In anticipation of the 2022 Temple on Mount Zion Conference on Saturday, November 5, 2022 (See for more information), we begin a new series of articles: Conference Talks. Each week, we will feature one talk, starting with the first Temple on Mount Zion Conference, held less than one month after the founding of The Interpreter Foundation.
Presented at: | The 2012 Temple on Mount Zion Conference Saturday, September 22, 2012 |
Article Reprint: | “The Crown of Creation.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 43 (2021): 279-290 |
Conference Proceedings: | Temple Insights at |
Creation as Model for Adam and Eve as Co-Creators. The creation stories in the scriptures contain many links with temple theology and ritual. Within these links we explore how these narratives describe God as creator, and the essential elements of how he creates. In particular we explore how God created Adam and Eve and gave them the responsibility of both caring for his creation as well as becoming, primarily through procreation, co-creators with God by following the model that he gave them as creator.
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It would be wonderful to be able to read these talks.
Why are these talks available only by audio and video?
I comprehend better when I read and mark it up.
I have added information to this post linking to the published versions of this talk. Thanks for the suggestion.