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Conference Talks:
Science and Genesis: A Personal View
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw

Given their status as targets of humor and caricature, the well-worn stories of Adam, Eve, and Noah are difficult for many people to take seriously. However, we do an injustice both to these marvelous records and to ourselves when we fail to pursue an appreciation of scripture beyond the initial level of cartoon cut-outs inculcated upon the minds of young children. In this chapter, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw shares five personal lessons learned from the Book of Moses and Genesis 1-11:

  1. God’s plan is more vast, comprehensive, and wonderful than we might imagine;
  2. Scripture is a product of a particular point of view;
  3. It is profitable to read these chapters “literally,” though not in the way people usually think about the word;
  4. There is a deep relationship between Genesis 1-11 and the liturgy and layout of temples;
  5. There is more in these chapters than meets the eye.

In the words of the world-renowned Latter-day Saint chemist, Henry Eyring, “There are all kinds of contradictions [in religion] I don’t understand, but I find the same kinds of contradictions in science, and I haven’t decided to apostatize from science. In the long run, the truth is its own most powerful advocate.”

Presented at: 2013 Interpreter Symposium on Science & Mormonism: Cosmos, Earth & Man
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Article Reprint: Science and Genesis: A Personal View, The Interpreter Foundation, December 2, 2019
Conference Proceedings: Cosmos, Earth, and Man at


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