The Seventh Interpreter
Matthew B. Brown Memorial Conference
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Sponsored by
The Interpreter Foundation
Brigham Young University College of Humanities
Scripture Central, FAIR Latter-day Saints
The conference will be held live with no streaming. Recordings of the presentations will be available at a later date. Expanded, fully footnoted versions of the presentations will be published in a book of proceedings, anticipated sometime in 2025.
Conference Videos
The temple is central to Latter-day Saint worship. Through modern revelation Joseph Smith restored the ancient tradition of temples and the ordinances performed therein. Studies of ancient temples can shed much light on latter-day temples and temple worship.
The purpose of the conference is to increase understanding and appreciation of temple rituals and doctrines, and to encourage participation in the redeeming work of family history and temple worship.
We welcome in-person attendance at both of the Saturday sessions at no cost.
The conference will be held in the Tanner Building, Room 251, Brigham Young University.