Chronological Bibliography
1960 — 1969
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130th Annual Conference April 1960
This article encourages Church members to read the Book of Mormon because the book will fill the reader’s mind with “the waters of life,” remind him/her of spiritual truths, bring great blessings into the home, cause children and parents to respect once another, and arm the reader against the faulty teachings of the world.
This article states that faithful men and women all over the world bear witness of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon. The message can be spread throughout the world through Church members. Two stories, one of a Methodist minister and another of a young Baptist, reveal the value of this concept
130th Semi-Annual Conference October 1960
131st Annual Conference April 1961
This article argues that various Indian traditions and practices suggest that Jesus Christ visited the American continent, as the Book of Mormon indicates. The author points out archaeological and historical similarities between Jesus and Itzamna, the god of the Mayas, and Quetzalcoatl, the “Fair God” of the Aztecs.
This article states that acceptance of the Book of Mormon requires acceptance of modern revelation and Joseph Smith as a prophet of God. The Church received its name from Jesus Christ, as he said in 3 Nephi 27 and D&C 115:3-4.
131st Semi-Annual Conference October 1961
The author writes concerning the value of reading the Book of Mormon. He adds his testimony to those of the Three Witnesses, Joseph Smith, and the book itself.
132nd Annual Conference April 1962
Elder Hunter discusses the relevance to Church members of Solomon’s plea to the Lord for an understanding heart and the critical need for that understanding in the world today, especially in our families.
This article claims that the Book of Mormon testifies of the great mission of America, and that America is a beacon of liberty to all the world. It is the Lord’s base of operations. The author states that Church members must protect it from its greatest threat—moral decay from within—and we “must return to a love and respect for the basic spiritual concepts upon which this nation has been established.
132nd Semi-Annual Conference October 1962
This article is a plea to the members of the Church to study the Book of Mormon. Critics of the Book of Mormon visit the homes of members pointing out the changes in the Book of Mormon and discrepancies with the Bible.
This article testifies that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer to all the world’s problems. We can “look to God and live” (Alma 37:47). Alma knew the consequences of running counter to that advice. There are three requisites for looking to God: a true knowledge of God, a knowledge of his commandments, and obedience to the commandments.
133rd Annual Conference April 1963
This article states that the contents of the Book of Mormon are multifaceted. It contains elements pertaining to drama, archaeology, exploration, travel, anthropology, astronomy, geology, psychology, political science, scientists, military strategy, and many other subjects. The major value of the book is its religious influence upon individuals.
The Lamanites are promised that the covenants made to their fathers will be fulfilled, that a remnant would receive the Book of Mormon, and would associate with other members of the house of Israel in the building of their inheritance in the land of America.
133rd Semi-Annual Conference October 1963
This article states that the Book of Mormon is not a substitute but a supplement for the Bible, and a sacred record preserved by prophets of ancient America.
This article recalls Book of Mormon prophecies that foretold the discovery and establishment of the promised land of America. There are blessings for those who keep God’s commandments and cursings for those who do not. The author claims that the constitution was divinely inspired.
134th Annual Conference April 1964
134th Semi-Annual Conference October 1964
135th Annual Conference April 1965
This article claims that the Book of Mormon and restoration of the gospel fulfill the prophecies in Isaiah 29:13-14 and Daniel 2:35. The author states that the Book of Mormon is its own best witness, and that the Lord only asks the reader to honestly and prayerfully desire to know its truthfulness.
Old Testament Topics > Ten Commandments
The author tells of his challenge to the Saints to read the Book of Mormon, and gives examples of people whose lives benefited from it. Keeping the two great commandments, first to love God with all your whole soul and the second to love your neighbor, begins within the walls of your own home.
135th Semi-Annual Conference October 1965
This article states that the greatest tragedy that happened to the Jews was the rejection of their King, Jesus Christ. Likewise, the people of the modern world may reject his Second Coming. Signs described in the Book of Mormon show that the Second Coming will not be unexpected.
136th Annual Conference April 1966
This article enumerates some of the lessons that can be learned from the record of Lehi’s vision of the tree of life. Prayer and humility are important to learning the truth by the power of the Holy Ghost. Temptation may come in attractive attire that blurs perception and weakens sensibility.
136th Semi-Annual Conference October 1966
This article says that there is great need throughout the world for repentance and purification through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. For the good of mankind Satan was cast down to the earth that there might be an opposition in all things and punishments affixed. Those who profit from the experiences of others and are willing to look to God and live will be spared from the calamities that will plague the earth in these last days.
This article discusses how Aaron chided Ammon for boasting, but Ammon reminded his brother that he did not boast in his own strength, but in the strength of God. Spiritual strength is needed to serve in our earthly missions, thus we must be attuned to God through repentance, faith, good works, and continual prayer.
137th Annual Conference April 1967
This article is for the general reader, testimonies of Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and ancient traditions from Alaska to Chile regarding the Great White God are discussed. There are limited references.
137th Semi-Annual Conference October 1967
This article discusses how Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith learned that one of the concepts of the Gospel is to ask, seek, and knock. The process of translation was more than just looking into the Urim and Thummim. Revelation does not come without effort.
Old Testament Topics > Adam and Eve [see also Fall]
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles
138th Annual Conference April 1968
138th Semi-Annual Conference October 1968
139th Annual Conference April 1969
This article shows that Nephi once taught of the unfortunate condition of mankind when they cease to trust in God and to rely on “the precepts of men and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost” (2 Nephi 28:26). One of the evil doctrines of our education system is sex education in our schools. The “new morality” fails to make the distinction between right and wrong. Personal agency is in jeopardy.
This article discusses that the Book of Mormon is unique because Jesus Christ initiated and supervised its production. It was written under divine guidance by prophets specifically for the last days. The gold plates were in the custody of an angel. The translation was conducted by an unlearned man and completed in approximately sixty days. The Lord proclaimed its divinity and truthfulness.
139th Semi-Annual Conference October 1969
This article discusses the idea that, “The eternal purposes of the Lord shall roll on, until all his promises shall be fulfilled” (Mormon 8:22). In making choices do not be deceived. Trust in the laws of God upon which you can rely.