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Ensign. “Ancient Lands: A Photo Essay.” Ensign 10 (Sept. 1980): 32–39.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Geography
ID = [29670]  Status = Type = article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:29
Ensign. “The Way It Looks Today: Sites on the Trail West.” Ensign January 1980.
ID = [44787]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 10811  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Ensign. “The Choirbook.” Ensign January 1980.
ID = [44800]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 783  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Ensign. “More Music Items.” Ensign January 1980.
ID = [44801]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1449  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Ensign. “Directory for the Deaf.” Ensign January 1980.
ID = [44802]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 762  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Ensign. “BYU—Hawaii Celebrates Its Silver Jubilee.” Ensign January 1980.
ID = [44807]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 8707  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Ensign. “Honduras Mission Announced.” Ensign January 1980.
ID = [44808]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 394  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Ensign. “Church Policies and Announcements.” Ensign January 1980.
ID = [44809]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2468  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Ensign. “26 New Stakes Organized.” Ensign January 1980.
ID = [44810]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 889  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Ensign. “1980 World Conference on Records Has Something for Everyone.” Ensign January 1980.
ID = [44811]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3356  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Ensign. “LDS Scene.” Ensign January 1980.
ID = [44812]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3910  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Anderson, Lavina Fielding. “Memories of the Way West.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44784]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 15600  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Anderson, Richard Lloyd. Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1980.
Display Abstract  

An investigative historical summary of each of the Three Witnesses, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Martin Harris, and the Eight Witnesses. Provides a rebuttal to various arguments against the personal character of the witnesses. This work is reviewed in L.131, R.496, and in S.142.

ID = [77907]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:09
Bassett, W. Mark, and Arthur R. Watkins. “Joseph, Model of Excellence.” Ensign 10 (Sept. 1980): 9–13.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
ID = [29709]  Status = Type = article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:29
Beardall, C. Douglas. “Credit Sense: Money Management.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44796]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3840  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Beecher, Katie. “From Rodeos to Cultural Balls: Activities Committee Finds Success.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44803]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4312  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Bennion, Lowell L. “The Hebrew Prophets.” Sunstone 5 (July–Aug. 1980): 41–42.
Display Abstract  

Amos, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Elijah

Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Prophets and Prophecy
ID = [29716]  Status = Type = article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:29
Bennion, Lowell L. “The Mormon Christianizing of the Old Testament: A Response.” Sunstone 5 (Nov.–Dec. 1980): 40.
Display Abstract  

Bennion’s response to Melodie Moench Charles’s “The Mormon Christianizing of the Old Testament, which appeared in Sunstone.

Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Bible: LDS Interpretation
ID = [29717]  Status = Type = article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:29
Berrett, William E. “Unique Doctrines from the Doctrine and Covenants.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82357]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Blackman, Emily C. History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Baltimore, MD: Regional, 1873, [R]1970, [R]1980.
Display Abstract  

Pages 577-82 deal with the Book of Mormon. Author discredits the Book of Mormon story by providing statements by J. B. Buck, Isaac Hale, and others concerning Mormons and the Book of Mormon, and considers Joseph Smith to be a “madman”

ID = [77862]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:09
Blanke, Gustav H. “Early Theories About the Nature and Origin of the Indians, and the Advent of Mormonism.” Amerikastudien 25 (1980): 243-68.
Display Abstract  

Reviews various theories held between the 16th and 19th centuries regarding the descent of the American Indian from biblical peoples, including theories regarding Cain, Ham, Magog, the Hebrews, and others. Believes that the idea of a Hebrew origin for the American Indian was readily accessible to Joseph Smith, and thus favors an environmentalist explanation for the Book of Mormon’s origin.

ID = [79393]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:19
Bradford, J. Lynn. “Mirthright: ‘And the Password Is …’” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44790]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2167  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Brewster, Elaine C. “Family Stories on Felt.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44795]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1533  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Briggs, Kay W., ed. Most Quoted Scriptures of the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Orem, UT: Randall Publishers, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Lists scriptural passages from the Book of Mormon and other standard works under a comprehensive list of gospel topics.

ID = [78092]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:10


Cannon, Donald Q. “By the Hands of Wise Men: Essays on the U.S. Constitution.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 2 (1980): 219.
ID = [9205]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Cook, Lyndon W. “‘Brother Joseph Is Truly a Wonderful Man, He Is All We Could Wish a Prophet to Be’: Pre-1844 Letters of William Law.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 2 (1980): 207.
ID = [9204]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 683  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Harris, John B. “The Ambivalants.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 2 (1980): 150.
ID = [9198]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Newell, Linda King. “Sweet Counsel and Seas of Tribulation: The Religious Life of the Women in Kirtland.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 2 (1980): 151.
ID = [9199]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 827  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Olsen, Steven L. “Roots of Modern Mormonism.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 2 (1980): 222.
ID = [9206]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 3374  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Quinn, D. Michael. “The Council of Fifty and Its Members, 1844 to 1945.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 2 (1980): 163.
ID = [9200]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 784  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Reynolds, Noel B. “Nephi’s Outline.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 2 (1980): 131.
ID = [9197]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom,byu-studies  Size: 1114  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Smith, Dennis. “Emulsion.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 2 (1980): 198.
ID = [9201]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Taylor, Sally T. “The Irrigation Turn.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 2 (1980): 206.
ID = [9203]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Walker, Steven C. “More Than Meets the Eye: Concentration of the Book of Mormon.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 2 (1980): 199.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Even among those of us who are convinced of the divinity of the Book of Mormon’s source and the primacy of its message, there is a tendency to find “the most perfect book ever written” prolix. However, when compared with the King James Version of the Bible the Book of Mormon offers some very important additions. Take, for example, the Book of Mormon Beatitudes—3 Nephi 12:3–11, which parallels Matthew 5:3–11. Though the ands and alls and yea and again of the Nephi version are clearly superfluous, at least a third of the eighteen percent additional words used by Nephi enrich the passage; they are no more redundant than the “and thirst” in “hunger and thirst after righteousness.” “Blessed are the poor in spirit who come unto me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” while using more words than the original, makes it clear that the Sermon was directed to those who had come unto the Savior in the waters of baptism. And verse 6—”Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled”—is made specific with the addition of “with the Holy Ghost.” Verse 10’s alteration of “righteousness’ sake” to “my name’s sake” serves a similar focusing function, distinguishing between suffering for any good cause and enduring persecution specifically for devotion to Christ.

Keywords: Beatitudes; Isaiah (Book); Rhetoric; Sermon at the Temple; Sermon on the Mount
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [9202]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,byu-studies  Size: 1308  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Broadhurst, Dale R. Spaulding Research Project Working Papers 1-10. Delaware, OH: Methodist Theological School in Ohio, 1980.
Display Abstract  

A significant collection of research papers on the Spaulding manuscript. 188 similarities between the Book of Mormon and the Spaulding Manuscript are noted in detail. Also contains a transcript of the Spaulding manuscript and a collection of statements about the manuscript made by some of Spaulding’s neighbors.

ID = [78264]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:11
Brown, Kenneth J. “Early Nineteenth Century Health Views and the Word of Wisdom.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82358]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
BYU Church Educational System, ed. The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History. 1980 Sidney B. Sperry Symposium. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [67010]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 21  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:02:00


Anderson, Richard Lloyd. “Joseph Smith\'s Prophecies of Martyrdom.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82359]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry,smith-joseph-jr  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 9/5/24 19:19:25
Arrington, Leonard J. “Building blocks of the Kingdom.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82360]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Bachman, Danel W. “The authorship of Doctrine and covenants, section 132.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82361]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 5:39:50
Beecher, Maureen Ursenbach. “Eddies in the mainstream : Mormon women and American society.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82362]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Brandt, Edward J. “The office of bishop in the church.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82363]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Chase, Lance D. “From Lebanon to love apples.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82364]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Cowan, Richard O. “Meeting the needs of the world-wide church.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82365]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Davidson, Karen Lynn. “Courtship and romance in the Utah Territory.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82372]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:12
Esplin, Ronald K. “Brigham Young and the power of the apostleship.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82366]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Gentry, Leland H. “The design of God in LDS church history.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82367]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:12
Godfrey, Audrey M. “Starting from scraps : the Mormon Village Relief Society.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82368]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:12
Godfrey, Kenneth W. “Winter Quarters : Mormon religious and social life.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82369]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:12
James, Rhett S. “One hundred and fifty years of Mormon-Indian relations.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82370]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:12
Jones, Gerald E. “The Emmett Company of 1844.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82371]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:12
McConkie, Joseph Fielding. “Joseph Fielding Smith : a family view.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82373]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:12
Moss, James R. “The patterns and process of growth.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82374]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:12
Palmer, Spencer J. “The long promised day has come : prophetic leadership.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82375]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:12
Petersen, Roger K. “Joseph Smith : prophet-poet.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82376]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry,smith-joseph-jr  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:12
Peterson, H. Donl. “Mummies and Manuscripts: An Update on the Lebolo-Chandler Story.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [67023]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:02:00
Whittaker, David J. “Historians and the Mormon experience : a sesquicentennial perspective.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82377]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:12
Wirthlin, Le Roy S. “Joseph Smith’s boyhood surgical operation.” In The Eighth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1981.
ID = [82378]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-sperry,smith-joseph-jr  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:12
Caldwell, C. Max. “The Doctrine and Covenants and the Book of Mormon.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82349]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:10
Charles, Melodie Moench. “The Majesty of the Law.” Sunstone 5 (July–Aug. 1980): 43–46.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Law of Moses
ID = [29801]  Status = Type = article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:29
Charles, Melodie Moench. “The Mormon Christianizing of the Old Testament.” Sunstone 5 (Nov.–Dec. 1980): 35–39.
Display Abstract  

Criticism of the way Mormons interpret the Old Testament to support their views

Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Bible: LDS Interpretation
ID = [29802]  Status = Type = article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:29
Christensen, Joe J. “True Education—True Religion.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44804]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3698  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Book of Mormon Manuscript. Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 198?.
Display Abstract  

A photograph of a page of the original manuscript translation of the Book of Mormon showing 1 Nephi 2:2 to 1 Nephi 3:18.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [77627]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:07
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Ensign, January 1980. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1980.
ID = [24936]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size:   Children: 32  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:15


Cooper, Brent D. “How We Started Family Scripture Study (And Stopped Feeling Guilty).” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44792]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 11082  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Cox, Nancy. “Some sources say that Frederick G. Williams of the original First Presidency had apostatized when Joseph Smith died. But other sources say otherwise. What are the facts?” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44788]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 5503  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Curtis, Lindsay R. “I have always been taught to pray, but often I don’t seem to get answers. I have faith and I think I’m worthy. What should I do?” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44789]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 7342  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Doxey, Roy W. “Loyalty.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44805]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1159  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Jensen, Richard L. “From Denmark to Manti: One Man’s Experience.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44783]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 23246  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Kimball, Stanley B. “Eastern Ends of the Trail West.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44786]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 10490  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
LeBaron, E. Dale. “Three-Thousand Mile Lady.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44794]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 8310  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Leonard, Glen M. “Westward the Saints: The Nineteenth-Century Mormon Migration.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44782]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 23825  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Litster, Allen E. “The Blessing of Blessings.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44806]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1824  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Mouritsen, Dale C., and Marta C. Mouritsen. “Making Home a Holy Place.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44793]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 10186  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Quinn, D. Michael. “They Served: The Richards Legacy in the Church.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44785]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 21446  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Romney, Marion G. “Guidance of the Holy Spirit.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44781]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 14754  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Rupper, Patricia H. “Randy.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44799]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2567  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Scoresby, A. Lynn. “Journey toward Righteousness.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44791]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 21659  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Smith, Deanne P. “She Prayed Our Father Home.” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44798]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2164  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Thatcher, Linda Reeder. “The Message Was Clear: ‘Now Is the Time’” Ensign, January 1980.
ID = [44797]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 8501  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Scriptures Stories. Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Designed for youth, comprises many illustrated stories from the Bible and the Book of Mormon, including escape of Limhi’s people, and the stories of Ammon and Nephi.

ID = [78237]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:11
Clement, Russell T. “Polynesian Origins: More Word on the Mormon Perspective.” Dialogue 13 (Winter 1980): 88-98.
Display Abstract  

Reviews the claims of the scientists and Mormon leaders regarding the origin of the Polynesians. The debate continues among scientists, some favoring American origins, while most tend to Asian origins. Mormon leaders have consistently held that the Polynesians came from the American continent.

ID = [79978]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:23
Cook, Lyndon W. “The Far West Record and the Doctrine and Covenants.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82351]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Old Testament: Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Supplement, Part One. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1980.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Teaching the Old Testament
ID = [29826]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:29
Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Old Testament: Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Supplement, Part Two. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1980.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Teaching the Old Testament
ID = [29827]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:29
Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Old Testament Seminary Home Study. [Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], 1980.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Teaching the Old Testament
ID = [29830]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:29
Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Old Testament Seminary Home Study Teacher Manual. [Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], 1980.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Teaching the Old Testament
ID = [29831]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:29
Cowan, Richard O. “Revelations Continue.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82356]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Decker, J. Edward. To Moroni with Love. Seattle: Life Messengers, 1980.
Display Abstract  

An anti-Mormon pamphlet designed to encourage members of the LDS church to leave their religion. The Book of Mormon adds to God’s word in the Bible.

ID = [78718]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Dobson, J. Laverd, and J. D. Dobson. Omni. Salt Lake City: Dobson Family, 1980.
Display Abstract  

An extensive discussion of the book of Omni. Examines the personalities, geography, and plates of Omni, and presents charts and illustrations.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Omni
ID = [78112]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:10
Doxey, Roy W. “How Latter-day Prophets Help Us Understand the Doctrine and Covenants.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82348]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:10
Durham, Reed C., Jr. Some Recent Historical and Archaeological Evidences for the Book of Mormon. R. C. Durham, 1980.
Display Abstract  

An outline listing a number of Book of Mormon archaeological evidences, with an accompanying bibliography. Evidences include: Beit Lehi inscriptions, chaismus, transoceanic influences, Mayan and Egyptian calendar parallels, Zuggurats, horses.

ID = [78257]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:11
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook, eds. The Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Display Abstract  

This book was in many ways a first: first to provide a full collection of Joseph Smith’s Nauvoo discourses in the mature and climatic years of his life; first to reproduce them in exact fidelity to their original written sources in diaries and journals; first to cross-reference them to earlier sayings and discourses of Joseph Smith; first to index all the biblical and other scriptural verses discussed or alluded to; first to provide contextual settings for each discourse in proper chronological sequence; first to footnote the discourses in terms of their historical and doctrinal kinships; and first to interlace all these discourses with other fundamental teachings of this rich and formative period of Church history. ISBN 0-8849-4419-0

ID = [33396]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size:   Children: 180  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:04


Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “Foreword.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37626]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 6970  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:48
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “Introductory Essay.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37627]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 12721  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:48
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “Editorial Note.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37628]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 3337  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:48
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “27 June 1839 (Thursday) Commerce, Hancock County, Illinois.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37629]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 22077  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:48
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “2 July 1839 (Tuesday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1820–1844
ID = [37630]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 5887  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:48
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 July 1839 (Sunday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37631]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 695  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:48
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “Before 8 August 1839 (1).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1820–1844
ID = [37632]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 23431  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:48
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “Before 8 August 1839 (2).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37633]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2887  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:48
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “Before 8 August 1839 (3).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37634]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 6040  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:48
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “22 September 1839 (Sunday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37635]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 648  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:48
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “29 September 1839 (Sunday). Old Homestead.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37636]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1553  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “5 October 1839 (Saturday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37637]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2307  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “6 October 1839 (Sunday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37638]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1021  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 October 1839 (Monday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37639]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 590  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “1 January 1840 (Wednesday). Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37640]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 3497  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “13 January 1840 (Monday Afternoon). Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37641]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1071  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “25 January 1840 (Saturday). Brandywine, Chester County, Pennsylvania.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37642]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1013  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “5 February 1840 (Wednesday Evening). Washington, D.C.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37643]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 8546  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “1 March 1840 (Sunday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37644]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 693  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “6 April 1840 (Monday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37645]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 646  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 April 1840 (Tuesday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37646]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1507  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “8 April 1840 (Wednesday Afternoon).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37647]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2960  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “30 July 1840 (Thursday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37648]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 902  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “9 August 1840 (Sunday). Lee County, Iowa Territory.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37649]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1273  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “15 August 1840 (Saturday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37650]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2138  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “16 August 1840 (Sunday). Lee County, Iowa Territory.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37651]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 331  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:49
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “30 August 1840 (Sunday). Lee County, Iowa Territory.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37652]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 266  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:50
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “3 October 1840 (1) (Saturday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37653]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 936  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:50
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “3 October 1840 (2) (Saturday Afternoon).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37654]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 780  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:50
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “4 October 1840 (Sunday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37655]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 525  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:50
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “5 October 1840 (Monday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Ordinances
RSC Topics > L — P > Priesthood
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrifice
ID = [37656]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 28819  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:50
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “December 1840.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37657]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1198  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:50
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “5 January 1841 (Tuesday). Old Homestead.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Melchizedek Priesthood
ID = [37658]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 16766  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:50
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “12 January 1841 (Tuesday). Amos Davis Home.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37659]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2056  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:50
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “19 January 1841 (Tuesday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37660]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 592  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:50
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “2 February 1841 (Tuesday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37661]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 437  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:50
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “9 February 1841 (Tuesday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37662]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 680  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “16 February 1841 (Tuesday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37663]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1290  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “23 February 1841 (Tuesday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37664]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 578  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “2 March 1841 (Tuesday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37665]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1030  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “9 March 1841 (Tuesday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37666]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 4014  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “16 March 1841 (Tuesday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37667]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2785  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “21 March 1841 (Sunday). Vinson Knight Home.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37668]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 7208  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “28 March 1841 (Sunday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37669]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2021  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “30 March 1841 (Tuesday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37670]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1234  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “6 April 1841 (Tuesday Morning). Temple Site.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37671]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 653  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 April 1841 (Wednesday Morning). Temple Site.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37672]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2784  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “8 April 1841 (Thursday). Temple Site.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37673]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2752  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “9 April 1841 (Friday Morning). Temple Site.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37674]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1616  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “11 April 1841 (Sunday Afternoon). Temple Site.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37675]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 796  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “25 April 1841 (Sunday Morning). Near Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37676]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1013  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “9 May 1841 (Sunday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37677]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1391  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:51
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “16 May 1841 (Sunday Morning). Meeting Ground.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37678]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 9365  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “30 May 1841 (Sunday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37679]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 177  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “13 or 20 June 1841 (Sunday). In Front of Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37680]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 714  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “25 July 1841 (Sunday Afternoon). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37681]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 385  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “16 August 1841 (Monday Afternoon).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37682]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1682  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “22 August 1841 (Sunday). At the Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37683]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 542  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “5 September 1841 (Sunday). At the Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37684]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 669  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “2 October 1841 (Saturday Afternoon). Meeting Ground.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37685]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1793  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “3 October 1841 (Sunday Morning). Meeting Ground.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37686]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 10917  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “4 October 1841 (Monday Morning). Meeting Ground.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37687]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 963  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “5 October 1841 (Tuesday Afternoon). Meeting Ground.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37688]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 757  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 November 1841 (Sunday). Meeting Ground Near Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37689]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1350  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “14 November 1841 (Sunday). At Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37690]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 242  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “12 December 1841 (Sunday Morning). Brother Snider’s Home.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37691]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 390  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “19 December 1841 (Sunday). Old Homestead.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37692]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2233  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “26 December 1841 (Sunday). Old Homestead.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37693]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2587  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “6 January 1842 (Sunday). Old Homestead.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37694]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 371  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:52
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “30 January 1842 (Sunday). Old Homestead.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37695]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 315  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “27 February 1842 (Sunday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37696]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 446  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “6 March 1842 (Sunday). Orson Spencer’s Home.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37697]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 360  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “17 March 1842 (Thursday). Upper Room, Red Brick Store.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > Q — S > Relief Society
ID = [37698]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 8800  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “20 March 1842 (Sunday Morning). Grove, West Side of Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37699]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 15116  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “27 March 1842 (Sunday). Grove Near Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37700]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1076  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “30 March 1842 (Wednesday). Upper Room, Red Brick Store.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > Q — S > Relief Society
ID = [37701]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 4363  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 April 1842 (Thursday Afternoon). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37702]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 4024  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “8 April 1842 (Friday). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37703]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 678  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “9 April 1842 (Saturday Morning). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37704]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2618  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “10 April 1842 (Sunday Morning). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37705]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 3810  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “24 April 1842 (Sunday). Near Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37706]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 457  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “28 April 1842 (Thursday Afternoon). Upper Room, Red Brick Store.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37707]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 19366  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “1 May 1842 (Sunday Morning). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37708]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 7581  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:53
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “26 May 1842 (Thursday). Upper Room, Red Brick Store.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37709]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 4892  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “1 June 1842 (Wednesday). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37710]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 758  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “5 June 1842 (Sunday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37711]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2436  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “9 June 1842 (Thursday). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37712]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 5400  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “18 June 1842 (Saturday). Near Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37713]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2802  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “21 June 1842 (Tuesday). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37714]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 339  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “3 July 1842 (Sunday Morning). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37715]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1424  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “4 July 1842 (Monday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37716]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1251  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “15 July 1842 (Friday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37717]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1902  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “22 July 1842 (Friday Morning). Meeting Ground.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37718]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1946  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “24 July 1842 (Sunday Afternoon). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37719]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 903  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “27 July 1842 (Wednesday). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37720]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 437  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “27 August 184​2 (Saturday Evening). Old Homestead.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37721]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 683  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “29 August 1842 (Monday Morning). Grove Near Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37722]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 9999  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “31 August 1842 (Wednesday). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37723]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 6543  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “25 September 1842 (Sunday). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37724]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1013  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “29 October 1842 (Saturday Morning). Red Brick Store.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37725]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2209  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:54
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “17 January 1843 (Tuesday). Old Homestead.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37726]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2397  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:55
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “22 January 1843 (Sunday). At Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37727]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 12364  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:55
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “29 January 1843 (Sunday). In Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37728]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 10730  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:55
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “16 February 1843 (Thursday Afternoon). Shokoquon, Henderson County, Illinois.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37729]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 490  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:55
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “21 February 1843 (Tuesday Morning). At Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37730]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 12234  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:55
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “12 March 1843 (Sunday Morning). Ramus, Illinois.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37731]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 550  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:55
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “2 April 1843 (1) (Sunday Afternoon). Ramus, Illinois.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37732]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 12636  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:55
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “2 April 1843 (2) (Sunday Evening). Ramus, Illinois.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37733]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 5868  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:55
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “6 April 1843 (1) (Thursday Noon). In Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37734]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 11753  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:55
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “6 April 1843 (2) (Thursday Afternoon). In Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37735]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 17693  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 April 1843 (1) (Friday Morning). In Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37736]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 788  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 April 1843 (2) (Friday Afternoon). In Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37737]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1779  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “8 April 1843 (Saturday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Heaven
ID = [37738]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 19958  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “9 April 1843 (Sunday Morning). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37739]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 771  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “13 April 1843 (Thursday). At Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37740]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 12154  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “16 April 1843 (Sunday Morning). In Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37741]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 12828  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “6 May 1843 (Saturday). Prairie East of Nauvoo.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37742]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 5344  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “14 May 1843 (Sunday). Yelrome, Hancock County, Illinois.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37743]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 5221  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “17 May 1843 (1) (Wednesday Morning). Ramus, Illinois.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37744]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2944  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “17 May 1843 (2) (Wednesday Evening). Ramus, Illinois.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37745]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2903  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “21 May 1843 (Sunday Morning). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > Q — S > Salvation
ID = [37746]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 20626  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “11 June 1843 (Sunday Morning). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Heaven
RSC Topics > L — P > Ordinances
ID = [37747]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 19105  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “24 June 1843 (Saturday). Dixon, Lee County, Illinois.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37748]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1098  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “30 June 1843 (Friday Afternoon). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37749]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 26146  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “2 July 1843 (Sunday Evening). Front of Red Brick Store.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37750]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1746  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “3 July 1843 (Monday Afternoon). Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37751]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 399  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:56
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “4 July 1843 (1) (Tuesday Morning). At Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37752]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 558  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “4 July 1843 (2) (Tuesday Afternoon). At the Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37753]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 7849  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “9 July 1843 (Sunday Morning). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Creation
ID = [37754]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 6381  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “16 July 1843 (1) (Sunday Morning). At Stand in Grove, West of Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37755]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 3193  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “16 July 1843 (2) (Sunday Afternoon). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37756]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 5863  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “23 July 1843 (Sunday Afternoon).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37757]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 9434  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “6 August 1843 (Sunday Morning). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37758]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 4426  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “13 August 1843 (1) (Sunday Morning). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Creation
ID = [37759]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 17323  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “13 August 1843 (2) (Sunday Afternoon).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37760]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 4722  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “27 August 1843 (Sunday Morning). Temple Grove.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37761]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 27649  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “13 September 1843 (Wednesday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37762]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 810  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “14 September 1843 (Thursday Afternoon). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37763]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 878  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “16 September 1843 (Saturday Afternoon).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37764]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 707  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “17 September 1843 (1) (Sunday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37765]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 998  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “17 September 1843 (2) (Sunday Afternoon).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37766]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1854  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “24 September 1843 (Sunday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37767]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1733  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 October 1843 (Saturday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37768]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 4217  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:57
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “8 October 1843 (Sunday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37769]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 806  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “9 October 1843 (1) (Monday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37770]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 773  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “9 October 1843 (2) (Monday Afternoon).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37771]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 10107  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “15 October 1843 (Sunday Morning). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37772]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 5579  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “12 November 1843 (Sunday). At Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37773]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 835  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “29 November 1843 (Wednesday Afternoon).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37774]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2985  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “4 December 1843 (Monday). Upper Room, Red Brick Store.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37775]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2138  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “18 December 1843 (Monday).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37776]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 416  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “9 December 1843 (Saturday). Corner of Main and Water Streets.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37777]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2107  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 January 1844 (Sunday Afternoon). Cornelius P. Lott’s Home.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37778]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 701  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “19 January 1844 (Friday). Mansion House.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37779]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 558  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “21 January 1844 (Sunday). Front of Robert D. Fosters Hotel, Near Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37780]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 7547  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “8 February 1844 (Thursday Evening). Upper Room, Red Brick Store.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37781]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2200  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “18 February 1844 (Sunday). At Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37782]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2509  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “21 February 1844 (Wednesday Evening). Upper Room, Red Brick Store.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37783]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 569  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “25 February 1844 (Sunday). At Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37784]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 550  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 March 1844 (1) (Thursday Morning). At Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37785]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 9883  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:58
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 March 1844 (2) (Thursday Afternoon). At Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37786]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 6968  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “10 March 1844 (Sunday). At Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Grace
RSC Topics > G — K > Heaven
RSC Topics > G — K > Holy Ghost
RSC Topics > Q — S > Repentance
ID = [37787]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 28342  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “24 March 1844 (Sunday). At Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37788]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 5072  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “5 April 1844 (Friday Morning). Near Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37789]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 649  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “6 April 1844 (Saturday Morning). Grove 1/4 Mile East of Temple on Young Street.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37790]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 4482  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 April 1844 (1) (Sunday Morning). Grove 1/4 Mile East of Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37791]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 492  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “7 April 1844 (2) (Sunday Afternoon). Grove 1/4 mile east of Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1820–1844
RSC Topics > D — F > Eternal Life
RSC Topics > G — K > Holy Ghost
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sin
ID = [37792]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 72587  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “8 April 1844 (Monday Morning). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics:    RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [37793]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 9250  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “23 April 1844 (Tuesday). Masonic Hall.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37794]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 238  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “5 May 1844 (Sunday Afternoon and Evening). Mansion House.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37795]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 647  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “12 May 1844 (Sunday Morning). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37796]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 24690  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “14 May 1844 (Tuesday Evening). Temple Stand.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37797]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 456  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “17 May 1844 (Friday). Upper Room, Red Brick Store.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37798]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 689  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “26 May 1844 (Sunday Morning).” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37799]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 14270  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “13 June 1844 (Thursday Afternoon). At Seventies Hall.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37800]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 244  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:59
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “16 June 1844 (1) (Sunday Morning). Grove East of Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37801]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 18336  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:00
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “16 June 1844 (2) (Sunday Afternoon). Grove East of Temple.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37802]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 249  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:00
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “18 June 1844 (Tuesday Afternoon). Frame Building, Near Mansion House.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37803]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 1947  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:00
Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook. “Sources for Joseph Smith’s Nauvoo Discourse​s.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37804]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 6159  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:00
Madsen, Truman G. “Foreword.” In The Words of Joseph Smith, eds. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [37124]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 6970  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:15
Elliott, Peter. Reasons for Disbelief: A Survey of the Historical and Theological Beliefs of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Australia: Elliott, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Cites reasons why one should not accept Mormonism; reprints the Smithsonian statement regarding the Book of Mormon, compares Quetzalcoatl or Viracocha and Jesus Christ, and concludes that they are different characters; sees Ethan Smith’s View of the Hebrews as the source of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [78196]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:11
Elliott, Peter. Reasons for Disbelief. Australia: P. Elliott, 1980.
ID = [77190]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  apologetics  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:04
Farley, J. Robert. An Overview of the Book of Mormon. Independence, MO: Zarahemla Research Foundation, 1980.
Display Abstract  

A general overview of the main characters and events in the Book of Mormon, illustrated in color and probably intended for youth.

ID = [77536]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:06
Fox, Robert Barlow. The Sons of Helaman. Bountiful: Robert Barlow Fox, 1980.
Display Abstract  

A fictional book about the sons of Helaman based upon the Book of Mormon (Alma 24, 53, 56, 57, 62, and 63).

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [78650]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Godfrey, Kenneth W. “Marriage, the Family and the Doctrine and Covenants.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82355]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Griffith, Michael T. The Value of Book of Mormon Studies: A Response to Jerald and Sandra Tanner’s Criticisms of Book of Mormon Archaeology As Contained in Chapter Six of Mormonism—Shadow or Reality?. Private, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Takes issue with the Tanners’ approaches against the Book of Mormon in such areas as the Smithsonian statement, the Anthon transcript, the Kinderhook plates, the “Bat Creek” stone, the Stela 5, and other archaeological interests.

ID = [78690]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Griffith, Michael T. Tannerism—Shadow or Reality?. Private, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Challenges the competence of the Tanner’s views on general Book of Mormon issues.

ID = [78305]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:11
Holland, Jeffrey R. “The Lord’s Preface.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82350]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Hougey, Harold H. The Mystery of Joseph Smith and the Golden Plates. Concord, CA: Pacific, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Provides personal accounts of the Prophet Joseph Smith from several sources (Pearl of Great Price, Times and Seasons, and History of the Church) concerning the plates and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. Questions the validity of the unsupported story.

ID = [78594]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:13
Hullinger, Robert N. Mormon Answer to Skepticism: Why Joseph Smith Wrote the Book of Mormon. St. Louis, MO: Clayton, 1980.
Display Abstract  

A critical work on the Book of Mormon that attempts to determine various environmental factors that may have influenced Joseph Smith to write the book. Among these are free-masonry, Ethan Smith’s book View of the Hebrews, and the deistic views of Thomas Paine. The Book of Mormon is seen as a sincere attempt to combat naturalistic views of Joseph Smith’s time and an attempt to win souls back to God. This work is reviewed in G.089.

ID = [78026]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:10
Larsen, Vernon. Out of the Dust: Verse Inspired by the Book of Mormon. Provo, UT: Promised Land Publications, 1980.
Display Abstract  

A collection of poems based on passages of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [78129]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:10
Lesh, Ralph F. Ancient Mesoamerica: A Preliminary Study of Book of Mormon Geography. Independence, MO: Zarahemla Research Foundation, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Large map of Central America showing the migration routes of the Book of Mormon peoples. Uses double arrows to indicate a northward direction as well as a true north to accommodate directions used in the Book of Mormon. Identifies the “Narrow Neck” with the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.

ID = [77545]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:06
Lovalvo, V. James. It Is Written: Truth Shall Spring Out of the Earth. Fresno, CA: Mid-Cal Publishers, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Both the Apostasy and the Restoration are prophesied of in the Book of Mormon. The book is an important part of the Restoration. This work discusses Old World apostasy, then retells the history of the coming forth of the book, its story, the testimony of the witnesses, and a brief analysis of its teachings.

ID = [77916]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:09
Lynn, Wayne B. The Book of Mormon Our Unpaid Debt. Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Church Schools, Dept. of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion, 198?.
Display Abstract  

Noting that the Book of Mormon came from the ancestors of the Lamanites, the author admonishes Church members to take more seriously the mandate to inform the Lamanites of their book and their great role in the latter days.

ID = [78389]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:12
Maestas, John R., and Jeff Simons. “The Lamanites—In the Words of the Prophets.” Utah: n.p., 1980.
Display Abstract  

Discusses the origin and history of the American Indians (Lamanites), mistreatment of Indians, God’s directing hand in their affairs, and the latter-day responsibility of the Church to take the gospel to them.

ID = [78531]  Status = Type = manuscript  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:13
Matthews, Robert J. “Some Relationships Between Joseph Smith’s Translation of the Bible and the Doctrine and Covenants.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82342]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:10
Maxwell, Neal A. Of One Heart: The Glory of the City of Enoch. Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1980.
Topics:    Book of Moses Topics > Basic Resources > Doctrines and Teachings
ID = [2501]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  moses  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:10:50
McConkie, Bruce R. “This Generation Shall Have My Word through You.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82343]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:10
McConkie, Joseph Fielding. His Name Shall Be Joseph: Ancient Prophecies of the Latter-day Seer. Salt Lake City: Hawkes, 1980.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Old Testament Topics > Restoration and Joseph Smith
ID = [29980]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:30
McKeever, Bill. Joseph Smith vs. the Book of Mormon: They Both Can’t Be Inspired. El Cajon, CA: Mormonism Research Ministry, 198?.
Display Abstract  

A small tract that presents perceived contradictions between Joseph Smith’s teachings and those found in the Book of Mormon.

ID = [77941]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom,smith-joseph-jr  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:09
McKeever, Bill. An Open Letter to All Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. El Cajon, CA: Mormonism Research Ministry, 198?.
Display Abstract  

A polemical letter written against LDS doctrines and teachings. The Book of Mormon is supposed to contain the fullness of the gospel yet does not discuss proxy baptism or celestial marriage. The Book of Mormon condemns the doctrine of a second chance, thereby vitiating the need for baptism for the dead.

ID = [77532]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:06
Mortensen, Teena M. “A Stylistic Analysis of the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants.” Master’s thesis, Laramie: University of Wyoming, 1980.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Three samples from the Book of Mormon and one sample from the Doctrine and Covenants are compared stylistically through three categories. These categories included the use of pronouns, the use of the names of deity, and the number of total words as compared to the number of different words in each sample. The differences that substantiate the claim of multiple authorship are then discussed. [Author’s abstract]

Keywords: Doctrine and Covenants; Book of Mormon; Scriptures, textual development
ID = [81564]  Status = Type = thesis  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom,d-c  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:27
Nelson, William O. “Ten Questions on the Law of Consecration and the United Order.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82346]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:10
Nibley, Hugh W. “Patriarchy and Matriarchy.” In Blueprints for Living: Perspectives for Latter-day Saint Women 1, edited by Maren M. Mouritsen, 44–61. Provo, UT: BYU Press, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Reprinted in Old Testament and Related Studies, The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley 1. 87–114.
An address given at the BYU Women’s Conference, 1 February 1980.

Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Old Testament Topics > Marriage
Old Testament Topics > Women in the Old Testament
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Pearl of Great Price > Book of Abraham > Characters > Abraham, Sarah, Abram, Sarai
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Pearl of Great Price > Book of Moses > Characters > Adam, Eve
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Zion, Babylon > Patriarchy, Matriarchy
ID = [809]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  moses,nibley,old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:12
Nibley, Hugh W. “The Three Facsimiles from the Book of Abraham.” Talk prepared ca. 1980.
Display Abstract  

Hugh Nibley notes that variations within stereotyped images, such as a person about to be sacrificed on the lion couch, can have widely divergent interpretations, thus leaving room for Joseph Smith’s interpretation of Abraham on the altar.
This presentation contains suggestions for interpreting various features found in the Pearl of Great Price facsimiles.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Pearl of Great Price > Book of Abraham > Joseph Smith Papyri, Book of Breathings, Book of the Dead, Facsimiles, Egyptology, Hypocephalus
ID = [1204]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  abraham,nibley  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:36
Nibley, Hugh W. Lehi in the Desert and the World of the Jaredites. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Contains a new comprehensive index by Gary P. Gillum.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Ancient Near East
ID = [693]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom,nibley  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:05
Nibley, Hugh W. “It Takes All Kinds.” Preliminary Report. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1980.
ID = [8376]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  farms-reports,nibley  Size: 998  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Nibley, Hugh W. “The Three Facsimiles.” Preliminary Report. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1980.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This presentation contains suggestions for interpreting various features found in the Pearl of Great Price facsimiles. Hugh Nibley notes that variations within stereotyped images, such as a person about to be sacrificed on the lion couch, can have widely divergent interpretations, thus leaving room for Joseph Smith’s interpretation of Abraham on the altar. Facsimile 2 can be compared to apocryphal books about Abraham that describe a cosmic journey with elements resembling certain features in the book of Abraham. The coronation scene in Facsimile 3 also shows authentic elements.

Keywords: Pearl of Great Price; Abraham
ID = [8385]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  abraham,farms-reports,nibley  Size: 209  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Nyman, Monte S. “Great Are the Words of Isaiah”. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1980.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [30000]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:48:38
Oldfield, David. The Book of Mormon: Divine or Deceptive?. Lawton, OK: Watchman Press, 198?.
Display Abstract  

A tract in which the author believes the Book of Mormon is a deception and represents a plagiarism. Provides examples in which the book borrows from the Bible and other writings.

ID = [78423]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:12
Otten, Leaun G. “Applying the Doctrine and Covenants to Daily Life.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82345]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:10
Parkin, Max H. “A Preliminary Analysis of the Dating of Dection 10.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82347]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:10
Pearson, Glenn L. The Old Testament: A Mormon Perspective. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1980.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Old Testament: Overviews and Manuals
ID = [30016]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:48:38
Porter, Larry C. “Historical Background of the Fifteen Harmony Revelations.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82354]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Rasmussen, Ellis T. “Some Contributions of the Doctrine and Covenants to Our Understanding of the Bible.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82353]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Rasmussen, Garth L. Make the Old Testament Personalities Live: A Supplement to the Gospel Doctrine Course of Study. N.p., 1980.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Old Testament Topics > Old Testament: Overviews and Manuals
ID = [30036]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:48:38
Roberts, B. H. Roberts’ Manuscripts Revealed: A Photographic Reproduction of Mormon History. Salt Lake City: Modern Microfilm, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Reproduction of parts of B. H. Roberts’s 1922 typescript work “A Book of Mormon Study” It is heavily edited to focus on Roberts’s questions and concerns about the Book of Mormon, not his answers nor his testimony.

ID = [78216]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom,roberts  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:11
Sire, James W. Scripture Twisting: 20 Ways the Cults Misread the Bible. Downers Grove, Illinois: Intervarsity Press, 1980.
Display Abstract  

An evangelical/polemical work written for the intent of dealing with the “cults” The author discusses alleged misinterpretations of Bible prophecy by the Mormons, which supposedly support the Book of Mormon. He considers praying about the Book of Mormon unnecessary and suggests that Joseph may have drawn upon both Spaulding and View of the Hebrews

ID = [78234]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:11
Smith, J. Steven. Does the Bible Prophesy of the Book of Mormon?. Safety Harbor, FL: EMFJ Ministries, 1980?.
Display Abstract  

A polemical tract that claims that Ezekiel 37:15-19 has nothing to do with the Book of Mormon.

ID = [77761]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:08
Smith, Paul Thomas. The Story of the Joseph Smith Transcript of Characters from the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Author, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Retells the story of Martin Harris’s visit to Anthon with the Book of Mormon characters. Also contains some primary sources and letters dealing with the characters.

ID = [78666]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Smith, Robert F. “Shakespeare and the Book of Mormon.” Preliminary Report. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1980.
ID = [1523]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-reports  Size: 28903  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:55
Smith, Robert F. “‘It Came to Pass’ in the Bible and the Book of Mormon.” Preliminary Report. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1980.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

No abstract available.

Keywords: It Came to Pass; Language - Hebrew; Translation
ID = [1525]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-reports  Size: 23464  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:55
Tanner, Jerald, and Sandra Tanner. Book of Mormon ‘Caractors’ Found. Salt Lake City: Modern Microfilm, 1980.
Display Abstract  

A polemical booklet attempting to show how the 1980 discovery of the Anthon Transcript casts doubt upon the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. (Editor’s note: this transcript has since been shown to be a forgery.)

ID = [77581]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:07
Tanner, Jerald, and Sandra Tanner, eds. Roberts’ Manuscripts Revealed. Salt Lake City: Modern Microfilm, 1980.
Display Abstract  

A duplication of B. H. Roberts’s personal “A Book of Mormon Study” (two copies) and “A Parallel,” which compared the Book of Mormon with Ethan Smith’s View of the Hebrews, using double columns.

ID = [78215]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:11
Tanner, Jerald, and Sandra Tanner. The Changing World of Mormonism. Chicago: Moody, 1980.
ID = [77213]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  apologetics  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:04
Tvedtnes, John A. The Church of the Old Testament. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1980.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Church in the Old Testament
ID = [30080]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:48:38
Unattributed. B. H. Roberts’ Manuscripts Revealed: A Photographic Reproduction of Mormon Historian B. H. Roberts’ Secret Studies on the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Modern Microfilm, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Reproduction of parts of B. H. Roberts’s 1922 typescript work “A Book of Mormon Study” It is heavily edited to focus on Roberts’s questions and concerns about the Book of Mormon, not his answers nor his testimony.

ID = [77570]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:06
Walters, Wesley P. The Human Origins of the Book of Mormon. Clear Water, FL: Ex-Mormons for Jesus, 1980.
Display Abstract  

Asserting that B. H. Roberts introduced the idea that Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon himself, this article points out that the Book of Mormon is in conflict with scientific findings. Linguistically there is no link between Old and New World languages; all American races could not be from one family. Looking at the Book of Mormon carefully gives internal evidence that the origin of the book lies in the undeveloped mind of Joseph Smith.

ID = [78520]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:13
Warner, Paul R. “How the Doctrine and Covenants Inspires Me to Be a Better Teacher.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82352]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:11
Whittaker, David J. “A Covenant People.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System, 196–216. Provo, Utah: BYU Press, 1980.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Covenant [see also Ephraim, Israel, Jews, Joseph]
ID = [39722]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  old-test,rsc-books,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:38
Woodford, Robert J. “A Survey of Textual Changes in the Doctrine and Covenants.” In The Seventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Doctrine and Covenants, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1980.
ID = [82344]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1980-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:10
Allen, James B. “The Historians Corner [Introduction] 20:3.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 3 (1980): 297.
ID = [10054]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-02  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 1685  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:55


Burton, Robert. “Some Thoughts on Higher-Dimensional Realms.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 3 (1980): 281.
ID = [9192]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-02  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 749  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Cannon, Donald Q. “Angus M. Cannon and David Whitmer: A Comment on History and Historical Method.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 3 (1980): 297.
ID = [9193]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-02  Collections:  byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Ehat, Andrew F. “‘It Seems Like Heaven Began on Earth’: Joseph Smith and the Constitution of the Kingdom of God.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 3 (1980): 253.
ID = [9191]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-02  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 1090  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Esplin, Ronald K. “Inside Brigham Young: Abrahamic Tests as Preparation for Leadership.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 3 (1980): 300.
ID = [9194]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-02  Collections:  brigham,byu-studies  Size: 862  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Evenson, William E. “Science and Religion: Toward a More Useful Dialogue, vols. I and II.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 3 (1980): 313.
ID = [9196]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-02  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 1547  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Larsen, Wayne A., Alvin C. Rencher, and Tim Layton. “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon?: An Analysis of Wordprints.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 3 (1980): 225.
ID = [9189]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-02  Collections:  bom,byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Smith, Dennis. “Strawberry Canal.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 3 (1980): 252.
ID = [9190]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-02  Collections:  byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Stagner, Ishmael. “Mormonism: A Faith for All Cultures.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 3 (1980): 311.
ID = [9195]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-02  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 2440  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Allen, James B. “The Historians Corner [Introduction] 20:4.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 401.
ID = [10053]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 1392  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:55
Bachman, Danel W. “Sealed in a Book: Preliminary Observations on the Newly Found ‘Anthon Transcript’” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 321.
ID = [9175]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  bom,byu-studies  Size: 46167  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:48


Cook, Lyndon W. “‘I Have Sinned against Heaven, and Am Unworthy of Your Confidence, but I Cannot Live without a Reconciliation’: Thomas B. Marsh Returns to the Church.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 389.
ID = [9181]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 888  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:48
Flake, Chad J. “Mormon Bibliography 1979.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 417.
ID = [9184]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Gillum, Gary P. “Index, Volume 20.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 441.
ID = [9188]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Howe, Allie. “Times of Refreshing: 1820.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 350.
ID = [9178]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:48
Kenney, Scott G. “Reflections on Mormonism: Judaeo-Christian Parallels.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 433.
ID = [9186]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 1270  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Lund, Christopher C. “A Letter Regarding the Acquisition of the Book of Abraham.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 402.
ID = [9182]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  abraham,byu-studies  Size: 671  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:48
Nelson, Jack A. “Two novels by Blaine and Brenton Yorgason.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 438.
ID = [9187]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 683  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Saderup, Dian. “One of the Martin Company.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 348.
ID = [9177]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:48
Stratton, Clifford J. “The Xanthines: Coffee, Cola, Cocoa, and Tea.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 371.
ID = [9180]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 751  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:48
Tate, Charles D., Jr. “A Certain Testimony: A Mormon Epic.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 431.
ID = [9185]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 1036  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Whittaker, David J. “Early Mormon Imprints in South Africa.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 404.
ID = [9183]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 1127  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Youngreen, Buddy. “And Yet Another Copy of the Anthon Manuscript.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 346.
ID = [9176]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  bom,byu-studies  Size: 1376  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:48
Youngreen, Buddy. “Sons of the Martyrs’ Nauvoo Reunion—1860.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 4 (1980): 351.
ID = [9179]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-03  Collections:  byu-studies  Size: 1602  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:48
Hart, John L. “Book of Mormon Is Converter.” Church News 50 (5 January 1980): 7.
Display Abstract  

A student minister read the Book of Mormon to denounce it, but after reading it he took the lessons from missionaries and was baptized. Another man read it when he had nothing else to do and is now a full-time missionary. Even with the missionaries and discussions, the Book of Mormon is still the greatest converter.

ID = [79185]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1980-01-05  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:17
Knight, Hal. “Book of Mormon Is Woven into the Basic Threads of Restored Gospel.” Church News 50 (5 January 1980): 6.
Display Abstract  

The Book of Mormon’s publishing history from the first edition in English in 1830 to the present day is outlined including the dates of the different language translations of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [79191]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1980-01-05  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:17
Haight, David B. “Constancy Amid Change.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, January 6, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Change; Podcast: By Study and By Faith
ID = [68587]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-01-06  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:22
Richards, A. LeGrand. “Be A Light Unto The World.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, January 8, 1980.
ID = [73232]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-01-08  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:47
Hafen, Bruce C. “Be Serious About Serious Things.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, January 15, 1980.
ID = [73233]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-01-15  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:47
Hafen, Marie K. “Be Serious About Serious Things.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, January 15, 1980.
ID = [73234]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-01-15  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:47
Pinegar, Rex D. “‘Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother’” Devotional, Brigham Young University, January 15, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Family
ID = [68588]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-01-15  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:22
Larsen, Dean L. “Principle of Faith.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, January 22, 1980.
ID = [73235]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-01-22  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:47
Jacobsen, Florence S. “Our Heritage.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, January 29, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Heritage
ID = [68589]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-01-29  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
Thornock, A. LaVar. “When We Will Listen.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, January 29, 1980.
ID = [73236]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-01-29  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:47
Ensign. “The Way It Looks Today: Some LDS Settlements in the West.” Ensign February 1980.
ID = [44826]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 18627  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Ensign. “Your Home in Needlepoint.” Ensign February 1980.
ID = [44836]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4159  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Midget Trampoline.” Ensign February 1980.
ID = [44838]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1467  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Taking the Word to the World.” Ensign February 1980.
ID = [44842]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4972  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Comment.” Ensign February 1980.
ID = [44843]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3993  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Colorado Ward Honors the Living.” Ensign February 1980.
ID = [44844]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 5107  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Mirthright.” Ensign February 1980.
ID = [44845]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2193  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “‘60 Minutes’ Charges Refuted.” Ensign February 1980.
ID = [44848]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4697  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “LDS Scene.” Ensign February 1980.
ID = [44849]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3488  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Anderson, Lavina Fielding. “Called to Settle, Called to Build.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44821]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3136  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Anderson, Lavina Fielding. “Parowan: Forging a Dream.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44822]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 12648  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Anderson, Lavina Fielding. “Snowflake: Obedient Individualists.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44823]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 8851  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Anderson, Lavina Fielding. “Cowley: Drama at Prayer Rock.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44824]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 12065  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Arrington, Leonard J. “Colonizing the Great Basin.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44820]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 19217  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Baker, Terry R. “When Marriages Have Problems.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44814]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 11922  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Bateman, Anya C. “‘Such Goot, Goot Boys!’” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44819]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3250  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Bateman, Anya C. “‘It’s Not Like You’” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44829]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 652  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Bennion, Sherilyn Cox. “Keeping a Meeting Journal.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44831]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 952  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Brigham, Janet. “Nigeria and Ghana: A Miracle Precedes the Messengers.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44846]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 11971  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Cahill, Jerry P. “Area Conferences in a ‘New Land Apart’” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44847]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 9143  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Ensign, February 1980. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1980.
ID = [24937]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size:   Children: 36  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:15


Clark, Carol L. “Nephi Helps Me.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44830]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 1046  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Cleveland, Diane E. “What can I as a home or visiting teacher do for the single person assigned to me?” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44839]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3836  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Combs, Ned B. “‘But He’s Deaf!’” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44835]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3823  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Friedbaum, Jeremy Lewis. “There Are Those Times.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44816]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 225  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Halbert, Harriet S. “I Wanted a Believing Husband.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44832]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 7841  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Jensen, Richard L. “The John Taylor Family.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44827]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 28623  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Kelly, Burton C. “The Case Against Anger.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44815]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 19486  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Kimball, Stanley B. “A Forgotten Trail and Mormon Settlements.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44825]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 7334  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Lines, Boyce H. “A Few Secrets of Firebuilding.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44818]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3181  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Millar, Janette. “My Students Were Prisoners.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44834]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3489  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Patch, Robert G., and Marcus Von Wellnitz. “Does the ‘Pronouncing Vocabulary’ in the Book of Mormon represent the way the Nephites and Lamanites actually pronounced their names? Was the ‘Pronouncing Vocabulary’ part of the original Book of Mormon?” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44841]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 3851  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Petersen, Melvin J. “I believe that this is truly Christ’s church, but why does he need an organization to save his children?” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44840]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4126  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Tanner, N. Eldon. “Never Be Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44813]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 12961  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Thomas, Dian. “(Plastic) Bag of Tricks.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44837]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1265  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Whitehead, Celestia Oborn. “The Secret of Staying Serene.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44833]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 5610  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Zmolek, Susan Spencer. “The Widow’s New Dress.” Ensign, February 1980.
ID = [44828]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1384  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Epstein, Jeremiah F. “Pre-Columbian Old World Coins in America.” Current Anthropology 21 (February 1980): 1-12, 17-20.
Display Abstract  

Evaluates forty reports of Greco-Roman and Hebrew coins found on the American Continent, and then concludes that no single report of a classical-period coin in America can be used as evidence of pre- Columbian transatlantic contact.

ID = [79985]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:23
Friend. “From Lehi to Moroni.” Friend 10 (February 1980): 20-21.
Display Abstract  

An illustrated children’s story of the Book of Mormon; includes one picture per book.

ID = [79468]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-02-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:19
Packer, Boyd K. “Ordinances.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, February 3, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ordinances
ID = [68590]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-02-03  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
Dunn, Paul H. “Press Forward.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, February 12, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Endurance; Progression
ID = [68591]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-02-12  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
Swapp, Wylie W. “Mirror Of Faith.” David O. Mckay Lecture, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, February 11, 1980.
ID = [71085]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-02-12  Collections:  byuh-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:54:59
Parry, Leo. “Book of Mormon Has At Least 24 Writers.” Church News 50 (16 February 1980): 14.
Display Abstract  

Two BYU professors used a technique called word print on the Book of Mormon. It was found that the book has at least 24 authors and that none of them could be Joseph Smith, Soloman Spaulding, or any of their associates.

ID = [79177]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1980-02-16  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:17
Groberg, John H. “True Happiness Comes From Within.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, February 19, 1980.
ID = [73237]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-02-19  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:48
Benson, Ezra Taft. “Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, February 26, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Prophets
ID = [68592]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-02-26  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
Schaerrer, Neil D. “Repent And Prepare To Serve.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, February 26, 1980.
ID = [73238]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-02-26  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:48
Ensign. “Relief Society Today, A Conversation with Barbara B. Smith, General President of the Relief Society.” Ensign March 1980.
ID = [44855]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 17778  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Winners of the 1980 Writing Contests.” Ensign March 1980.
ID = [44874]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3170  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Church Consolidates Meeting Schedules.” Ensign March 1980.
ID = [44881]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 28557  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Church Policies and Announcements.” Ensign March 1980.
ID = [44882]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3327  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Church Court Action Clarified.” Ensign March 1980.
ID = [44883]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4886  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “LDS Scene.” Ensign March 1980.
ID = [44884]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1936  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “The Church and the Proposed Equal Rights Amendment: A Moral Issue.” Ensign March 1980.
ID = [44885]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1446  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Summary Questions and Answers.” Ensign March 1980.
ID = [44886]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 6390  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Frequently Asked Questions about the Proposed Equal Rights Amendment: A Closer Look.” Ensign March 1980.
ID = [44887]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 39945  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “The Latter-day Saint Perspective.” Ensign March 1980.
ID = [44888]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 14358  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ashment, Edward H. “The Book of Mormon- A Literal Translation?” Sunstone 5, no. 2 (March 1980): 10-14.
Display Abstract  

Examines the method of the translation of the Book of Mormon and provides second-hand statements made after the book’s publication describing the method by which Joseph Smith accomplished the translation. Concludes that the translation was conceptual, not literal word for word.

ID = [77230]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:04
Ashworth, Kathryn R. “At My Daughter’s Baptism.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44876]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 967  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Bastian, Larry. “How do you handle the life-style conflicts between the gospel and your art?” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44865]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4499  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Bateman, Anya C. “Self-control—Self-respect—Self-control.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44859]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1005  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Bennett, Evalyn D. “Those Were the Good Old Goals.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44867]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3004  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Brigham, Janet. “Nauvoo Today: Building Again the City Beautiful.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44868]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 14193  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Buchmiller, Golden A. “Copyrights Halt Illegal Publication of the Book of Mormon.” Church News 50 (1 March 1980): 10.
Display Abstract  

Celebrates the 150th anniversary of the first printing of the Book of Mormon. Also tells how Joseph Smith stopped a local newspaper from printing parts of the Book of Mormon by using his copyrights that he had secured.

ID = [79333]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:18
Chaston, Joel D. “The Call.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44879]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 7623  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Ensign, March 1980. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1980.
ID = [24938]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size:   Children: 39  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:15


Evans, Kathy. “Pale Woman, Lean Woman.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44877]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 425  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Faust, James E. “Married or Single: Look beyond Yourself.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44862]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 13891  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Hansen, Jennie L. “Handle with Prayer.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44863]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4600  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Hess, Janice Buroker. “Here.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44878]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1818  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Jensen, Richard L., and Gordon Irving. “The Voyage of the Amazon:A Close View of One Immigrant Company.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44854]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 14287  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Jolley, JoAnn. “What I Learned about Compassion.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44857]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 11526  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Kimball, Spencer W. “Give the Lord Your Loyalty.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44850]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 6761  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Kinard, J. Spencer. “Time Is a Fluid Condition.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44873]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 959  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ludlow, Daniel H. “To Know and to Really Know.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44871]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2096  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Lye, William. “From Burundi to Zaire: Taking the Gospel to Africa.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44853]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 20139  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Matthews, Robert J. “Why do the Book of Mormon selections from Isaiah sometimes parallel the King James Version and not the older—and thus presumably more accurate—Dead Sea Scrolls text?” Ensign, March 1980, 40.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha [including intertestamental books and the Dead Sea Scrolls]
Old Testament Topics > Bible: LDS Interpretation
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
Old Testament Topics > Book of Mormon and the Old Testament
Old Testament Topics > Problems in the Old Testament
ID = [44864]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  bom,ensign,old-test  Size: 3358  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
McBee, Susan. “A Mote in His Eye.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44860]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1042  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Miner, Caroline Eyring. “March Winds.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44858]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 614  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Moss, J. Joel. “Rewards of Productivity.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44872]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1500  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Neilson, Sara Brown. “The Miracle Mile.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44875]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 10689  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Nielsen, Florence Bringhurst. “What to Do When the Water Runs Out.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44870]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 13270  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Parker, Joanne, and Madelyn Larsen. “What Builds Temples.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44880]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 640  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Pulsipher, Kathleen. “Treasuring Up Scriptures in My Mind.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44856]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 6672  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Rector, Hartman, Jr. “‘Let Everybody Win!’” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44852]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 6191  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Sellers, Keith L. “We have been counseled not to ‘multiply words’ in our prayers. What exactly does that mean?” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44866]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3553  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Sowby, Laurie Williams. “Sister Robinson’s Legacy.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44861]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 931  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Thayne, Emma Lou Warner. “A Word from the Whys: Listening to My Teenager.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44869]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 9619  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Whetten, John D. “Every Family Needs a Great Home Teacher.” Ensign, March 1980.
ID = [44851]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 7333  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Howard, Richard P. “Martin Harris’ March 1830 Commitment to Book of Mormon Publication.” Saints’ Herald 127 (1 March 1980): 28.
Display Abstract  

Recounts the circumstances leading to Martin Harris’s willingness to finance the publication of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [79738]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:21
Walker, Ronald W. “Task of Translation.” Church News 50 (1 March 1980): 16.
Display Abstract  

The story of the translation of the Book of Mormon into Japanese.

ID = [80225]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:14
Peterson, H. Burke. “Prayer: Try Again.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, March 2, 1980.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

I would like to visit with those of you who have become discouraged in your personal prayers, the ones you say when no one else is listening. I’d like to talk to those of you who have stopped praying or who do not pray as frequently or as fervently as you once did.

Keywords: Prayer
ID = [68593]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-03-02  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
Nelson, William W. “Get Spirit of God In Your Life.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, March 4, 1980.
ID = [73239]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-03-04  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:48
Brady, Rodney H. “Principles That Enhance Success And Happiness.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, March 11, 1980.
ID = [73240]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-03-11  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:48
Burtenshaw, Francis. “Are You Achieving Your Potential.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, March 18, 1980.
ID = [73241]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-03-18  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:48
Holland, Jeffrey R. “For Times of Trouble.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, March 18, 1980.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Troubles we all have, but the “germ” of discouragement, to use Fitzgerald’s word, is not in the trouble, it is in us.

Keywords: Adversity; Change; Discouragement; Endurance; Failure; Fear; Hope; Life; Preparation; Repentance; Trials; Weaknesses; Collection: Overcoming Adversity; Podcast: Classic Speeches; Podcast: Overcoming Adversity; Inspiring Short: Somebody to Stand by You
ID = [68594]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-03-18  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
Hanks, Marion D. “An Attitude: The Weightier Matters.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, March 25, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Teaching
ID = [68595]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-03-25  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
Thomas, Robert K. “Turn Difficulties Into Opportunities.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, March 25, 1980.
ID = [73242]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-03-25  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:48
Faust, James E. “Patriarchal Blessings.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, March 30, 1980.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Our testimonies can be strengthened and fortified and our lives given greater purpose every time we read and reread our patriarchal blessings.

Keywords: Blessings; Patriarchal Blessings
ID = [68596]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-03-30  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
Ensign. “What the Lord Has Said to Us about Our Dispensation.” Ensign April 1980.
ID = [44889]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 12105  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “What Joseph Smith Has Said about Our Dispensation.” Ensign April 1980.
ID = [44890]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 12179  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “A Statistical Profile: What Numbers Tell Us about Ourselves.” Ensign April 1980.
ID = [44893]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4484  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “The Church of 1980: A Photo Essay.” Ensign April 1980.
ID = [44896]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 12672  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy Reorganized.” Ensign April 1980.
ID = [44915]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4349  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Church Members Look to New Meeting Schedule.” Ensign April 1980.
ID = [44916]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 7668  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “The Nursery—a Time to Learn.” Ensign April 1980.
ID = [44917]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1184  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “But When Can the Choir Practice?” Ensign April 1980.
ID = [44918]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 826  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “BYU Women’s Conference Draws Thousands.” Ensign April 1980.
ID = [44919]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 10584  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Young Women, Relief Society Schedule Annual General Meetings.” Ensign April 1980.
ID = [44920]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1954  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “LDS Scene.” Ensign April 1980.
ID = [44921]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1163  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Allen, Penny. “Talkety Girl.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44910]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 587  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Anderson, Lavina Fielding. “The Church’s Cross-Cultural Encounters.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44897]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 19684  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Asay, Carlos E. “Salt of the Earth: Savor of Men and Saviors of Men.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14444]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10338  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Ashton, Marvin J. “The Prophet and the Prison.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14436]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13774  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Ballard, M. Russell. “You Can Be the Voice.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14448]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7412  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Bangerter, W. Grant. “Teaching by the Spirit.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14451]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9022  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Bangerter, W. Grant. “The Best of All Good News: The Gospel Is Restored.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44902]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 20606  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Barthel, Mildred V. “Learning, Teaching.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44912]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 824  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Bateman, Anya C. “‘I’m Going to Be Happy’” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44911]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 667  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Bell, Elouise M. “‘This Do in Remembrance of Me’” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44891]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 794  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Benson, Ezra Taft. “A Marvelous Work and a Wonder.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14432]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9709  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Brinley, Geri. “A Time and a Season.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44914]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 826  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Brown, Victor L., Jr. “Welfare Services: Past, Present, and Future.” Delivered at the General Welfare Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14504]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10002  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Busche, F. Enzio. “Do We All Believe in the Same God?” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14427]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9153  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Ensign, April 1980. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1980.
ID = [24939]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size:   Children: 33  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:15


Elwell, Sharon. “What My Daughters Taught Me.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44909]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 8852  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Hatch, Lorin, and Lina Hatch. “Putting First Things First—Together.” Ensign, April 1980.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [44905]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 5519  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Hinckley, Gordon B. “150-Year Drama: A Personal View of Our History.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44892]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 21603  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Holland, Jeffrey R. “Belonging: A View of Membership.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44895]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 22838  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Jorgensen, Grace. “Every Member a Convert.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44908]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 10254  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Kvarfordt, Paula Connell. “Sleepytime Is Songtime.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44906]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 368  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Laycock, Brent. “How can we obtain good art for our homes without spending a fortune for it?” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44904]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3378  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Mackenna, Irma de. “Water from My Well.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44901]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3890  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Malm, Anna-Greta. “His Hands on My Head.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44900]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2860  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
McConkie, Bruce R. “This Final Glorious Gospel Dispensation.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44894]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign,mcconkie  Size: 23141  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Miner, Caroline Eyring. “Her Children Felt Secure.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44913]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 759  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Snelson, Ray J. “Through the Veil.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44898]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 5702  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Takahashi, Jeannie. “Peace.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44899]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3262  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Webb, Marie Call. “Round and Round They Grow.” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44907]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2159  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Zmolek, Susan Spencer. “What should I teach my children about bearing their testimonies?” Ensign, April 1980.
ID = [44903]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3423  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Conference Report: 150th Annual Conference April 1980. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1980, 148 pages.
ID = [23698]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 458849  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:11
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 150th Annual Conference April 1980. General Conference, April 1980.
ID = [12776]  Status = Type = general-conference,compendium  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size:   Children: 37  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:13


Dunn, Paul H. “Time-Out!” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14439]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9291  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Edling, Wilford G. “Church Finance Committee Report.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14412]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 75  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Faust, James E. “Communion with the Holy Spirit.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14406]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14670  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “Proclamation.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
Display Abstract  

Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks in behalf of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, to read this proclamation to the world.

ID = [14463]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8262  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Groberg, John H. “Writing Your Personal and Family History.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14454]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9172  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Haight, David B. “‘He Is Not Here. He Is Risen’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14403]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11632  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Hanks, Marion D. “Willing to Receive.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14430]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9243  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Hillam, Harold G. “An Example of What Welfare Services Can Do.” Delivered at the General Welfare Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14499]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7828  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Hinckley, Gordon B. “‘What Hath God Wrought through His Servant Joseph!’” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14469]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7403  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Hunter, Howard W. “God Will Have a Tried People.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14424]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10863  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Kimball, Spencer W. “‘No Unhallowed Hand Can Stop the Work’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14397]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8287  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Kimball, Spencer W. “Introduction to the Proclamation.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14460]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 2978  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Kimball, Spencer W. “Remarks and Dedication of the Fayette, New York, Buildings.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14465]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6677  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Kimball, Spencer W. “‘Let Us Not Weary in Well Doing’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14493]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 3865  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Kimball, Spencer W. “A Deep Commitment to the Principles of Welfare Service.” Delivered at the General Welfare Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14510]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1710  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Larsen, Dean L. “Self-Accountability and Human Progress.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14487]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7977  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
McConkie, Bruce R. “The Coming Tests and Trials and Glory.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14481]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference,mcconkie  Size: 11408  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Monson, Thomas S. “Preparing the Way.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14400]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1302  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Packer, Boyd K. “A Tribute to the Rank and File of the Church.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14472]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13644  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Perry, L. Tom. “Nauvoo—A Demonstration of Faith.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14484]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11843  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Petersen, Mark E. “Where Do We Stand?” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14478]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8082  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Pinnock, Hugh W. “The Gospel Restored.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14490]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8192  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Poelman, Ronald E. “Priesthood Councils: Key to Meeting Temporal and Spiritual Needs.” Delivered at the General Welfare Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14508]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10028  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Richards, A. LeGrand. “The Scriptures Speak.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Scripture Study
ID = [14421]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10910  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Romney, Marion G. “Seek the Spirit.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14457]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 3676  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Romney, Marion G. “The Book of Mormon.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14474]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 5568  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Romney, Marion G. “Church Welfare—Temporal Service in a Spiritual Setting.” Delivered at the General Welfare Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14496]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10024  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Tanner, N. Eldon. “Celestial Marriages and Eternal Families.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14409]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 16526  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Thomas, Shirley W. “Welfare Principles in Relief Society.” Delivered at the General Welfare Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14502]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7610  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Tuttle, A. Theodore. “Eternal Links that Bind.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14442]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7418  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Friend. “How We Got the Book of Mormon.” Friend 10 (April 1980): 30-32.
Display Abstract  

An illustrated children’s story of Joseph Smith receiving the golden plates.

ID = [79551]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:20
Nibley, Hugh W. “Before Adam.” in Old Testament and Related Studies, The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley 1. 49–85.
Display Abstract  

Reprinted in Old Testament and Related Studies, Collected Works of Hugh Nibley vol. 1.
A controversial examination of evolution and the Latter-day Saint view on creation and the various roles of Adam.

See also: “Before Adam” (1986)
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Old Testament Topics > Adam and Eve [see also Fall]
Old Testament Topics > Creation
Old Testament Topics > Science and Religion
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Science > Evolution, Origin of Humankind
ID = [1202]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  nibley,old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:35
Robbins, James H. “A Testimony: Scriptures of the Future.” Zarahemla Record 8 (Spring 1980): 7-8.
Display Abstract  

Lists Book of Mormon passages that tell of scriptural writings that would come forth in a future day. Also includes a Three Nephite story.

ID = [78939]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:16
Simmons, Verneil W. “Why I Wrote Peoples, Places, and Prophecies.” Zarahemla Record 8 (Spring 1980): 4-6.
Display Abstract  

Describes the experiences that led her to write: she believed in two Hill Cumorahs and believed the “narrow neck” to be the “Isthmus of Tehuantepec in southern Mexico”

ID = [80824]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Smith, Barbara B. “Love & Service Bind Us Togther.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, April 1, 1980.
ID = [73243]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:48
Treat, Raymond C. “Becan: A Dramatic Validation of a Book of Mormon Warfare Pattern.” Zarahemla Record 8 (Spring 1980): 1-3.
Display Abstract  

Contains a map, restoration drawing, cross section and artist’s reconstruction of the walls of Becan. This city, located in Guatemala, is perhaps one of the cities fortified by general Moroni as it has trenches dug outside the walls that correspond to the information found in the book of Alma.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [79091]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:17
Church News. “Facsimile of First Edition of Book of Mormon Is Published.” Church News 50 (5 April 1980): 9.
Display Abstract  

A replication of the first edition of the Book of Mormon was presented on March 26, 1980 to the First Presidency, exactly 150 years after it was first produced. The reproduction is as close to the original as is possible with today’s equipment.

ID = [79440]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1980-04-05  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:19
Dunn, Loren C. “Unity in the Faith.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, April 8, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Unity
ID = [68597]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-08  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
McMullin, Keith B. “Share the Gospel With Love.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, April 8, 1980.
ID = [73244]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-08  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:48
Oaks, Dallin H. “Discipline Your Strengths.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, April 15, 1980.
ID = [73245]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-15  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:48
Maxwell, Neal A. “In This Time of Complexity and Challenge.” Commencement, Brigham Young University, April 21, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Life
ID = [68598]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-21  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
Ensign. “Report of the 150th Annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Ensign May 1980.
ID = [44922]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3255  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Proclamation.” Ensign May 1980.
ID = [44945]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 8199  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “General Conference Music.” Ensign May 1980.
ID = [44964]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3762  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Church Launches Worldwide Temple-Building Emphasis with Announcement of Seven New Temples.” Ensign May 1980.
ID = [44966]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 6027  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Dedication at Fayette: A Day of Sunshine and Blessings.” Ensign May 1980.
ID = [44967]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 5790  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “For Joseph’s Great-Granddaughter, a Happy Day.” Ensign May 1980.
ID = [44968]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2727  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “New Primary Presidency Sustained.” Ensign May 1980.
ID = [44969]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3188  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “The World Conference on Records—a Part of the Sesquicentennial.” Ensign May 1980.
ID = [44970]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2269  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “President Kimball—Going Strong at Eighty-Five.” Ensign May 1980.
ID = [44971]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2799  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Sesquicentennial Grand Ball.” Ensign May 1980.
ID = [44972]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 286  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Rumor about Second-Coming Statement Refuted.” Ensign May 1980.
ID = [44973]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1406  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “LDS Scene.” Ensign May 1980.
ID = [44974]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3620  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Asay, Carlos E. “Salt of the Earth: Savor of Men and Saviors of Men.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44939]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 10224  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ashment, Edward H. “The Book of Mormon and the Anthon Transcript: An Interim Report.” Sunstone 5 (May-June 1980): 29-31.
Display Abstract  

Points out that the reformed Egyptian language in which the Book of Mormon was written was not new but was following a tradition. The Egyptian language of the brass plates was changed according to the manner of speech prevalent in the days of Nephi. Contains a comparison between the Anthon transcript and Micmac Indian script.

ID = [80324]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:20
Ashment, Edward H. “The Book of Mormon and the Anthon Transcript: An Interim Report.” Sunstone 5, no. 3 (May 1980): 29-31.
ID = [77231]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:04
Ashton, Marvin J. “The Prophet and the Prison.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44936]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 13681  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ballard, M. Russell. “You Can Be the Voice.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44940]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 7346  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Bangerter, W. Grant. “Teaching by the Spirit.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44941]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 8962  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Benson, Ezra Taft. “A Marvelous Work and a Wonder.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44935]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 12894  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Benson, Ezra Taft. “Remarks.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44962]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 5245  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Brown, Victor L., Jr. “Welfare Services: Past, Present, and Future.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44959]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 9903  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Busche, F. Enzio. “Do We All Believe in the Same God?” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44933]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 9098  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Ensign, May 1980. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1980.
ID = [24940]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size:   Children: 53  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:15


Dunn, Paul H. “Time-Out!” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44937]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 9183  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Edling, Wilford G. “Church Finance Committee Report.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44928]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2912  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Faust, James E. “Communion with the Holy Spirit.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44926]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 14514  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Gibbons, Francis M. “Statistical Report 1979.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44929]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2855  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Groberg, John H. “Writing Your Personal and Family History.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44942]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 9082  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Haight, David B. “‘He Is Not Here. He Is Risen’” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44925]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 11494  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Hanks, Marion D. “Willing to Receive.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44934]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 11966  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Hillam, Harold G. “An Example of What Welfare Services Can Do.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44957]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 7783  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Hinckley, Gordon B. “‘What Hath God Wrought through His Servant Joseph!’” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44947]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 7319  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Hunter, Howard W. “God Will Have a Tried People.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44932]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 10900  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Kimball, Spencer W. “‘No Unhallowed Hand Can Stop the Work’” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44923]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 8227  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Kimball, Spencer W. “Introduction to the Proclamation.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44944]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2963  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Kimball, Spencer W. “Remarks and Dedication of the Fayette, New York, Buildings.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44946]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 6632  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Kimball, Spencer W. “‘Let Us Not Weary in Well Doing’” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44955]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3841  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Kimball, Spencer W. “A Deep Commitment to the Principles of Welfare Service.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44961]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1695  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Larsen, Dean L. “Self-Accountability and Human Progress.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44953]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 7913  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
McConkie, Bruce R. “The Coming Tests and Trials and Glory.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44951]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign,mcconkie  Size: 11604  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
McCutcheon, Robert H. “Presentation of the Commemorative Postal Card.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44963]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4456  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Monson, Thomas S. “Preparing the Way.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44924]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 11429  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Packer, Boyd K. “A Tribute to the Rank and File of the Church.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44948]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 13380  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Perry, L. Tom. “Nauvoo?A Demonstration of Faith.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44952]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 11771  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Petersen, Mark E. “Where Do We Stand?” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44950]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 11782  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Pinnock, Hugh W. “The Gospel Restored.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44954]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 8126  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Poelman, Ronald E. “Priesthood Councils: Key to Meeting Temporal and Spiritual Needs.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44960]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 9908  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Richards, A. LeGrand. “The Scriptures Speak.” Ensign, May 1980, 22–24.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Scripture Study
ID = [44931]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign,old-test  Size: 10832  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Romney, Marion G. “Seek the Spirit.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44943]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3652  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Romney, Marion G. “The Book of Mormon.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44949]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 12557  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Romney, Marion G. “Church Welfare—Temporal Service in a Spiritual Setting.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44956]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 9909  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Tanner, N. Eldon. “Celestial Marriages and Eternal Families.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44927]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 16343  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Tanner, N. Eldon. “The Sustaining of Church Officers.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44930]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4946  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Thomas, Shirley W. “Welfare Principles in Relief Society.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44958]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 7565  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Todd, Jay M. “Report of the Regional Representatives’ Seminar.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44965]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 14947  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Tuttle, A. Theodore. “Eternal Links that Bind.” Ensign, May 1980.
ID = [44938]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 7361  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
O’Neill, Michael. “Quetzalcoatl, the Resting Lord: Probing the Mystery of the Ancient Chac Mool.” California Intermountain News (1 May 1980): 3-4.
Display Abstract  

Relates Quetzalcoatl to the Yucatan statue of Choc Mool.

ID = [80039]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:04
Thomas, Mark D. “Scholarship and the Future of the Book of Mormon.” Sunstone 5 (May/June 1980): 24-29.
Display Abstract  

The Book of Mormon has features common to any literary work. It has historical background, literary forms, symbols, and grammar. Mormon scholars should use textual criticism, historical criticism, and literary criticism to interpret the Book of Mormon as scholars of other literary works have used. This method is invaluable to expose the message.

ID = [80143]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:10
Thomas, Mark D. “Scholarship and the Future of the Book of Mormon.” Sunstone 5, no. 3 (May 1980): 24-29.
ID = [77250]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:04
Unattributed. “Joseph Smith Versus the Book of Mormon.” Utah Christian Tract Society 12 (May-June 1980): 2.
Display Abstract  

Claims that Joseph Smith’s teachings regarding the Godhead contradict the teachings of the Book of Mormon of one god.

ID = [79647]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  bom,smith-joseph-jr  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:20
Walters, Wesley P. “Whatever Happened to the Book of Mormon?” Eternity 31 (May 1980): 32-34.
Display Abstract  

An evangelical approach to the Book of Mormon criticizing the work for various alleged anachronisms found in it.

ID = [80796]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Didier, Charles A. “The Art of Living.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, May 4, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mortality
ID = [68599]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-05-04  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
Larsen, Dean L. “Some Thoughts on Goal Setting, Objectives, and Measurements.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, May 13, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Goals
ID = [68600]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-05-13  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
Sessions, James E. “Drink of Living Waters.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, May 13, 1980.
ID = [73246]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-05-13  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:48
Galbraith, B. John. “Hold True to the Covenants.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, May 20, 1980.
ID = [73247]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-05-20  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:48
Lamprecht, Helen. “Black, White and Gray.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, May 27, 1980.
ID = [73248]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-05-27  Collections:  byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:07:48
Rasmussen, Ellis T. “The Seven Voices of Prophecy.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, May 27, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Prophets
ID = [68601]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-05-27  Collections:  byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:03:23
Ensign. “Loneliness: A Medical Problem?” Ensign June 1980.
ID = [44978]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-06-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 3673  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Fathers—Present and Absent.” Ensign June 1980.
ID = [44979]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-06-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 996  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Questions about Coping Financially: Welfare Services Suggests Some Answers.” Ensign June 1980.
ID = [44980]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-06-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 16491  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Ensign. “Mirthright.” Ensign June 1980.
ID = [44985]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-06-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2443  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:57
Ensign. “Varied ‘Menu’ of Goals for Church Members.” Ensign June 1980.
ID = [45001]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-06-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 5776  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:57
Ensign. “Idaho Stake Boosts Cultural Arts.” Ensign June 1980.
ID = [45002]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-06-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 2608  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:57
Ensign. “Comment.” Ensign June 1980.
ID = [45003]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-06-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4914  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:57
Ensign. “Variety Marks World Conference on Records.” Ensign June 1980.
ID = [45004]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-06-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 4644  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:57
Ensign. “Stakes Total: 1,125 By End of March.” Ensign June 1980.
ID = [45006]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-06-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1726  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:57
Ensign. “Dedications Set for Tokyo, Seattle Temples.” Ensign June 1980.
ID = [45007]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-06-01  Collections:  ensign  Size: 1169  Children: 0 &