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News & Events

Book of Mormon Onomasticon

Over the years, several scholars have been working on names in the Book of Mormon, or the onomasticon. The Laura F. Willes Center for Book of Mormon Studies has created a website to disseminate the information currently collected, as well as that which might be added...

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Religious Studies Center Links

We’d like to draw attention to the great resources found at the BYU Religious Studies Center website. Readers can enjoy browsing academic and devotional books on topics related to ancient scripture and modern Church history and doctrine. An extensive and...

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New Blog: Ether’s Cave

A new Book of Mormon blog has been launched by Matthew Roper and John Gee called Ether’s Cave.  We recommend it to our readers as a source of interesting Book of Mormon research by these two scholars.

Researcher Looking for Research Help

We have received a request from a researcher outside of the state of Utah who is looking for some research assistance. The person is looking “to hire someone to d some basic archival research at the University of Utah and the Church Archives. A smart student...

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