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Bennion, Adam S. “The Y in Y-o-u.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, March 29, 1955.
Display Keywords
Keywords: BYU; Youth
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ID = [68055] Status = Type = talk Date = 1955-03-29 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:30
Worthen, Kevin J. “The Y on the Mountain.” Commencement, Brigham Young University, April 25, 2019.
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If we choose to view events in our lives from the eternal perspective that emanates from an understanding of God’s eternal plan of salvation, our lives will be happier and more productive, and we will have greater strength to meet the challenges that will inevitably come our way.
Keywords: Attitude; Endurance; Perspective; Progression; Podcast: Recent Speeches; Inspiring Short: Lessons from the Y
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ID = [70155] Status = Type = talk Date = 2019-04-25 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:20:56
Dunn, Loren C. “‘Ye Also Ought to Retain in Remembrance’” Devotional, Brigham Young University, November 19, 1996.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Pioneers; Remember
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ID = [69093] Status = Type = talk Date = 1996-11-19 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:38
Simpson, Robert L. “Ye Are Chosen Of the Lord.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, September 12, 1978.
ID = [73175] Status = Type = talk Date = 1978-09-12 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:20
Beaver, R. Eric Hoolulukamakani. “Ye Are Free to Choose.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, May 25, 2010.
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ID = [71575] Status = Type = talk Date = 2010-05-26 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Klingler, Greg. “Ye are the Body of Christ.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, February 3, 2015.
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ID = [72733] Status = Type = talk Date = 2015-02-03 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:16
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Ye Are the Temple of God.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, May 6, 1958.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Temples; Testimony
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ID = [68120] Status = Type = talk Date = 1958-05-06 Collections: byu-speeches,smith-joseph-fielding Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:30
Bednar, David A. “Ye are the Temple of God.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, January 11, 2000.
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ID = [71605] Status = Type = talk Date = 2000-01-11 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Sampson, Brett. “Ye Ought to Forgive.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, October 7, 2014.
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ID = [72717] Status = Type = talk Date = 2014-10-07 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:16
Barton, Susan Dale. “Ye Too May Know: An Easter Message.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, March 24, 2005.
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ID = [71576] Status = Type = talk Date = 2005-03-25 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Huff, Roy B. “Yea, All Things Denote There is a God.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, December 6, 2011.
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ID = [72585] Status = Type = talk Date = 2011-12-06 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:15
Peek, Cecilia M. “‘Yea, They May Forget, Yet Will I Not Forget Thee’” Devotional, Brigham Young University, November 9, 2011.
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The creator actively remembers His creation. Closely linked to His remembrance of us is the loving attention associated with it. He not only remembers you; He cares deeply about where you are, what you are doing, who you are becoming, and what you are feeling.
ID = [69804] Status = Type = talk Date = 2011-11-09 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:43
Durrant, George D. “Yeah…But - Be Strong.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, April 9, 1985.
ID = [73437] Status = Type = talk Date = 1985-04-09 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:22
Samuelson, Cecil O., and Sharon G. Samuelson. “Year of the Constitution.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, September 11, 2007.
Display Abstract Display Keywords
We hope you will study seriously and with great effort both the Constitution and your other course work. More important, in all that you expect of yourselves, be sure that you do not neglect your private and personal prayers, your scripture study, or your appropriate acts of anonymous service as well as the public manifestations you make of your devotion to God and country.
Keywords: America
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ID = [69598] Status = Type = talk Date = 2007-09-11 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:41
Clark, Lisa Valentine. “‘Yes, and . . .’: The Creative Art of Living.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, July 20, 2021.
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Guided by personal revelation, the creative art of living and becoming requires our full attention and intention to “Yes, and . . .” because that is magic—where the unexpected not only happens but creates something we could have never done on our own.
ID = [70238] Status = Type = talk Date = 2021-07-20 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:20:56
Condie, Spencer J. “Yielding Our Hearts to God.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, August 22, 1995.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Humility
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ID = [69037] Status = Type = talk Date = 1995-08-22 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:37
Holland, Patricia Terry. “‘Yielding the Fruits of Peace’” Devotional, Brigham Young University, February 19, 1983.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Compassion; Love; Women’s Conference
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ID = [68695] Status = Type = talk Date = 1983-02-19 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:35
Abrea, Angel. “You and Your Free Agency.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, June 26, 1984.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Agency
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ID = [68740] Status = Type = talk Date = 1984-06-26 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:35
Dew, Sheri L. “You Are a Pivotal Generation.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, February 17, 2009.
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ID = [71577] Status = Type = talk Date = 2009-02-17 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Fyans, J. Thomas. “You Are a Proclamation.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, November 4, 1980.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Example; Spiritual Growth
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ID = [68618] Status = Type = talk Date = 1980-11-04 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:34
Valora, Carrie. “You Are a Success Story.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, November 6, 2018.
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ID = [72954] Status = Type = talk Date = 2018-11-06 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:18
Hoag, Jack. “‘You Are Here In Fulfillment of Prophecy’” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, July 5, 2006.
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ID = [71578] Status = Type = talk Date = 2006-07-05 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Lucenta, Jared Kib. “You are Never Alone.” Commencement, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, June 7, 2017.
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ID = [71579] Status = Type = talk Date = 2017-06-08 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Gerratt, D. Rex. “You Are Special.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, May 6, 2008.
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ID = [72459] Status = Type = talk Date = 2008-05-06 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:14
Kapp, Ardeth Greene. “You Are Tomorrow’s Promise.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, March 28, 1989.
ID = [73583] Status = Type = talk Date = 1989-03-28 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:23
Reeve, Rex C. “You Can Be What You Want To Be.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, January 18, 1983.
ID = [73345] Status = Type = talk Date = 1983-01-18 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:21
Smith, Wesley D. “You Can Make A Difference.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, March 12, 1996.
ID = [73885] Status = Type = talk Date = 1996-03-12 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:25
Davis, Kent. “You Can Take it With You.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, August 27, 2013.
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ID = [72661] Status = Type = talk Date = 2013-08-27 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:16
Wirkus, Erwin E. “You Decide What Happens In You.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, August 12, 1980.
ID = [73255] Status = Type = talk Date = 1980-08-12 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:20
Stucki, H. Bruce. “You Decide Your Destiny.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, March 15, 2005.
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ID = [72345] Status = Type = talk Date = 2005-03-15 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:13
Lowder, Lyle. “You Need a Good Self Image.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, June 24, 1980.
ID = [73249] Status = Type = talk Date = 1980-06-24 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:20
Henderson, Joyce. “You Raise Me Up.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, August 19, 2014.
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ID = [71580] Status = Type = talk Date = 2014-08-20 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Andersen, Dee F. “You Should Become More Than You Are.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, June 30, 2009.
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ID = [72500] Status = Type = talk Date = 2009-06-30 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:14
Dew, Sheri L. “You Were Born to Lead, You Were Born for Glory.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, December 9, 2003.
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You simply must understand this, because you were born to lead by virtue of who you are, the covenants you have made, and the fact that you are here now in the 11th hour.
ID = [69394] Status = Type = talk Date = 2003-12-09 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:40
Earnshaw, Craig. “You will Lead; Learn to Obey.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, November 24, 2009.
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ID = [71581] Status = Type = talk Date = 2009-11-25 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Carter, Brian. “You, Too, Have a Voice.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, August 2, 2022.
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ID = [72225] Status = Type = talk Date = 2022-08-02 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:12
Simpson, Robert L. “Your 1975 Game Plan.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, January 5, 1975.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Goals; Self-Improvement
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ID = [68406] Status = Type = talk Date = 1975-01-05 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:32
Packer, Boyd K. “Your Articles of Faith.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, March 21, 1962.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Articles of Faith; Strength
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ID = [68195] Status = Type = talk Date = 1962-03-21 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:31
Soelberg, Diane. “Your Best You.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, June 3, 2014.
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ID = [72700] Status = Type = talk Date = 2014-06-03 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:16
Huber, Rachel. “Your Body: A Key to Happiness.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, November 26, 2019.
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ID = [72072] Status = Type = talk Date = 2019-11-26 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:11
Fennegan, Amy. “Your BYU Story.” Commencement, Brigham Young University, April 21, 2016.
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Our BYU stories have played a major role in shaping us. We all leave this place with memories and experiences that impact our future for good and serve as a springboard for the next phase of life.
Keywords: BYU
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ID = [70012] Status = Type = talk Date = 2016-04-21 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:20:55
Walker, Isaiah. “Your BYU–Hawaii Legacy.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, January 12, 2022.
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ID = [71582] Status = Type = talk Date = 2022-01-12 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Clark, Kim B. “Your Confidence Will Wax Strong.” Graduation, Brigham Young University—Idaho, July 23, 2018.
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ID = [72026] Status = Type = talk Date = 2018-07-23 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:11
Evans, Brian K. “Your Contract with BYU.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, October 16, 2007.
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Missionaries are taught that part of their responsibility is to “invite all to come unto Christ.” Surely if all are worthy of an invitation to come unto Christ, they are worthy of an invitation to join a study group or to come to a dance. Let our campus be an inclusive community, not an exclusive fraternity.
Keywords: BYU
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ID = [69600] Status = Type = talk Date = 2007-10-16 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:41
Yamashita, Kazuhiko. “Your Divine Potential.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, March 24, 2021.
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ID = [71583] Status = Type = talk Date = 2021-03-24 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Haws, R. Kelly. “Your Double Major – An Order of Angels.” Commencement, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, December 10, 2021.
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ID = [71584] Status = Type = talk Date = 2021-12-10 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Worthen, Kevin J. “Your Duty to God and Your Fellowmen.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, December 4, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Accountability; Discipleship; Service
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ID = [70138] Status = Type = talk Date = 2018-12-04 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:20:55
Michie, Kent. “Your Empowering Education.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, May 1, 2012.
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ID = [71585] Status = Type = talk Date = 2012-05-02 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Kauwe, John S. K., III. “Your Enduring Identity.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, January 10, 2023.
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ID = [71586] Status = Type = talk Date = 2023-01-10 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Brown, Hugh B. “Your Eternal Flight.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, May 17, 1961.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Life; Revelation
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ID = [68174] Status = Type = talk Date = 1961-05-17 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:31
Tonks, Brian. “Your Eternal Identity and Destiny.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, December 6, 2016.
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ID = [72836] Status = Type = talk Date = 2016-12-06 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:17
Worthen, Kevin J. “Your Eternal Learning Process.” Commencement, Brigham Young University, August 11, 2016.
Display Abstract Display Keywords
Learning is more powerful and truths are better understood when they are shared with others in an effort to help them improve.
Keywords: Learning
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ID = [70032] Status = Type = talk Date = 2016-08-11 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:20:55
Henderson, Sidney R. “Your Family.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, March 27, 2012.
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ID = [71587] Status = Type = talk Date = 2012-03-28 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Sill, Sterling W. “Your Four Great Days.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, January 29, 1974.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mortality; Righteousness
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ID = [68373] Status = Type = talk Date = 1974-01-29 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:32
Richards, A. LeGrand. “Your Fringe Benefits.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, September 16, 1975.
Display Keywords
Keywords: BYU; Standards
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ID = [68433] Status = Type = talk Date = 1975-09-16 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:33
Samuelson, Cecil O. “Your Future.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, September 8, 2009.
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There is significant truth in the notion that much of what happens to us is unexpected and not in our control. However—and this is most vital and critical to understand—the things of greatest ultimate importance to us are largely in our control and are within the scope of our agency.
Keywords: Divine Potential; Life; Righteousness
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ID = [69696] Status = Type = talk Date = 2009-09-08 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:42
Beckham, Janette C. Hales. “Your Good Name.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, September 3, 1995.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Individual Worth; Responsibility
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ID = [69042] Status = Type = talk Date = 1995-09-03 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:37
Sill, Sterling W. “Your Hall of Fame.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, February 21, 1962.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Character
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ID = [68192] Status = Type = talk Date = 1962-02-21 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:31
Shute, R. Wayne. “Your Heritage: To Honor Covenants Like Unto the People of Ammon!” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, May 30, 2017.
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ID = [71588] Status = Type = talk Date = 2017-05-31 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Stone, David R. “Your Honor and Your Word.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, October 9, 2007.
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ID = [72435] Status = Type = talk Date = 2007-10-09 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:14
Kapp, Ardeth Greene. “Your Inheritance: Secure or in Jeopardy?” Devotional, Brigham Young University, February 1, 1987.
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Only after we are tried and tested can we be trusted with our inheritance as heirs to the kingdom of God, joint heirs of Jesus Christ.
Keywords: Righteousness; Salvation
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ID = [68826] Status = Type = talk Date = 1987-02-01 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:36
Johnson, Paul V. “Your Journey and The Lord’s Work.” Graduation, Brigham Young University—Idaho, April 8, 2021.
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ID = [72149] Status = Type = talk Date = 2021-04-08 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:12
Seamons, Terry R. “Your Learning Doesn’t End.” Commencement, Brigham Young University, April 23, 2015.
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Well, we believe in you, my dear brothers and sisters, and so does our Heavenly Father. I pray that you will follow His counsel for you throughout the eternities because He sees in you the power to become perfect and to dwell with Him eternally.
Keywords: BYU; Life
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ID = [69963] Status = Type = talk Date = 2015-04-23 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:44
Widtsoe, John A. “Your Living Testimony.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, October 15, 1950.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Testimony
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ID = [67980] Status = Type = talk Date = 1950-10-15 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:29
Hartman Rector, Jr. “Your Mission in Life.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, April 17, 1973.
ID = [73018] Status = Type = talk Date = 1973-04-17 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:19
Hendricks, Beth. “Your Most Selfish Support.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, July 29, 2014.
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ID = [72707] Status = Type = talk Date = 2014-07-29 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:16
Hollingsworth, Guy M. “Your Own Soldier’s Call to Duty.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, June 30, 2015.
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ID = [72755] Status = Type = talk Date = 2015-06-30 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:17
Shaw, Stacey A. “Your Path of Discipleship.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, July 12, 2022.
Display Abstract Display Keywords
Your path of discipleship involves embracing your imperfect story and sharing who you are in a way that meets the world’s great needs.
ID = [70284] Status = Type = talk Date = 2022-07-12 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:20:57
Kauwe, Monica. “Your Personal Integrity.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, May 3, 2022.
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ID = [71589] Status = Type = talk Date = 2022-05-04 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Haight, David B. “Your Purpose and Responsibility.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, September 4, 1977.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Example; Responsibility
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ID = [68503] Status = Type = talk Date = 1977-09-04 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:33
Romney, Marion G. “Your Quest for Truth.” Commencement, Brigham Young University, May 30, 1957.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Truth
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ID = [68102] Status = Type = talk Date = 1957-05-30 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:30
Tanner, John S. “Your Real Resume.” Commencement, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, June 7, 2017.
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ID = [71590] Status = Type = talk Date = 2017-06-08 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Callister, Douglas L. “Your Refined Heavenly Home.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, September 19, 2006.
Display Abstract Display Keywords
The nearer we get to God, the more easily our spirits are touched by refined and beautiful things. If we could part the veil and observe our heavenly home, we would be impressed with the cultivated minds and hearts of those who so happily live there.
Keywords: Music
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ID = [69552] Status = Type = talk Date = 2006-09-19 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:41
Johnson, Paul V. “Your Sacrifice is More Sacred Than Your Increase.” Graduation, Brigham Young University—Idaho, December 18, 2010.
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ID = [71927] Status = Type = talk Date = 2010-12-18 Collections: byui-speeches Size: 4382 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:10
Worthen, Peggy S. “Your Show Must Go On.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, September 10, 2019.
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Remember why you came to BYU and, more important, why you came to earth. Do your utmost. Do the best you can. And then act as if there is no alternative but to succeed.
Keywords: Goals; Success
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ID = [70172] Status = Type = talk Date = 2019-09-10 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:20:56
Pratte, P. Alfred. “Your Sons and Your Daughters Shall Prophesy.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, March 4, 2004.
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ID = [71591] Status = Type = talk Date = 2004-03-04 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Chou, Po Nien. “Your Spiritual P.H.D. — A Parent, Husband or Help Meet, and Disciple of Jesus Christ.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, October 4, 2022.
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ID = [71592] Status = Type = talk Date = 2022-10-05 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Kinghorn, R. Brent. “Your Temple Sealing; The Finest Thing You’ll Ever Do.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, April 28, 2009.
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ID = [72492] Status = Type = talk Date = 2009-04-28 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:14
Lee, Rex E. “Your Time on Earth: When Would You Have Chosen to Come?” Devotional, Brigham Young University, January 24, 1995.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church Membership; History
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ID = [69017] Status = Type = talk Date = 1995-01-24 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:37
Kauwe, John S. K., III. “Your Unique Preparation.” Commencement, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, April 17, 2021.
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ID = [71593] Status = Type = talk Date = 2021-04-17 Collections: byuh-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Bednar, David A. “Your Walk Down Parley Street.” Graduation, Brigham Young University—Idaho, April 24, 2004.
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ID = [71785] Status = Type = talk Date = 2004-04-24 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:09
Bednar, David A. “Your Whole Souls as an Offering Unto Him.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, January 5, 1999.
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ID = [71602] Status = Type = audio Date = 1999-01-05 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:07
Pace, Glenn L. “‘Your Work Is Not Yet Finished’” Devotional, Brigham Young University, January 11, 2005.
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To each of you I say that your work is not yet finished either, and I regret to inform you that you don’t know how much time you’ve got left. Pondering that reality should raise some questions in your mind as to what you should be doing with that time.
Keywords: Divine Potential
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ID = [69461] Status = Type = talk Date = 2005-01-11 Collections: byu-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:40
Crapo, Terry L. “Yours Is The Freedom To Choose.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Idaho, November 20, 1979.
ID = [73228] Status = Type = talk Date = 1979-11-20 Collections: byui-speeches Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:20
Spafford, Belle S. “Youth’s Responsibility for Purposeful and Influential Living.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, November 8, 1961.