Chronological Bibliography
2010 — 2019
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180th Annual Conference April 2010
Thank you, my brothers and sisters, for your faith and devotion to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The priesthood does not have the strength that it should have and will not have until the power of the priesthood is firmly fixed in the families.
We know we are successful if we live so that we qualify for, receive, and know how to follow the Spirit.
Duty does not require perfection, but it does require diligence. It is not simply what is legal; it is what is virtuous.
I testify that those who keep His commandments will grow in faith and hope. They will be given strength to overcome all of life’s trials.
In these last days it is essential—even critical—that parents and children listen to and learn from one another.
We help God’s children best by providing ways to build faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel when they are young.
I believe it is by divine design that the role of motherhood emphasizes the nurturing and teaching of the next generation.
May we follow the counsel and example of the prophet and each day seek out those in need.
Faithful obedience, regardless of the apparent size of the task, will bring the Lord’s guidance, assistance, and peace.
A spiritual early warning system … can help parents in Zion to be watchful and discerning concerning their children.
We have this priesthood power, and we should all be prepared to use it properly.
The Lord needs every able young man to prepare and recommit, starting tonight, to be worthy of a call from the prophet of God to serve a mission.
There is an urgency for you to fulfill your duty to God. I am confident that you will.
The lessons we learn from patience will cultivate our character, lift our lives, and heighten our happiness.
We are to learn our duty from the Lord, and then we are to act in all diligence, never being lazy or slothful.
Let us consider our callings, let us reflect on our responsibilities, and let us follow Jesus Christ.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, our Master, we are called to support and heal rather than condemn.
Our understanding of and faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ will provide strength and capacity needed for a successful life.
Never let an earthly circumstance disable you spiritually.
It is our sacred responsibility as parents and leaders of this rising generation of children to bring them to the Savior.
We rejoice in all the Savior has done for us. He has made it possible for each of us to gain our salvation and exaltation.
Our inborn yearnings for family connections are fulfilled when we are linked to our ancestors through sacred ordinances of the temple.
Perhaps the reason we respond so universally to our mothers’ love is because it typifies the love of our Savior.
We may never know in this life why we face what we do, but we can feel confident that we can grow from the experience.
Good judgment is needed not only in understanding people but also in facing decisions that often lead us to or away from our Heavenly Father.
As parents and leaders we need to watch over our members and families, helping them to stay away from those things that could lead them to a spiritual death.
A stronger personal faith in Jesus Christ will prepare [your children] for the challenges they will most surely face.
The lighthouse of the Lord sends forth signals readily recognized and never failing.
[The] guides from the book of Joshua will combine to provide the most powerful source of courage and strength there is: faith in our Heavenly Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ.
What does the Lord want you to do? He wants you to be a valiant and virtuous daughter of God, dedicated to living each day so that you can be worthy to receive the blessings of the temple.
There is no more beautiful sight than a young woman who glows with the light of the Spirit, who is confident and courageous because she is virtuous.
Heavenly Father offers to you the greatest gift of all—eternal life—and the opportunity and infinite blessing of your own “happily ever after.”
The central purpose of all scripture is to fill our souls with faith in God the Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ.
May the joy of our fidelity to the highest and best within us be ours as we keep our love and our marriages, our society and our souls, as pure as they were meant to be.
The empty tomb that first Easter morning was the answer to Job’s question, “If a man die, shall he live again?”
It is our imperative duty to help youth understand and believe the gospel in a deeply personal way.
180th Semi-Annual Conference October 2010
Missionary service is a priesthood duty—an obligation the Lord expects of us who have been given so very much.
My thanks to all you wonderful members of the Church … for proving every day of your life that the pure love of Christ “never faileth.”
As we hold on to our children and follow the Savior’s lead, we will all return to our heavenly home and be safe in our Heavenly Father’s arms.
What a great blessing it is to have prophets in our day!
What matters most is the attitude or spirit by which the teacher teaches.
True success in this life comes in consecrating our lives—that is, our time and choices—to God’s purposes.
If life and its rushed pace and many stresses have made it difficult for you to feel like rejoicing, then perhaps now is a good time to refocus on what matters most.
Whenever we choose to come unto Christ, take His name upon us, and follow His servants, we progress along the path to eternal life.
In our increasingly unrighteous world, it is essential that values based on religious belief be part of the public discourse.
Choose faith over doubt, choose faith over fear, choose faith over the unknown and the unseen, and choose faith over pessimism.
May we have the wisdom to trust in and follow the counsel of the living prophets and apostles.
An eternal perspective of gospel conversion and temple covenants can help us see rich blessings in each generation of our forever families.
As you choose not to be offended or ashamed, you will feel His love and approval. You will know that you are becoming more like Him.
A consistent righteous life produces an inner power and strength that can be permanently resistant to the eroding influence of sin and transgression.
Whether full-time missionaries or members, we should all be good examples of the believers in Jesus Christ.
Our Savior is the Prince of Peace, the Great Healer, the only One who can truly cleanse us from the sting of sin.
I bear witness of the reality and power of the Savior’s Atonement to cleanse, purify, and make us and our homes holy.
Pride is a switch that turns off priesthood power. Humility is a switch that turns it on.
Let us do whatever is required to qualify for the Holy Ghost as our companion.
Each of us has come to this earth with all the tools necessary to make correct choices.
You show your trust in Him when you listen with the intent to learn and repent and then you go and do whatever He asks.
Nowhere are the generosity and the kindness and mercy of God more manifest than in repentance.
The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead, and with the Father and the Son, He knows all things.
I would like to invite you to “be … an example of the believers … in faith [and] in purity.”
We must use both the personal line and the priesthood line in proper balance to achieve the growth that is the purpose of mortal life.
A grateful heart … comes through expressing gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His blessings and to those around us for all that they bring into our lives.
The priesthood you bear is a special gift, for the giver is the Lord Himself. Use it, magnify it, and live worthy of it.
These four words—“Receive the Holy Ghost
What the world really needs is courageous parenting from mothers and fathers who are not afraid to speak up and take a stand.
To find rest unto our souls includes peace of mind and heart, which is the result of learning and following the doctrine of Christ.
Stay strong and make good choices that will allow you to eat the fruit of the tree of life.
Someday each one of us will have to account to our Savior, Jesus Christ, for what we have done with His name.
There is hope for the addicted, and this hope comes through the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Endure to the end we must, for our goal is eternal life in the presence of our Father in Heaven.
Studying the history of Relief Society gives definition and expression to who we are as disciples and followers of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
If we are faithful and endure to the end, we will receive all of Heavenly Father’s blessings, even eternal life and exaltation.
The beauty of visiting teaching is seeing lives changed, tears wiped away, testimonies growing, people loved, families strengthened.
Rather than being judgmental and critical of each other, may we have the pure love of Christ for our fellow travelers in this journey through life.
181st Annual Conference April 2011
Thank you for your faith and devotion to the gospel, for the love and care you show to one another, and for the service you provide.
Let your family be filled with love as you honor the Sabbath all day long and experience its spiritual blessings throughout the week.
If we have a heart to learn and a willingness to follow the example of children, their divine attributes can hold a key to unlocking our own spiritual growth.
Followers of Christ pattern their lives after the Savior to walk in the light.
Our great personal challenge in mortality is to become “a saint through the atonement of Christ.”
Much of what we accomplish in the Church is due to the selfless service of women.
The Lord’s way to help those in temporal need requires people who out of love have consecrated themselves and what they have to God and to His work.
Every one of us can be guided by the spirit of revelation and the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Truth, covenants, and ordinances enable us to overcome fear and face the future with faith!
We understand and believe in the eternal nature of the family. This understanding and belief should inspire us to do everything in our power to establish a Christ-centered home.
The fundamentals of gaining and retaining a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ are straightforward, clear, and within the capacity of every person.
To achieve our eternal destiny, we will desire and work for the qualities required to become an eternal being.
May we show our love and appreciation for the Savior’s atoning sacrifice through our simple, compassionate acts of service.
Your mission will be a sacred opportunity to bring others to Christ and help prepare for the Second Coming of the Savior.
Our hope in the Atonement empowers us with eternal perspective.
The Lord wants every Aaronic Priesthood holder to invite all to come unto Christ—beginning with his own family.
If you will be diligent and obedient in the priesthood, treasures of spiritual knowledge will be poured out upon you.
Trials are not just to test us. They are vitally important to the process of putting on the divine nature.
The work of caring for one another and being “kind to the poor” is a sanctifying work, commanded of the Father.
When love becomes the guiding principle in our care for others, our service to them becomes the gospel in action.
The spirit of revelation is real—and can and does function in our individual lives and in the Church.
As we pay our tithing faithfully, the Lord will open the windows of heaven and pour out upon us His richest blessings.
May your efforts to develop Christlike attributes be successful so that His image may be engraven in your countenance and His attributes manifest in your behavior.
How blessed we are to have been brought into this fellowship of the Latter-day Saints!
There is no sin or transgression, pain or sorrow, which is outside of the healing power of His Atonement.
If we teach by the Spirit and you listen by the Spirit, some one of us will touch on your circumstance.
None of us can conceive the full import of what Christ did for us in Gethsemane, but I am grateful every day of my life for His atoning sacrifice.
Being true to our beliefs—even when doing so isn’t popular, easy, or fun—keeps us safely on the path that leads to eternal life with our Heavenly Father.
Benevolence can bring joy and unity to your home, your class, your ward, and your school.
Prepare now so that you may qualify to receive all the blessings that await you in the Lord’s holy temples.
Testimony requires the nurturing by the prayer of faith, the hungering for the word of God in the scriptures, and the obedience to the truth.
As you read the scriptures and listen to the words of the prophets with all your heart and mind, the Lord will tell you how to live up to your priesthood privileges.
May we be worthy recipients of the divine power of the priesthood we bear. May it bless our lives and may we use it to bless the lives of others.
Those who diligently seek to learn of Christ eventually will come to know Him.
The all-important and crowning blessings of membership in the Church are those blessings which we receive in the temples of God.
The temple sealing has greater meaning as life unfolds. It will help you draw ever closer together and find greater joy and fulfillment.
The very experience of enduring chastening can refine us and prepare us for greater spiritual privileges.
181st Semi-Annual Conference October 2011
Scriptures are like packets of light that illuminate our minds and give place to guidance and inspiration from on high.
If we diligently keep the commandments and ask in faith, answers will come in the Lord’s own way and in His time.
With you, I stand in awe as this work moves forward miraculously, marvelously, and irresistibly.
It is my prayer that we may be filled with the Spirit of the Lord as we listen to the messages today and tomorrow and learn those things the Lord would have us know.
The Savior … gave us a great example about not waiting to administer relief to those who have lost a sense of happiness and joy.
Despite the opposition, trials, and temptations, you need not fail or fear.
The Lord uses a scale very different from the world’s to weigh the worth of a soul.
I invite the young people of the Church to learn about and experience the Spirit of Elijah.
We must devote our time to the things that matter most.
If we, like President Monson, exercise our faith and look to God for help, we will not be overwhelmed with the burdens of life.
Through Christ, people can and do change their lives and obtain redemption.
Only through repentance do we gain access to the atoning grace of Jesus Christ.
If you will respond to the invitation to share your beliefs and feelings about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, a spirit of love and a spirit of courage will be your constant companion.
From every man, young and old, who bears the priesthood, I ask for a stronger and more devoted voice, … a voice for good, a voice for the gospel, a voice for God.
You and the Aaronic Priesthood office you hold are essential to Heavenly Father’s work with His children and the preparation of this earth for the Second Coming.
Through your devoted service and willing sacrifice, your mission will become holy ground to you.
The welfare principles of the Church are not simply good ideas; they are revealed truths from God—they are His way of helping the needy.
Don’t worry about how inexperienced you are or think you are, but think about what, with the Lord’s help, you can become.
May we ever be courageous and prepared to stand for what we believe.
The Book of Mormon is the best guide to learn how well we are doing and how to do better.
The purpose of our life on earth is to grow, develop, and be strengthened through our own experiences.
Together with the Bible, the Book of Mormon is an indispensable witness of the doctrines of Christ and His divinity.
How can a father raise a happy, well-adjusted daughter in today’s increasingly toxic world? The answer has been taught by the Lord’s prophets.
Let us develop the habit … of making it clear that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the name by which the Lord Himself has directed that we be known.
Communication with our Father in Heaven—including our prayers to Him and His inspiration to us—is necessary in order for us to weather the storms and trials of life.
When we realize that we are children of the covenant, we know who we are and what God expects of us.
Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten and Beloved Son of God. … He is our Savior from sin and death. This is the most important knowledge on earth.
While we are all teachers, we must fully realize that it is the Holy Ghost who is the teacher and witness of all truth.
I am thankful that missionaries are called by the Lord, that they respond to that call, and that they are serving throughout the world.
Your eternal destiny will not be the result of chance but of choice. It is never too late to begin to choose eternal life!
Prayer is one of the most precious gifts of God to man.
While we do not know all the answers, we do know important principles that allow us to face tragedies with faith and confidence.
May the spirit we have felt here be and abide with us as we go about those things which occupy us each day.
From the day the gospel began to be restored in this dispensation, the Lord has needed faithful women to participate as His disciples.
Plead for a desire to be filled with the gift of charity, the pure love of Christ.
As we have faith in Christ and cleave unto our covenants, we will receive the joy spoken of in the holy scriptures and promised by our latter-day prophets.
It is my prayer and blessing that you will never forget that you are truly precious daughters in God’s kingdom.
I testify of the great blessing of children and of the happiness they will bring us in this life and in the eternities.
182nd Annual Conference April 2012
Our Heavenly Father is mindful of each of us and our needs. May we be filled with His Spirit as we partake of the proceedings of this conference.
How much better it would be if all could be more aware of God’s providence and love and express that gratitude to Him.
Husbands and wives should understand that their first calling—from which they will never be released—is to one another and then to their children.
Teaching our children to understand is more than just imparting information. It’s helping our children get the doctrine into their hearts.
The purpose of the Church is to help us live the gospel.
Because of the heaven-designed pattern of the family, we more fully understand how our Heavenly Father truly loves each of us equally and fully.
Our lives of service and sacrifice are the most appropriate expressions of our commitment to serve the Master and our fellowmen.
Please listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit telling you right now, this very moment, that you should accept the atoning gift of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We become converted and spiritually self-reliant as we prayerfully live our covenants.
Our daily question must be, “Do my actions place me in the Lord’s or in the enemy’s territory?”
You are striving to raise your children in righteousness and truth, knowing that while you cannot change the past, you can shape the future.
God loves all His children. He wants all of them to return to Him. He desires everyone to be in tune with the sacred music of faith.
Why does the Lord want us to pray to Him and to ask? Because that is how revelation is received.
Priesthood holders young and old need both authority and power—the necessary permission and the spiritual capacity to represent God in the work of salvation.
Saving souls is the work the Savior has called all of us to do.
The priesthood needs to be exercised to accomplish any good. You are called to “arise and shine forth,” not to hide your light in darkness.
Understanding the why of the gospel and the why of the priesthood will help us to see the divine purpose of all of this.
There is nothing that has come or will come into your family as important as the sealing blessings.
Miracles are everywhere to be found when the priesthood is understood, its power is honored and used properly, and faith is exerted.
It is my hope and prayer that we will continue to bear nobly our burdens and to reach out to those among us who are suffering.
Faith, family, and relief—these three simple words have come to express the vision of prophets for sisters in the Church.
In the Church today, just as anciently, establishing the doctrine of Christ or correcting doctrinal deviations is a matter of divine revelation.
Where did we come from? Why are we here? here do we go after this life? No longer need these universal questions remain unanswered.
We can be delivered from the ways of evil and wickedness by turning to the teachings of the holy scriptures.
As you seek to live the gospel and doctrine of Christ, the Holy Ghost will guide you and your family.
If we are to prosper rather than perish, we must gain a vision of ourselves as the Savior sees us.
Wise parents prepare their children to get along without them. They provide opportunities for growth as children acquire the spiritual maturity to exercise their agency properly.
The work of naturally and normally sharing the gospel with those we care about and love will be the work and joy of our lives.
Sacred things are to be treated with more care, given greater deference, and regarded with deeper reverence.
As you love Him, trust Him, believe Him, and follow Him, you will feel His love and approval.
May you ponder the truths you have heard, and may they help you to become even better than you were when conference began.
One of the greatest ways we can arise and shine forth is to confidently obey the commandments of God.
Bless your children and your future home by learning as much as you can now.
As daughters of God, you were born to lead.
Believe that remaining strong and faithful to the truths of the gospel is of utmost importance. I testify that it is!
If we have faith in Jesus Christ, the hardest as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing.
When our hearts are filled with the love of God, we become “kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving.”
182nd Semi-Annual Conference October 2012
May we listen attentively to the messages … , that we may feel the Spirit of the Lord and gain the knowledge He would desire for us.
Some in the Church believe they can’t answer Alma’s question with a resounding yes. They do not “feel so now.”
We are followers of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Such conversion and confidence is the result of diligent and deliberate effort. It is individual. It is the process of a lifetime.
The Holy Ghost works in perfect unity with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, fulfilling many important roles and distinct responsibilities.
Because of Him, even our Savior, Jesus Christ, those feelings of sorrow, loneliness, and despair will one day be swallowed up in a fulness of joy.
All missionaries, younger and older, serve with the sole hope of making life better for other people.
The more we devote ourselves to the pursuit of holiness and happiness, the less likely we will be on a path to regrets.
There are many ways that goodly parents can access the help and support they need to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to their children.
Great things are brought about and burdens are lightened through the efforts of many hands “anxiously engaged in a good cause.”
As we come unto our Savior, Jesus Christ, and purify our hearts, we will all be instruments in fulfilling the mighty promises of the Book of Mormon.
We are to give up all our sins, big or small, for the Father’s reward of eternal life.
The high standards of temple building employed by this Church are a type and even a symbol of how we should be living our own lives.
Like the intense fire that transforms iron into steel, as we remain faithful during the fiery trial of our faith, we are spiritually refined and strengthened.
None should resist the plea that we unite to increase our concern for the welfare and future of our children—the rising generation.
As men of the priesthood, we have an essential role to play in society, at home, and in the Church.
Qualify yourselves as did the 2,000 stripling soldiers by being valiant in courage as worthy priesthood holders.
Stay on the priesthood path by deepening your conversion and strengthening your family. … Avoid tragedy by heeding spiritual “Beware” signs placed along our way by God and prophets.
Let us embrace and understand the wonder and privilege of the priesthood. Let us accept and love the responsibilities we are asked to fulfill.
With your guidance, those you lead will be able to see, want, and believe they can achieve their full potential for service in God’s kingdom.
We must develop the capacity to see men not as they are at present but as they may become.
The pavilion that seems to intercept divine aid does not cover God but occasionally covers us. God is never hidden, yet sometimes we are.
Wherever our members and missionaries may go, our message is one of faith and hope in the Savior Jesus Christ.
With practice, each of us can become more like the Savior as we serve God’s children.
One way to come unto Christ is by seeking to learn essential truths with our hearts.
We have a life of devoted discipleship to give in demonstrating our love of the Lord.
Our Heavenly Father is aware of our needs and will help us as we call upon Him for assistance.
This is the call of Christ to every Christian today: “Feed my lambs. … Feed my sheep.”
“He shall plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers, and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers.”
Conversion is the goal of all gospel learning and teaching. Conversion is not a onetime event. It is a lifelong quest to become more like the Savior.
Faith will help us to safely climb the gospel path, overcome every challenge of mortality, and return to the majestic presence of our Heavenly Father.
As we obey His commandments and serve our fellowmen, we become better disciples of Jesus Christ.
We will be blessed as we feel gratitude for the Atonement of Jesus Christ, renew our baptismal covenants, feel forgiveness, and receive inspiration from the Holy Ghost.
Knowing that the gospel is true is the essence of a testimony. Consistently being true to the gospel is the essence of conversion.
As we take the messages of the past two days into our hearts and into our lives, we will be blessed.
Making, keeping, and rejoicing in our covenants will be the evidence that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is truly written in our hearts.
We must be awake to our duty and continue with faith as we draw upon the comforting, strengthening, enabling, and healing power of the Atonement.
Our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ, know us and love us. … We can feel of Their love and compassion in our suffering.
You will be strengthened and yet inspired to know the limits and extent of your ability to serve.
183rd Annual Conference April 2013
I urge you to be attentive and receptive to the messages which we will hear. That we may do so is my prayer.
Of all that I have read and taught and learned, the one most precious and sacred truth that I have to offer is my special witness of Jesus Christ.
Let us accept the Savior’s invitation to come unto Him. Let us build our lives upon a safe and a sure foundation.
As daughters of God we are each unique and different in our circumstances and experiences. And yet our part matters—because we matter.
God has freely given His power to those who accept and honor His priesthood, which leads to the promised blessings of immortality and eternal life.
By His words and His example, Christ has shown us how to draw closer to Him.
One of the greatest blessings we can offer to the world is the power of a Christ-centered home where the gospel is taught, covenants are kept, and love abounds.
Even with the trials of life, because of the Savior’s Atonement and His grace, righteous living will be rewarded with personal peace.
The Lord’s way is that we hearken to our leaders’ teachings, understand correct principles, and govern ourselves.
The Lord loves us and wants us to understand His willingness to forgive.
The Church has moved steadily across the world from nation to nation, culture to culture, people to people, on the Lord’s calendar and in His time.
Men and women receive their agency as a gift from God, but their liberty and, in turn, their eternal happiness come from obedience to His laws.
Obedience to the law of chastity will increase our happiness in mortality and make possible our progress in eternity.
As you joyfully use the map your loving Father has provided for your journey, it will lead you to holy places and you will rise to your supernal potential.
I thank God and His Son, Jesus Christ, for the Restoration and its power to propel a magnificent wave of truth and righteousness across the earth.
Standing obedient and strong on the doctrine of our God, we stand in holy places, for His doctrine is sacred and will not change.
The priesthood in the boy is just as powerful as the priesthood in the man when exercised in righteousness.
You received the power, the authority, and the sacred duty to minister the moment you were ordained to the priesthood.
I would like to suggest four titles … that may help us recognize our individual roles in God’s eternal plan and our potential as priesthood holders.
I pray that wherever we are and whatever duties we have in the priesthood of God, we will be united in the cause to bring the gospel to all the world.
May each one of us search the scriptures with diligence, plan his life with purpose, teach the truth with testimony, and serve the Lord with love.
As we seek to increase our love for God and strive to love our neighbor, the light of the gospel will surround and uplift us.
We are witnessing the miracles of the Lord as His gospel is spreading across the world.
How we speak to our children and the words we use can encourage and uplift them and strengthen their faith.
The promises of the Lord are extended to all those who follow the pattern of life that builds happy, holy marriage relationships.
A knowledge of truth and the answers to our greatest questions come to us as we are obedient to the commandments of God.
Honestly acknowledge your questions and your concerns, but first and forever fan the flame of your faith, because all things are possible to them that believe.
Following Christ is not a casual or occasional practice but a continuous commitment and way of life that applies at all times and in all places.
At the heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ and its power to save is a correct understanding of the Father and the Son.
Lessons are learned in a home—the place that can become a piece of heaven here on earth.
Seeking and receiving the acceptance of the Lord will lead to the knowledge that we are chosen and blessed by Him.
We need not fear the future, nor falter in hope and good cheer, because God is with us.
Inasmuch as we follow Christ, we seek to participate in and further His redemptive work.
I pray that the Lord will bless and keep you, my brothers and sisters. May His promised peace be with you now and always.
Whether [your holy places] are geographic or moments in time, they are equally sacred and have incredible strengthening power.
Your virtuous lives will bless your ancestors, your families now, and family members yet to come.
Stand firm. Be steadfast. “Stand for truth and righteousness.” Stand as a witness. Be a standard to the world. Stand in holy places.
183rd Semi-Annual Conference October 2013
It is my prayer that we may be filled with the Spirit of the Lord as we listen and learn.
Oh, how we need general conference! Through conferences our faith is fortified and our testimonies deepened.
Being meek does not mean weakness, but it does mean behaving with goodness and kindness.
Priesthood ordinances and covenants provide access to the fulness of the blessings promised to us by God, which are made possible by the Savior’s Atonement.
In the sight of the Lord, it is not so much what we have done or where we have been but much more where we are willing to go.
Spiritual and temporal blessings come into our lives as we live the law of tithing.
Regardless of your circumstances, your personal history, or the strength of your testimony, there is room for you in this Church.
Peace can be settled in the heart of each who turns to the scriptures and unlocks the promises of protection and redemption.
Your intuition is to do good and to be good, and as you follow the Holy Spirit, your moral authority and influence will grow.
We each must develop and carry out our own personal game plan to serve with enthusiasm alongside the full-time missionaries.
Let us reach out to others with faith and with love.
As we repent and become converted to the Lord, we become whole, and our guilt is swept away.
Become engaged in doing what you can in sharing the great message of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Each article of faith adds unique value to our understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
How do you best respond when mental or emotional challenges confront you or those you love?
In this Church there are no strangers and no outcasts. There are only brothers and sisters.
If you are humble and obedient and hearken to the voice of the Spirit, you will find great happiness in your service as a missionary.
As long as we are willing to rise up again and continue on the path, … we can learn something from failure and become better and happier.
I pray that we may prepare ourselves to give whatever priesthood service the Lord may set before us on our mortal journey.
Home teaching answers many prayers and permits us to see the transformations which can take place in people’s lives.
There is one overarching commandment that will help us to meet the challenges and lead to the heart of a happy family life.
Are we serving priorities or gods ahead of the God we profess to worship?
True conversion occurs as you continue to act upon the doctrines you know are true and keep the commandments, day after day, month after month.
Our ability to endure to the end in righteousness will be in direct proportion to the strength of our testimony and the depth of our conversion.
Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, each of us can become clean and the burden of our rebellion will be lifted.
Our Heavenly Father … knows that we learn and grow and become stronger as we face and survive the trials through which we must pass.
Our challenge is to avoid bondage of any kind, help the Lord gather His elect, and sacrifice for the rising generation.
A man may open the drapes so the warm sunlight comes into the room, but the man does not own the sun or the light or the warmth it brings.
The Lord has provided the way for every worthy Latter-day Saint to teach in the Savior’s way.
May we continually hold fast to the iron rod that leads to the presence of our Heavenly Father.
Today is the time to look to the Source of truth and ensure that our testimonies are strong.
Our Savior wants us to really love Him to the point that we want to align our will with His.
The wise use of your freedom to make your own decisions is crucial to your spiritual growth, now and for eternity.
May we show increased kindness toward one another, and may we ever be found doing the work of the Lord.
I invite each of us to evaluate how much we love the Savior, using as a measure how joyfully we keep our covenants.
When you love, watch over, and serve others in small and simple ways, you are actively participating in the work of salvation.
As we renew and honor our covenants, our burdens can be lightened and we can continually become purified and strengthened.
You will one day stand aside and look at your difficult times, and you will realize that He was always there beside you.
184th Annual Conference April 2014
We are … united in our faith and in our desire to listen to and learn from the messages which will be presented to us.
Be strong. Live the gospel faithfully even if others around you don’t live it at all.
To sustain our leaders is a privilege; it comes coupled with a personal responsibility to share their burden and to be disciples of the Lord.
[The Redeemer’s] sacrifice blessed everyone, from Adam, the first, to the last of all human beings.
The greatest filter in the world … is the personal internal filter that comes from a deep and abiding testimony.
When you choose whether to make or keep a covenant with God, you choose whether you will leave an inheritance of hope to those who might follow your example.
Day after day, on your path toward your eternal destiny, increase your faith. Proclaim your faith! Let your faith show!
The greatest example who ever walked the earth is our Savior, Jesus Christ. … He invites us to follow His perfect example.
Using our agency to obey means choosing to “do what is right [and letting] the consequence follow.”
I pray that we will not lose sight of the way so that we may always be connected with the heavens.
I plead with you to practice asking this question, with tender regard for another’s experience: “What are you thinking?”
Hastening family history and temple work in our day is essential for the salvation and exaltation of families.
Priesthood keys direct women as well as men, and priesthood ordinances and priesthood authority pertain to women as well as men.
Don’t let the whirlwinds drag you down. These are your days—to stand strong as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
What changes are required of us to become the manner of men we ought to be?
You were chosen to participate in His work at this time because He trusts you to make the right choices.
There is too much at stake for us as individuals, as families, and as Christ’s Church to give only a halfhearted effort to this sacred work.
You can be a great model, an average one, or a bad model. You may think it doesn’t matter to you, but it does to the Lord.
Let us—all of us—have the courage to defy the consensus, the courage to stand for principle.
Have we not reason to be filled with gratitude, regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves?