By Jeffrey M. Bradshaw
Published by The Interpreter Foundation
in cooperation with Eborn Books
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Reviews of The First Days and the Last Days
- “A New Biography of Enoch (and an excellent tool for the Book of Moses)” by Terry L. Hutchinson in Meridian Magazine.
Preprint of The First Days and the Last Days (PDF)
- “The First Days and the Last Days: Commentary on Joseph Smith—Matthew” — reproduces the Joseph Smith—Matthew commentary from The First Days and the Last Days.
Like a perfectly formed pair of bookends, the Book of Moses and Joseph Smith’s inspired translation of Matthew 24 (JS—Matthew) bracket within their pages the essential survival guide for our times. In the “first days,” Adam and Eve looked forward to Christ’s coming; in the “last days,” we look backward to Christ’s mortal life and forward to His return in glory. In the beginning, Enoch learned the ordinances and covenants that would allow his people to dwell in the presence of God; to the end, we will treasure the same ordinances and covenants. Through faith in Jesus Christ and faithfulness to these covenants we hope to stand someday in the holy place with perfect assurance.
This comprehensive phrase-by-phrase commentary on the Book of Moses and JS—Matthew is the result of decades of loving study of their wonderful words. In its pages you will find both everyday guidance and the answers to life’s most important questions. Importantly, this book is a witness that the doctrines and ordinances of the temple are deeply woven into the fabric of these supernal works of scripture, containing persuasive evidence of their authenticity and antiquity. Scores of carefully selected images, coupled with detailed explanations, enrich the commentary. Rather than simply illustrating the text, they seek to enter into dialogue with it.
Table of Contents
The Book of Moses
Introduction to the Book of Moses
- 1. Why Did God Command Joseph Smith to Translate the Bible?
- 2. What Could Joseph Smith Have Learned from Translating Genesis?
- 3. Why Is the Book of Moses Important Today?
- 4. How Does the Book of Moses Fit the Temple Narrative Pattern?
- 5. How Does the Book of Moses Fit with Genesis and Ancient Texts?
Moses 1: The Heavenly Ascent of Moses
- Prologue (1–2)
- Moses in the Spirit World (3–8)
- Moses Falls to the Earth (9–11)
- Moses Defeats Satan (12–23)
- Moses Calls upon God (24–26)
- Moses’ Vision at the Heavenly Veil (27–29)
- Moses in God’s Presence (30–39)
- Epilogue (40–42)
Moses 2: The Creation
- Prologue (1–2)
- The First Day: Creation of Light (3–5)
- The Second Day: Creation of the Firmament (6–8)
- The Third Day: Creation of Dry Land and Vegetation (9–13)
- The Fourth Day: Creation of the Sun and Moon (14–19)
- The Fifth Day: Creation of the Fish and Fowl (20–23)
- The Sixth Day: Creation of Animals and Humankind (24–31)
Moses 3: The Garden of Eden
- The Seventh Day (1–3)
- All Things First Created Spiritually (4–5)
- The Creation of Adam (6–7)
- The Planting of the Garden of Eden (8–14)
- Adam Is Placed in the Garden; One Tree Is Forbidden (15–17)
- Adam Names the Animals (18–20)
- The Creation of Eve (21–25)
Moses 4: The Fall
- The Rebellion of Satan in the Premortal Council (1–4)
- Transgression (6–12)
- Aprons and Hiding (13–14)
- Confession (15–19)
- Consequences (20–25)
- Adam Calls Out Eve’s New Name; God Clothes Adam and Eve (26–27)
- God Sends Adam and Eve Forth from Eden (28–31)
- Epilogue (32)
Moses 5: The Two Ways
- Adam and Eve Keep the Law of Obedience (1–3)
- The Law of Sacrifice Is Kept and Explained (4–8)
- Adam and Eve Rejoice (9–12)
- Satan Persuades Many: God Calls Upon All (13–15)
- Abel Keeps the Law of Sacrifice; Cain Perverts It (16–21)
- Cain Rejects the Lord (22–28)
- Cain Makes a Pact With Satan and Slays Abel (29–33)
- Consequences of Cain’s Murder of Abel (34–40)
- The Pursuits of Cain’s Posterity (41–46)
- Works of Darkness Spread to All from Cain’s Posterity (47–55)
- The Law of the Gospel Preached in Response to Encroaching Evils (56–59)
Moses 6: Enoch, the Seer and Preacher
- Adam and Eve Keep the Law of Chastity; Raise Up Children (1–4)
- The Book of Remembrance (5–12)
- Seth (13–16)
- Enos (17–18)
- Cainan (19)
- Mahalaleel (20)
- Jared and Other Preachers of Righteousness (21–25)
- Enoch’s Commission to Preach (26–34)
- Enoch Made a Seer (35–36)
- Enoch Goes Forth (37–39)
- Enoch Explains His Mission to Mahijah (40–42)
- Enoch Preaches the Creation and the Fall (43–49)
- Enoch Preaches Salvation through the Atonement of Christ (50–63)
- Enoch Tells of Adam’s Baptism by Water and by Fire (64–66)
- Adam Receives the Fulness of the Priesthood; Is Made a Son of God (67–68)
Moses 7: Enoch, the Prophet and Founder of Zion
- Those Who Believed Adam’s Teachings Became Sons of God (1)
- The Heavens Open and Enoch Is Clothed with Glory (2–4)
- Enoch’s Vision and Prophecy to the Tribes (5–11)
- The Power of Enoch’s Word Defeats the Enemies of the People of God (12–16a)
- Enoch’s People Gather to Zion and Keep Law of Consecration (16b–19)
- Enoch’s Grand Vision: Zion Blessed but All Others Cursed (20–27)
- Enoch’s Grand Vision: God and the Heavens Weep for the Wicked (28–40)
- Enoch’s Grand Vision: Enoch Weeps over His Brethren (41–44a)
- Enoch’s Grand Vision: Enoch Rejoices in the Son of Man (44b–47)
- Enoch’s Grand Vision: The Earth Mourns and the Lord Covenants (48–54)
- Enoch’s Grand Vision: Crucifixion and Resurrection (55–59)
- Enoch’s Grand Vision: Zion, the Lord’s Abode at His Return (60–64)
- Enoch’s Grand Vision: Enoch Sees All Things; Has a Fulness of Joy (65–67)
- Epilogue: God Receives Zion up into His Own Bosom (68–69)
Moses 8: The Days of Noah
- Enoch and Methuselah (1–7)
- Lamech (8–11)
- Noah and His Sons—the Sons of God (12–13)
- Sons of Men Enter Mismatched Marriages with Noah’s Posterity (14–15)
- Noah Prophesies and Teaches the Things of God (16–19)
- The Sons of Men Mock Noah and Refuse His Teachings (20–25)
- Noah Is Righteous, but the Earth is Corrupt and Will Be Destroyed (26–30)
History of the Book of Moses
Joseph Smith—Matthew
Introduction to Joseph Smith—Matthew
- Similarities and Differences of JS—Matthew to Related Accounts
- Significance for Latter-day Saints
- Jesus Prophesies of His Glorious Return (1)
- Jesus Prophesies the Destruction of Herod’s Temple (2–3)
- The Disciples Are Warned; They Are to Stand in the Holy Place (4–17)
- The Jews Are Warned of Great Tribulation (18–20)
- Gathering and Destruction in the Last Days (21–31)
- Second Abomination of Desolation; Signs of the Second Coming (32–36)
- The Lord’s Warning to the Elect: The Parable of the Fig Tree (37–45)
- The Lord’s Warning to All: The Parable of the Servants (46–55)
History of Joseph Smith—Matthew
Bibliography for the Book of Moses Commentary
Bibliography for the Joseph Smith—Matthew Commentary
About the Author

Jeffrey M. Bradshaw
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw (PhD, Cognitive Science, University of Washington) is a Senior Research Scientist at the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) in Pensacola, Florida (www.ihmc.us/groups/jbradshaw; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_M._Bradshaw). His professional writings have explored a wide range of topics in human and machine intelligence (www.jeffreymbradshaw.net). Jeff has been the recipient of several awards and patents and has been an adviser for initiatives in science, defense, space, industry, and academia worldwide. Jeff has written detailed commentaries on the Book of Moses and Genesis 1–11 and on temple themes in the scriptures. For Church-related publications, see www.TempleThemes.net. Jeff was a missionary in France and Belgium from 1975–1977, and his family has returned twice to live in France. He and his wife, Kathleen, are the parents of four children and fourteen grandchildren. From July 2016-September 2019, Jeff and Kathleen served missions in the Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa Mission office and the DR Congo Kinshasa Temple. They currently live in Nampa, Idaho.