Chronological Bibliography
1970 — 1979
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140th Annual Conference April 1970
This article shares histories produced by Native Americans during the colonial period of America contain accounts similar to those in the Book of Mormon. The Works of Ixtlilxochitl appears to be a Lamanite history. Four other books that may correspond with the Book of Mormon are The Annals of the Cakchiquels, Title of the Lords of Totonicapan, the Popul Vuh, and Anales de los Xahil.
140th Semi-Annual Conference October 1970
This article reaffirms that the purpose of the Book of Mormon is to bear witness of Jesus Christ.
This article discusses various native traditions of the Western Hemisphere and Pacific region that refer to a “Great White God.” Several sources are cited and their common points are discussed and compared to 3 Nephi 11. Jesus Christ was the Great White God referred to in all instances.
141st Annual Conference April 1971
Joseph Fielding Smith - There is no need for anyone to remain in darkness; the light of the everlasting gospel is here; and every sincere investigator on earth can gain a personal witness from the Holy Spirit of the truth and divine nature of the Lord’s work.
Spencer W. Kimball - History repeats itself, and we need only return to the past to learn the solutions for the present and the future.
Marvin J. Ashton - It is imperative that there be love, understanding, and acceptance in the home so our youth can learn that only steadfast pursuit of God’s ways will bring a rich, happy life.
Ezra Taft Benson - As eternal beings, we each have in us a spark of divinity.
Marion G. Romney - Satan was in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve before the fall. Not only so, but he continued to tempt them and their children after they had been driven from the Garden.
ElRay L. Christiansen - When Solomon declared: “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city” (Prov. 16:32), he knew that individual spiritual development cannot be realized without self-discipline.
S. Dilworth Young - Conversion brings strength, determination to defend the work of the Lord on earth and to expand it. This conversion comes when one receives the baptism of fire, the witness of the Holy Ghost.
Milton R Hunter - The greatest of all laws in this gospel plan pertains to marriage for life and eternity. Thus it pertains to the family eternal. The sweetest joys and greatest blessings that can be gained in mortality and in the life to come are attained through family life lived in accordance with the gospel plan.
Old Testament Topics > Ten Commandments
Sterling W. Sill - I am presently in possession of the world’s most valuable information. I know that God lives, that we were created in his image, and that by obeying the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the offspring of God may eventually hope to become like their eternal parents.
Franklin D. Richards - Regardless of the difficulties existing in the world today, we as a people must recognize that we have been blessed abundantly with the resources of this world; yet we know that whatever we have is the Lord’s and that he has blessed us with these things to see how we will use them.
Mark E. Petersen - God has revealed that in the last days he would warn the people through the voice of tempests, earthquakes, and seas heaving themselves beyond their bounds. Do we hear his voice now and recognize it?
Joseph Fielding Smith - We are ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our commission is to represent him. We are directed to preach his gospel, to perform the ordinances of salvation, to bless mankind, to heal the sick and perhaps perform miracles, to do what he would do if he were personally present—and all this because we hold the holy priesthood.
Howard W. Hunter - If we are to teach one another, if we are to seek wisdom and learning by study and by faith, we must organize and prepare every needful thing.
David B. Haight - We as members of this church know the meaning of life. It has been revealed in its truthfulness and purity and is available to all who seek, will listen, and believe. The mission and responsibility of this church and its members have been made abundantly clear—to proclaim the Lord’s teachings unto the entire world.
Victor L. Brown - Acknowledging the fact that this mortal body is the tabernacle of the spirit and that the spirit was fathered by our Father in heaven, it behooves us to show respect for our bodies.
Wendell J. Ashton - You will know wisdom when you fully realize that the lasting lessons in leadership do not change. They are eternal. They helped make Noah and Abraham and Moses giants in the land, giants in character, in leadership, in bringing men and women closer to God.
N. Eldon Tanner - Let us as leaders, and all of us, always remember and never forget that everyone is looking for happiness. Everyone wants to be happy. It is our great privilege and responsibility to show him the way to happiness and success.
Harold B. Lee - In your own circle, in your own home, in your own lives, you must do all you can of your own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness.
N. Eldon Tanner - The choice to serve God, worthily made, does not necessarily preclude a home or sufficient money or income, or the things of this world which bring joy and happiness, but it does require that we must not turn away from God and the teachings of Jesus Christ while in the pursuit of our temporal needs.
John H. Vandenberg - Since God has been so good to us, he has asked us to be good to our brethren who may not be so fortunate as we.
A. Theodore Tuttle - The personal appearance of both the Father and the Son, clarified once and for all the fact of their existence. The fact that they lived. The fact that they are separate, distinct beings. And the fact that they love us.
Gordon B. Hinckley - I know of no single practice that will have a more salutary effect upon your lives than the practice of kneeling together as you begin and close each day. Somehow the little storms that seem to afflict every marriage are dissipated when, kneeling before the Lord, you thank him for one another, in the presence of one another, and then together invoke his blessings upon your lives, your home, your loved ones, and your dreams.
Old Testament Topics > Adam and Eve [see also Fall]
141st Semi-Annual Conference October 1971
Joseph Fielding Smith - Our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the great Exemplar. Our mission is to pattern our lives after him and do the things he wants us to do.
Boyd K. Packer - It is not unusual to find people who take an interest in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but give only casual attention to the ideal that the fullness of the gospel is here.
Henry D. Taylor - As we travel through life upon this earth, there come times when we must stand up and be counted. These are times of testing. Are we on the Lord’s side, keeping his commandments?
Eldred G. Smith - Free agency requires that there must be a choice. There must be an opposing force. There is no growth, no movement, no accomplishment or progress without overcoming an opposing force.
Loren C. Dunn - I am impressed by the fact that the plan of redemption and salvation for all mankind was worked out between a father and his son, even God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ.
Franklin D. Richards - Although it is not customary for one to seek out the difficult or unpleasant experiences, it is true that the trials and tribulations of life that stand in the way of man’s growth and development become stepping-stones by which he climbs to greater heights, providing, of course, that he does not permit them to discourage him.
Ezra Taft Benson - We love the youth of the Church and we know the Lord loves them. There isn’t anything the Church wouldn’t do that’s right to help our young people—to save them. They are our future. We have faith in them. We want them to be happy.
Richard L. Evans - We all make choices every day. We all have to live with the results of the choices we make.
Old Testament Topics > Ten Commandments
ElRay L. Christiansen - This is a time of sifting, a time when, more than ever in the history of the modern world, the adversary and his followers have shown themselves to be enemies of God. Yet as we heard our prophet say, we need not fear the fiery darts of the adversary, because each of us has the power to avoid becoming entangled in sin more definitely than ever before.
Bernard P. Brockbank - The God-given Ten Commandments are still a basic part of God’s way of life and a basic part of the gospel of the kingdom.
Old Testament Topics > Ten Commandments
Hartman Rector, Jr. - All too often when we hear the word sacrifice we think of burnt offerings or one man laying down his life for another as the Master did for us all. These are valid examples, but surely there are some very modern sacrifices that the Lord has instituted to bless his children today.
S. Dilworth Young - There are many lonely people, people whose loneliness is hidden. We need to seek them out and relieve them. There are those who feel they are not accepted, who need to be built up in spirit and helped to find themselves.
Milton R. Hunter - Our Eternal Father and his Only Begotten Son both have intense, comprehensive, and full love for us. They have much greater intelligence and understanding than we have, and so their feelings of love go far beyond our capabilities to love.
Howard W. Hunter - May the spirit of Elijah burn deep into our hearts and turn us toward the temples.
Old Testament Topics > Elijah
Harold B. Lee - Have your family prayers, keep your home ties strong, and let love abound therein.
Mark E. Petersen - The Lord makes it clear that all have need of repentance, and that if we truly repent and accept his yoke of love and forgiveness and of obedience, he will receive us.
Marion G. Romney - The restored gospel of Jesus Christ is the sure light shining in the darkness of our troubled world.
Theodore M. Burton - It has been said that what is needed most today is not the voice of man, but the voice of God. Which generation of men and women have ever needed more the voice of a prophet of God to guide them than we do today?
LeGrand Richards - The kind of foundation upon which we build our lives is just as important for our eternal happiness as is the kind of a foundation upon which they built that holy temple that it might stand through the millennium.
James A. Cullimore - Through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ our sins can be washed clear.
Victor L. Brown - Men dressed in prison uniforms offered humble, sincere prayers to God, expressing gratitude for their blessings and for the knowledge they now have of his gospel. Several stood at the pulpit and testified that they know God lives, and expressed gratitude for his goodness to them.
A. Theodore Tuttle - Have we sought “so much” for material things while missing, even ignoring, the things of God? The beauty of nature at this or any other season goes unseen and unappreciated.
Sterlling W. Sill - Because of our birthright, our intelligence, our covenants, and our assignments, we are all special witnesses for God and have some very important things that we should do.
Old Testament Topics > Ten Commandments
Delbert L. Stapley - It is my earnest prayer that all of us will be firm, steadfast, and immovable in keeping the commandments of our Lord.
Joseph Fielding Smith - It is by the power and authority of the priesthood that the gospel is preached, and what greater blessing can come into the life of anyone than to receive the gospel?
Marvin J. Ashton - The field is white, ready for harvest. The lost want to know how to get back. They want to be shown they can get there from where they are. Let us not give up. Let us not tire. Let us not weary.
Robert L. Simpson - A recurring theme during the life of the Savior as he taught the people was that each man is his brother’s keeper.
Marion D. Hanks - What can we do? How can we help this great young generation meet the challenges of their time? - October 1971 General Conference.
James O. Mason - What will these health missionaries do? A guiding principle, in the tradition of the Word of Wisdom, will place emphasis on health education and disease prevention. These health missionaries will work with priesthood leaders.
Dallin H. Oaks - Live so that you can be guided and taught by the Spirit in all your activities. - October 1971 General Conference. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/1971/10/strive-for-excellence?lang=eng15861 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUaIbVRoW4M
N. Eldon Tanner - Your study and your devotion and experience have prepared you for real service in the work of the Lord.
Harold B. Lee - “The Church has need of every member that all may be edified together.”
N. Eldon Tanner - We are all like Adam in that when we partake of “forbidden fruits” or do the things we are commanded not to do, we are ashamed, and we draw away from the Church and from God and hide ourselves, and if we continue in sin, the Spirit of God withdraws from us. There is no happiness in disobedience or sin.
John H. Vandenberg - Faith in God is a prerequisite to the influence of the Holy Spirit. To have a belief in God is the foundation of a full and happy life.
Paul H. Dunn - We all have problems. The world is sick with problems. And yet in these sacred words, in the standard works, are the solutions to the problems we face. Let us encourage the world to know the word of God.
Alvin R. Dyer - There is weakness in the thought that one can indulge heavily in both evil and good things at the same time.
Spencer W. Kimball - Heaven is a place, but also a condition; it is home and family. It is understanding and kindness. It is interdependence and selfless activity. It is quiet, sane living; personal sacrifice, genuine hospitality, wholesome concern for others.
Gordon B. Hinckley - What marvelous things happen when men walk with faith in obedience to that which is required of them!
Joseph Anderson - The thing that is needed more than anything else today is a return to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in the gospel plan that he gave.
Bruce R. McConkie - As the spirit children of the Eternal Father, we have been placed on earth to be tried and tested, to see if we will keep his commandments and do those things which will qualify us to return to his presence and be like him. He has planted in our hearts an instinctive desire to worship, to seek salvation, to love and serve a power or being greater than ourselves. Worship is implicit in existence itself.
Thomas S. Monson - May we succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees, thereby inheriting that eternal life promised by the Redeemer.
Hugh B. Brown - One of the compensations for going away from home is coming home again, where we receive such a warm welcome.
Joseph Fielding Smith - It is my prayer that we may ever be one, even as Jesus said that he and the Father and the Holy Ghost are one.
142nd Annual Conference April 1972
142nd Semi-Annual Conference October 1972
Old Testament Topics > Joseph and Asenath
143rd Annual Conference April 1973
143rd Semi-Annual Conference October 1973
144th Annual Conference April 1974
Old Testament Topics > Elijah
144th Semi-Annual Conference October 1974
145th Annual Conference April 1975
145th Semi-Annual Conference October 1975
146th Annual Conference April 1976
Old Testament Topics > Prophets and Prophecy
Old Testament Topics > Restoration and Joseph Smith
146th Semi-Annual Conference October 1976
147th Annual Conference April 1977
Old Testament Topics > Ten Commandments
The following sermon was given by Elder McConkie on 27 February 1977 in Lima, Peru. President Spencer W. Kimball was desirous that it be printed for the membership of the Church.
147th Semi-Annual Conference October 1977
148th Annual Conference April 1978
Old Testament Scriptures > Daniel
Old Testament Topics > Priesthood
148th Semi-Annual Conference October 1978
Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
Old Testament Topics > Ten Commandments
Old Testament Topics > Women in the Old Testament
149th Annual Conference April 1979
149th Semi-Annual Conference October 1979
Old Testament Topics > Ten Commandments