith
Gail M. Smith

Gregory Smith
Stephen Smoot
Larry Spendlove
Cindy Steenblik
Dean & Mary Stephens
Deanna Stephens
Keith Stephens
Kent & Bonnie Stephens
Vance & Shauna Stephens
Mrs. David R. Stone
Robert M Streeter
Harold Stuart
James Stutz
Allison Sullivan
System Level
Jared Tamez
Daryl Tanner
Eldon Tanner
Martin Tanner
Thomas Thigpen
Jonathan Thomas
Rebecca Thompson
Matt Thorley
Kody Thurston
Calvin Tolman
Debra Tolman
Christopher Toone
Jason Turner
Miguel Vera
Kent Wallis
Steven Walton
Amanda Wanner
Jim P Watkins
David Watson
Bruce Webster
Jeffrey Welton
Ken Westby
Sam Weston Restorations
Joyce Westphal
Westview Neighbors
Timothy & Kristin Whipple
Douglas Whiting
Sandra Whiting
Jeffrey Whitlock
Clyde J Williams
Glen Williams
R. Scott Williams
Lynda Wilson
Maximilian Wilson
Richard I Winwood
Victor Worth
Christian Wright
James and Marie Wright
Tim Wright
Stewart Wyatt
Jeff Wynn
John and Diane Ziebarth
Henry Yeates
Fred Zundel

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