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FairMormon RiseUp Podcast

RiseUp! is a new podcast, produced by FairMormon, that is designed to provide faithful answers to difficult or critical questions that young adults may have about Mormon (LDS) teachings or culture. Aimed at the seminary student or institute age individual, RiseUp...

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“This is a Woman’s Church”

Sharon Eubank, director of Humanitarian Services and LDS Charities, spoke on the topic “This is a Women’s church” at the FairMormon Conference on August 8, 2014. She received the rare honor of a standing ovation. There have been multiple requests to...

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A Clarification from Clayton Christensen

It is difficult for a journalist to put together a story. They often start from a position of limited knowledge and try to quickly gather information and piece it together. Combine that with the people being interviewed are not always precise with their comments. They...

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Call for Papers: Religion and the Book

A call for papers has been issued for “Studies in Book Culture,” an Open Access peer-reviewed journal that has been published semiannually at the University of Sherbrooke since 2009.  The call is for Volume 6, Number 2, Spring 2015, “Religion and the...

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