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Flake, Chad J., and Larry W. Draper. “N.” In A Mormon Bibliography, 1830-1930. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004.
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ID = [36091] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2004-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:42
Maness, Ruth Ellen, Shauna C. Anderson Young, and Susan Easton Black. “N.” In Legacy of Sacrifice: Missionaries to Scandinavia, 1872–94. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
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ID = [35774] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2007-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 123862 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:40
Clayton, Roberta Flake, Catherine H. Ellis, and David F. Boone. “N.” In Pioneer Women of Arizona. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017.
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ID = [34511] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2017-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:26
Livingstone, John P. “N. Eldon Tanner and Church Administration.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency RSC Topics > Q — S > Service
ID = [35173] Status = Type = book article Date = 2011-01-01 Collections: church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history Size: 34525 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:36
Brown, S. Kent. “The Nag Hammadi Library.” In Apocryphal Writings and the Latter-day Saints, ed. C. Wilfred Griggs, 255–283. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1986.
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ID = [37015] Status = Type = book article Date = 1986-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 69945 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:48
Brandt, Edward J. “The Name Jesus Christ Revealed to the Nephites.” In The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., 201–6. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1989.
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ID = [36875] Status = Type = book article Date = 1989-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books Size: 10016 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:47
Strathearn, Gaye, and Angela Cothran. “Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz: Borders, Relationships, Law, and Ḥesed.” In Covenant of Compassion, eds. Avram R. Shannon, Gaye Strathearn, George A. Pierce, and Joshua M. Sears. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2021.
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ID = [33892] Status = Type = book article Date = 2021-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:22
Flake, Lawrence R. “Nathan Eldon Tanner.” In Prophets and Apostles of the Last Dispensation. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2001.
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Topics: RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
ID = [36432] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2001-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 8139 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:44
Woods, Fred E. “Nathaniel H. Felt : An Essex County Man.” In Regional Studies in Latter-day Saint Church History: The New England States, eds. Donald Q. Cannon and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004.
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ID = [36151] Status = Type = book article Date = 2004-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:43
Menning, Nancy. “National Forest Management: LDS Views in Eastern Arizona.” In Stewardship and the Creation: LDS Perspectives on the Environment, ed. George B. Handley, Terry B. Ball, and Steven L. Peck, 97–108. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2006.
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ID = [35892] Status = Type = book article Date = 2006-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 43991 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:41
Millet, Robert L. “The Natural Man.” In A Book of Mormon Treasury: Gospel Insights from General Authorities and Religious Educators,, 203–22. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2003.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ RSC Topics > D — F > Fall of Adam and Eve RSC Topics > L — P > Plan of Salvation
ID = [36165] Status = Type = book article Date = 2003-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 43423 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:43
Millet, Robert L. “The Natural Man: An Enemy to God.” In The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only Through Christ eds. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., 139–159. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1991.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Death RSC Topics > D — F > Devil RSC Topics > D — F > Doctrine RSC Topics > D — F > Fall of Adam and Eve RSC Topics > Q — S > Sin
ID = [36836] Status = Type = book article Date = 1991-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books Size: 43012 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:46
Godfrey, Matthew C. “The ‘Nature’ of Revelation: The Influence of the Natural Environment on Joseph Smith’s Revelatory Experiences.” In Joseph Smith and His First Vision, eds. Alexander L. Baugh, Steven C. Harper, Brent M. Rogers, and Benjamin Pykles. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2021.
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ID = [33923] Status = Type = book article Date = 2021-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:22
Minert, Roger P. “Naumburg Branch, Leipzig District.” In In Harm’s Way. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
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ID = [35507] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2009-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 3616 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:38
Sperry, Kip.Nauvoo and Hancock County, Illinois: A Guide to Family History and Historical Sources. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2014.
Display Abstract
Winner of the Harvey B. Black and Susan Easton Black Outstanding Publication Award (Gospel Scholarship in Church History and Doctrine), this comprehensive family history reference book describes hundreds of genealogical and historical resources for Nauvoo, Hancock County, and west-central Illinois. It includes descriptions of original records, primary and secondary sources, computer databases, finding aids, guides, websites, indexes, manuscript collections, newspapers, oral histories, historical and genealogical periodicals, library collections, and much more. It also includes an extensive bibliography of genealogical, local history, and historical resources. This research guide will benefit archivists, genealogists, family historians, historians, reference librarians, and others who study Illinois genealogy and local history and Latter-day Saint history. ISBN 978-0-8425-2857-3
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ID = [33247] Status = Type = book Date = 2014-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:20
MacKay, Michael Hubbard, and William G. Hartley. “The Nauvoo Exodus and the ‘Mountain Expedition,’ 1845-46.” In The Rise of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Michael Hubbard MacKay and William G. Hartley. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Family RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrifice
ID = [37175] Status = Type = book article Date = 2019-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 97866 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:49
Colvin, Don F. “Nauvoo Restoration Drawings and Photographs.” In Nauvoo Temple: A Story of Faith. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2002.
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ID = [36339] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2002-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 2303 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:44
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel. “The Nauvoo Temple, 1841.” In Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1820–1844 RSC Topics > L — P > Prayer RSC Topics > L — P > Priesthood RSC Topics > T — Z > Temples
ID = [35397] Status = Type = book article Date = 2010-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 25697 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:37
Colvin, Don F.Nauvoo Temple: A Story of Faith. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2002.
Display Abstract
The story of the Nauvoo Temple is one fraught with adversity, struggle, persecution, and heartbreak. Latter-day Saints freely sacrificed their time, their money, their talents–and some even gave their lives–to build a holy place of covenant and worship—only to be forced to abandon their sacred temple, leaving it to be desecrated and destroyed by unbelievers. Yet, it is also a story of faith, triumph, and unwavering dedication to the holy work of the Lord. The construction of the Nauvoo Temple proved to be a spiritual blessing to the people who built it, and it continues to be an inspiration to millions of Church members today. This volume combines newspaper accounts, historic writings, private journals, letters, photos, and original architectural drawing and other illustrations. ISBN 1-5915-6014-4
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ID = [33346] Status = Type = book Date = 2002-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 16 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:21
Boyd, Hal R., and Susan Easton Black. “Nauvoo the Beautiful.” In Psalms of Nauvoo, ed. Hal Robert Boyd and Susan Easton Black, 53–186. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2015.
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Topics: RSC Topics > L — P > Peace
ID = [37284] Status = Type = book article Date = 2015-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 179882 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:49
MacKay, Michael Hubbard, and William G. Hartley. “Nauvoo, 1839-45.” In The Rise of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Michael Hubbard MacKay and William G. Hartley. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Family
ID = [37174] Status = Type = book article Date = 2019-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 85934 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:49
Colvin, Don F. “Nauvoo: A Place Where We Can Build A Temple.” In Nauvoo Temple: A Story of Faith, 3–14. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2002.
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ID = [36331] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2002-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 16059 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:44
Neilson, Reid L., and Riley M. Moffat. “The Navigator, or Samoan, Islands, September 1895–October 1895.” In Tales from the World Tour, eds. Reid L. Neilson and Riley M. Moffat. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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ID = [37863] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 70499 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:53
Flake, Lawrence R. “Neal Ash Maxwell.” In Prophets and Apostles of the Last Dispensation. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2001.
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ID = [36589] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2001-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 6900 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:45
Top, Brent L. “The Near-Death Experience.” In Life Beyond the Grave, eds. Alonzo L. Gaskill and Robert L. Millet. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Doctrine RSC Topics > Q — S > Spirit World
ID = [34112] Status = Type = book article Date = 2019-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 37889 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:23
Bennett, Richard E., and Jeffery L. Jensen. “‘Nearer, My God, to Thee’: The Sinking of the Titanic.” In Regional Studies in Latter-day Saint Church History: The British Isles, eds. Robert C. Freeman and Richard Neitzel Holzapfel. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
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ID = [35741] Status = Type = book article Date = 2007-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 40520 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:40
Nyman, Monte S. “The Necessity of the Book of Mormon in Teaching the New Testament.” In The Eleventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The New Testament, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1984.
ID = [82395] Status = Type = book article Date = 1984-01-01 Collections: bom,new-test,rsc-sperry Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:59
Hoskisson, Paul Y. “The Need for Historicity: Why Banishing God from History Removes Historical Obligation.” In Historicity and the Latter-day Saint Scriptures, ed. Paul Y. Hoskisson, 99–122. Provo, UT: BYU Religious Studies Center, 2001.
Display Abstract
Key historical events in the scriptures require historicity to give substance to our faith. Since the Enlightenment, however, some scholars have proclaimed that the scriptures lack historicity. In the face of these doubts, some have argued that historicity is not necessary for belief. Latter-day Saints should be wary of the misleading arguments of critics and of simplistic solutions to those arguments.
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Topics: RSC Topics > G — K > God the Father
ID = [36387] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2001-01-01 Collections: moses,rsc-books Size: 54248 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:44
Stratford, Edward. “The Neo-Assyrian Empire.” In A Bible Reader’s History of the Ancient World, ed. Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2016.
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ID = [34600] Status = Type = book article Date = 2016-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:26
Stratford, Edward. “The Neo-Babylonian Empire.” In A Bible Reader’s History of the Ancient World, ed. Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2016.
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ID = [34605] Status = Type = book article Date = 2016-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:26
Farley, S. Brent. “Nephi, Isaiah, and the Latter-day Restoration.” In The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., 227–39. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1989.
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Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah RSC Topics > Q — S > Restoration of the Gospel
ID = [36877] Status = Type = book article Date = 1989-01-01 Collections: bom,old-test,rsc-bom,rsc-books Size: 24626 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:47
Frederick, Nicholas J. “Nephite Jeremiad or Lamanite Encomium? Helaman 13–15 and Lamanite Exceptionalism.” In Samuel the Lamanite, ed. Charles Swift. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2021.
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Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [33914] Status = Type = book article Date = 2021-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:22
Christenson, Allen J. “Nephite Trade Networks and the Dangers of a Class Society.” In The Book of Mormon: Helaman Through 3 Nephi 8, According To Thy Word, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., 223–240. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992.
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ID = [36809] Status = Type = book article Date = 1992-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books Size: 33906 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:46
Peterson, H. Donl. “The Nephites and the Law of Moses.” In The Ninth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Book of Mormon. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1982.
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ID = [67024] Status = Type = book article Date = 1982-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-books,rsc-sperry Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:23
Garrett, H. Dean. “Nephi’s Farewell.” In The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., 377–90. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1989.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Charity RSC Topics > G — K > Holy Ghost
ID = [36886] Status = Type = book article Date = 1989-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books Size: 26737 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:47
Bassett, K. Douglas. “Nephi’s Freedom Thesis and the Sons of Helaman.” In The Book of Mormon: Alma, the Testimony of the Word, eds. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992.
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Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman RSC Topics > L — P > Obedience
ID = [36794] Status = Type = book article Date = 1992-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books Size: 25146 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:46
Wilcox, S. Michael. “Nephi’s Message to the Gentiles.” In The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., 259–67. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1989.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Apostasy RSC Topics > A — C > Book of Mormon RSC Topics > D — F > Faith RSC Topics > T — Z > Testimony
ID = [36880] Status = Type = book article Date = 1989-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books Size: 32713 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:47
Wilcox, S. Michael. “Nephi’s Message to the ‘Gentiles’” In A Book of Mormon Treasury: Gospel Insights from General Authorities and Religious Educators, 128-143. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2003.
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Keywords: Gentile; Gospel; Holy Ghost; Jesus Christ; Nephi (Son of Lehi); Prophecy; Stumbling Block; Testimony
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Topics: RSC Topics > G — K > Gospel of Jesus Christ RSC Topics > G — K > Holy Ghost RSC Topics > T — Z > Testimony
ID = [36161] Status = Type = book article Date = 2003-01-01 Collections: bmc-archive,bom,rsc-books Size: 32626 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:43
Reynolds, Noel B. “Nephi’s Outline.” In Book of Mormon Authorship: New Light on Ancient Origins, ed. Noel B. Reynolds, 53–74. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1982.
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ID = [37102] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 1982-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-books Size: 35963 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:48
Skinner, Andrew C. “Nephi’s Ultimate Encounter with Deity.” In The Book of Mormon: Helaman Through 3 Nephi 8, According To Thy Word, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., 115–128. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Eternal Life
ID = [36802] Status = Type = book article Date = 1992-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books Size: 24411 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:46
Driggs, Lori. “Nephi’s Vision and the Loss and Restoration of Plain and Precious Truths.” In The Things Which My Father Saw, eds. Daniel L. Belnap, Gaye Strathearn, and Stanley A. Johnson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Bible
ID = [35262] Status = Type = book article Date = 2011-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-books,rsc-sperry Size: 56565 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:36
Ram, Rosalind Meno, and Sanoma Irons Goodwill. “Netting the Stories of Pioneers from Micronesia.” In Pioneers in the Pacific, ed. Grant Underwood. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Baptism
ID = [35995] Status = Type = book article Date = 2005-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 36571 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:41
Minert, Roger P. “Neubrandenburg Branch, Rostock District.” In In Harm’s Way. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
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ID = [35511] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2009-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 40219 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:38
Riddle, Chauncey C. “The New and Everlasting Covenant.” Doctrines for Exaltation: The 1989 Sperry Symposium on the Doctrine and Covenants, edited by Susan Easton Black. Randall Book, 1989.
ID = [82473] Status = Type = book article Date = 1989-01-01 Collections: d-c,rsc-sperry Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:59
BYU Religious Education. “A New and Everlasting Covenant D&C 132-133.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Dean Garrett, Randy Bott, Guy Dorius, 2004.
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ID = [39661] Status = Type = video Date = 2004-06-02 Collections: d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:23:03
Tanner, John S. “New Beginnings.” In Notes from an Amateur. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
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ID = [35228] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2011-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 4366 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:36
Cowan, Richard O., and William E. Homer. “New Beginnings: 1887–1900.” In California Saints. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1996.
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ID = [36688] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 1996-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 28328 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:46
Minert, Roger P. “New Challenges at Home (1909–10).” In Against the Wall. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2015.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1878–1945
ID = [34726] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2015-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 27729 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:27
McNamara, Patrick H. “The New Christian Right’s View of the Family and Its Social Science Critics: A Study in Differing Presuppositions.” In The Religion and Family Connection, ed. Darwin L. Thomas. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1988.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Family RSC Topics > L — P > Love
ID = [36960] Status = Type = book article Date = 1988-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 45537 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:47
Cowan, Richard O. “A New College.” In Teaching the Word. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
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ID = [35631] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2008-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 15972 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:39
Pace, George W. “A New Commandment.” in Principles of the Gospel in Practice: Sperry Symposium 1985, edited by the Sperry Symposium. Randall Book, 1986.
ID = [82430] Status = Type = book article Date = 1986-01-01 Collections: rsc-sperry Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:59
Olson, Camille Fronk. “A New Commandment.” In His Majesty and Mission, eds. Nicholas J. Frederick and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017.
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Topics: RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ RSC Topics > L — P > Love
ID = [34532] Status = Type = book article Date = 2017-01-01 Collections: new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video Size: 27612 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:26
Judd, Daniel K. “New Creatures in Christ.” In His Majesty and Mission, eds. Nicholas J. Frederick and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017.
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Topics: RSC Topics > G — K > Grace RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection RSC Topics > Q — S > Sin
ID = [34531] Status = Type = book article Date = 2017-01-01 Collections: new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video Size: 30011 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:26
Jackson, Kent P. “‘New Discoveries in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible’” In By Study and by Faith, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Bible
ID = [35026] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 31954 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:35
Matthews, Robert J. “The New Edition of the Scriptures.” In The Tenth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Pearl of Great Price, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1983.
ID = [82383] Status = Type = book article Date = 1983-01-01 Collections: pogp,rsc-sperry Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:59
Wright, Dennis A., and Geoffrey A. Wright. “The New England Common School Experience of Joseph Smith Jr., 1810–16.” In Regional Studies in Latter-day Saint Church History: The New England States, eds. Donald Q. Cannon and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004.
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ID = [36152] Status = Type = book article Date = 2004-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:43
Marlowe, Eric-Jon K., and Clinton D. Christensen. “A New Era in Temple Building.” In The Lā’ie Hawai’i Temple: A Century of Aloha. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1878–1945
ID = [33781] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2019-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 21565 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:21
Cowan, Richard O. “A New Meaning of ‘Restoration’” In The Book of Mormon: Alma, the Testimony of the Word, eds. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Death RSC Topics > G — K > Judgment RSC Topics > Q — S > Restoration of the Gospel RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
ID = [36788] Status = Type = book article Date = 1992-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books Size: 28945 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:46
Dennis, Ronald D. “New Orleans to Council Bluffs—the Hartley Group.” In The Call of Zion. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1987.
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ID = [36992] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 1987-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 8493 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:48
Dennis, Ronald D. “A New Song, of Praise.” In Defending the Faith, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2003.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency
ID = [37492] Status = Type = book article Date = 2003-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 4391 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:51
Milgrom, Jacob. “New Temple Festivals in the Temple Scroll.” In The Temple in Antiquity: Ancient Records and Modern Perspectives, ed. Truman G. Madsen, 125–33. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1984.
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Topics: Old Testament Topics > Temple and Tabernacle RSC Topics > Q — S > Restoration of the Gospel RSC Topics > T — Z > Temples
ID = [37077] Status = Type = book article Date = 1984-01-01 Collections: old-test,rsc-books Size: 17919 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:48
Wayment, Thomas A.The New Testament: A Translation for Latter-day Saints. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Display Abstract
This new translation from the best available Greek manuscripts renders the New Testament text into modern English and is sensitive to Latter-day Saint beliefs and practices. This translation is readable and accessible for a wide range of readers. The original paragraph structure of the New Testament is restored and highlights features such as quotations, hymns, and poetic passages. New and extensive notes provide alternative translations, commentary on variant manuscript traditions, and historical insights. Where applicable, the Joseph Smith Translation has been included. The notes contain the most complete list of cross-references to New Testament passages in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants that has ever been assembled. Brigham Young said, “If [the Bible] be translated incorrectly, and there is a scholar on the earth who professes to be a Christian, and he can translate it any better than King James’s translators did it, he is under obligation to do so, or the curse is upon him. If I understood Greek and Hebrew as some may profess to do, and I knew the Bible was not correctly translated, I should feel myself bound by the law of justice to the inhabitants of the earth to translate that which is incorrect and give it just as it was spoken anciently. Is that proper? Yes, I would be under obligation.” Check out these podcasts about this book: Latter-day Saint MissionCast podcast LDS Perspectives podcast, and the Cultural Hall podcast. Here is a BYU Universe article: BYU Professor Publishes Modern Translation of The New Testament and a fascinating audio podcast entitled Insights on the Nativity and the New Testament. Also, here are some reviews of this book: The Interpreter, Deseret Book, and Amazon. ISBN 978-1-9443-9467-7
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ID = [33195] Status = Type = book Date = 2019-01-01 Collections: bom,brigham,d-c,rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:20
Carmack, John K. “The New Testament and the Latter-day Saints.” In The New Testament and the Latter-day Saints: Sperry Symposium 1987, edited by the Sperry Symposium. Randall Book, 1988.
ID = [82437] Status = Type = book article Date = 1988-01-01 Collections: new-test,rsc-sperry Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:59
Millet, Robert L. “The New Testament and the Latter-day Saints.” In Sperry Symposium Classics: The New Testament, eds. Frank F. Judd Jr. and Gaye Strathearn. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2006.
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Topics: RSC Topics > L — P > New Testament
ID = [35832] Status = Type = book article Date = 2006-01-01 Collections: rsc-books,rsc-sperry,rsc-video Size: 41429 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:40
Sperry Symposium, ed.The New Testament and the Latter-day Saints: The 15th Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium. 1987 Sidney B. Sperry Symposium. Randall Book, 1988.
Display Abstract
Enhance your study of the New Testament with help from respected gospel teachers. the New Testament and the Latter-day Saints contains a collection of findings from BYU religion professors and other renowned scholars that is perfect for any student of the New Testament. Whether you use it for personal or family study, lesson or talk preparation, or to help you participate in the ongoing dialogue of world academicians, this is one book your gospel library can\'t do without.Inside you\'ll find:Susan Easton Black on New Testament WomenJoseph Fielding McConkie on Special Witnesses of the Birth of ChristMonte S. Nyman on the Stumbling Blocks of First CorinthiansAnd more!The New Testament contains some of the most personal details of our Savior\'s life on earth, and now you can increase your love for this book of scripture as you gain a deeper appreciation of its cultural setting, historical significance, and doctrinal insights by reading the New Testament and the Latter-day Saints. Contents (first edition):
Preface Contributors 1. The New Testament and the Latter-day Saints / John K. Carmack 2. Rhetoric versus Revelation: A Consideration of Acts 17, verses 16 to 34 / Richard P. Anderson 3. The New Testament Women: The Exemplars / Susan Easton-Black, Alan K. Parrish 4. The Doctrine of Justification and the Writings of the Apostle Paul / Edward J. Brandt 5. Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils / Leland H. Gentry 6. The “I Am” Passages in the Gospels and in 3 Nephi / James R. Harris 7. The Beatitudes: Eight Qualities that Savor the Eternal Quest / Clark V. Johnson 8. The Book of Mormon, an Interpretive Guide to the New Testament / Dennis Largey 9. Isaiah as Taught By the New Testament Apostles / Victor L. Ludlow 10. We Have Found the Messiah, Which is the Christ / Robert J. Matthews 11. Special Witnesses of the Birth of Christ / Joseph Fielding McConkie 12. Jesus and Josephus Told of the Descruction of Jerusalem / Keith H. Meservy 13. Jude: A Call to Contend for the Faith / T. John Nielsen II 14. Is Any Sick Among You?: Anointing the Sick with Oil in Early Christian and Latter-day Thology and Practice / Walter A. Norton 15. The Stumbling Blocks of First Corinthians / Monte S. Nyman 16. Interpreting the New Testament / Chauncey C. Riddle 17. The Book of Romans: An Orthodox Description of Faith, Works, and Exaltation / Joseph B. Romney 18. Visions of Christ in the Spirit World and the Dead Redeemed / Catherine Thomas 19. Joseph Smith and the Apocalypse of John / Rodney Turner 20. The Revelation / S. Michael Wilcox 21. Securing Divine Protection: Putting on the Armor of God / Clyde J. Williams Index
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Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [67017] Status = Type = book Date = 1987-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-sperry Size:Children: 21 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:23
Blomberg, Craig L. “The New Testament Concept of Salvation.” In Salvation in Christ: Comparative Christian Views, eds. Roger R. Keller and Robert L. Millet. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Faith RSC Topics > D — F > Forgiveness RSC Topics > L — P > New Testament
ID = [35955] Status = Type = book article Date = 2005-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 51884 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:41
Blumell, Lincoln H., ed.New Testament History, Culture, and Society: A Background to the Texts of the New Testament. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Display Abstract
This volume offers valuable perspectives from biblical scholars on the background of the New Testament texts, including the Jewish and Greco-Roman cultures of the time. The book is divided into several themes, including Jesus in the Gospels, the Apostle Paul, New Testament issues and contexts, and what transpired after the New Testament. It ranges from the intertestamental period to the First Jewish Revolt of AD 66–73 and the canonization of the New Testament. Over forty New Testament scholars and experts contributed to this comprehensive volume, which identifies further readings and has detailed general and citation indexes. ISBN 978-1-9443-9476-9
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ID = [33192] Status = Type = book Date = 2019-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 43 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:20
Frederick, Nicholas J. “The New Testament in the Doctrine and Covenants.” In New Testament History, Culture, and Society, ed. Lincoln H. Blumell. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Doctrine and Covenants RSC Topics > G — K > Grace RSC Topics > G — K > Heaven RSC Topics > Q — S > Revelation RSC Topics > Q — S > Salvation
ID = [34168] Status = Type = book article Date = 2019-01-01 Collections: d-c,rsc-books Size: 86695 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:24
Faulring, Scott H., Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. “New Testament Manuscript 1.” In Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible, eds. Scott H. Faulring, Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004.
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ID = [37420] Status = Type = book article Date = 2004-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Faulring, Scott H., Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. “New Testament Manuscript 2, Folio 1.” In Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible, eds. Scott H. Faulring, Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004.
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ID = [37421] Status = Type = book article Date = 2004-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Faulring, Scott H., Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. “New Testament Manuscript 2, Folio 2.” In Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible, eds. Scott H. Faulring, Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004.
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ID = [37422] Status = Type = book article Date = 2004-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Faulring, Scott H., Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. “New Testament Manuscript 2, Folio 3.” In Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible, eds. Scott H. Faulring, Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004.
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ID = [37423] Status = Type = book article Date = 2004-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Faulring, Scott H., Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. “New Testament Manuscript 2, Folio 4.” In Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible, eds. Scott H. Faulring, Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004.
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ID = [37424] Status = Type = book article Date = 2004-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Ellertson, Carol F. “New Testament Manuscripts, Textual Families, and Variants.” In How the New Testament Came to Be, eds. Kent P. Jackson and Frank F. Judd Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2006.
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Topics: RSC Topics > L — P > New Testament
ID = [35862] Status = Type = book article Date = 2006-01-01 Collections: rsc-books,rsc-sperry Size: 36212 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:41
Jackson, Kent P. “New Testament Prophecies of Apostasy.” In The Eleventh Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The New Testament, edited by the BYU Church Educational System. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1984.
ID = [82401] Status = Type = book article Date = 1984-01-01 Collections: new-test,rsc-sperry Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:59
Griggs, C. Wilfred. “New Testament Prophecies of Apostasy.” In Sperry Symposium Classics: The New Testament, eds. Frank F. Judd Jr. and Gaye Strathearn. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2006.
Links to available media:
Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Apostasy RSC Topics > L — P > New Testament
ID = [35856] Status = Type = book article Date = 2006-01-01 Collections: rsc-books,rsc-sperry Size: 31963 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:41
Jackson, Kent P. “New Testament Prophecies of Apostasy.” In Learn of Me, eds. John Hilton III and Nicholas J. Frederick. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2022.
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ID = [33746] Status = Type = book article Date = 2022-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:21
Black, Susan Easton, and Alan K. Parrish. “The New Testament Women: The Exemplars.” In The New Testament and the Latter-day Saints: Sperry Symposium 1987, edited by the Sperry Symposium. Randall Book, 1988.
ID = [82439] Status = Type = book article Date = 1988-01-01 Collections: new-test,rsc-sperry Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:59
Faulring, Scott H., Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. “The New Translation and Latter-day Saint Doctrine.” In Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible, eds. Scott H. Faulring, Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004.
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ID = [37413] Status = Type = book article Date = 2004-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Faulring, Scott H., Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. “The New Translation Materials since 1844.” In Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible, eds. Scott H. Faulring, Kent P. Jackson, and Robert J. Matthews. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004.
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ID = [37414] Status = Type = book article Date = 2004-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Embry, Jessie L. “‘New Ways of Proselyting’” In Go Ye into All the World, eds. Reid L. Neilson and Fred E. Woods. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1878–1945 RSC Topics > L — P > Missionary Work
ID = [34922] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history Size: 67372 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:29
Bushman, Richard Lyman, and Larry C. Porter. “The New York Period, 1820–31.” In Latter-day Saint Essentials, eds. John W. Welch and R. Devan Jensen. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2002.
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Topics: RSC Topics > G — K > Gold Plates
ID = [36248] Status = Type = book article Date = 2002-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 19900 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:43
MacKay, Michael Hubbard, and William G. Hartley. “New York, Ohio, and Missouri, 180-1834.” In The Rise of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Michael Hubbard MacKay and William G. Hartley. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Devil RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith RSC Topics > L — P > Peace RSC Topics > L — P > Prayer RSC Topics > Q — S > Revelation
ID = [37171] Status = Type = book article Date = 2019-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 141591 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:49
Neilson, Reid L., and Riley M. Moffat. “New Zealand, October 1895–January 1896.” In Tales from the World Tour, eds. Reid L. Neilson and Riley M. Moffat. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Baptism RSC Topics > D — F > Family
ID = [37864] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 210407 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:53
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Newspaper Editing And Ghostwriting.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Book of Abraham RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
ID = [34242] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2018-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 64553 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:24
Nibley, Hugh W.Nibley on the Timely and the Timeless: Classic Essays of Hugh W. Nibley. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1978.
Display Abstract Display Keywords
The essays in this volume, including four on today’s world, were selected by a panel of Hugh Nibley’s colleagues. They are singular in their penetration, their originality, and their vitality. Reaching from the apocalyptic visions of original “treasures in heaven” down to the climax of history, they are more than mind-stretching. The delight of Nibley’s brilliant and sometimes biting prose style imparts a sense of the agelessness of what he calls the “three-act play” of human existence. Written specially for this book, the author’s own “intellectual autobiography,” together with his introductory paragraphs for the various chapters, complete the work of making the book a fitting and permanent record of one of the past outstanding historians. The text available here is from the 2nd edition published in 2004. It is available only in PDF format. ISBN 0-8849-4338-0
Keywords: Abraham (Prophet); Adam (Prophet); Ancient Near East; Angel; Apocalypse of Abraham; Apocrypha; Biography; Cain; Christianity; Combat of Adam; Creation; Curriculum; Deliverance; Didache; Divine Council; Doctrine; Dominion; Early Church History; Education; Enoch (Prophet); Enuma Elish; Expanding Gospel; Gospel; Intelligence; Isaac; Israel; Joseph; Jr.; Knowledge; Language; Law of Substitution; Moses (Prophet); Name; Noah (Prophet); Opposition; Ordinance; Plan of Salvation; Prophet; Qumran; Resurrection; Revelation; Ritual; Sacrifice; Satan; Scripture; Sermon; Smith; Suffering Servant; Temple; Translation; Treasure; Veil; Wilderness; Wisdom; Writing; Zeal
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Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [33399] Status = Type = book Date = 1978-01-01 Collections: abraham,bom,nibley,rsc-books Size:Children: 15 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:21
Neilson, Reid L. “The Nineteenth-Century Euro-American Mormon Missionary Model.” In Go Ye into All the World, eds. Reid L. Neilson and Fred E. Woods. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1845–1877 RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1878–1945 RSC Topics > L — P > Missionary Work
ID = [34920] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history Size: 52569 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:29
Farnes, Sherilyn. “Nineteenth-Century Latter-day Saint Religious Liberty in Historical Context in Western Missouri.” Latter-day Saints and Religious Liberty: Historical and Global Perspectives, The 2022 BYU Church History Symposium.
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ID = [38736] Status = Type = talk Date = 2022-01-01 Collections: church-history,rsc-church-history,rsc-video Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:59
Freeman, Robert C., ed.Nineteenth-Century Saints at War. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Display Abstract
Throughout the nineteenth century, Latter-day Saints in the United States showed their loyalty in heeding the call to serve their country. This volume seeks to honor those faithful soldiers of the latter days and to recognize their valuable contribution to history and the freedoms we enjoy. ISBN 978-0-8425-2651-7
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ID = [33307] Status = Type = book Date = 2007-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 10 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:20
BYU Church Educational System, ed.The Ninth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium: The Book of Mormon. 1981 Sidney B. Sperry Symposium. Provo, Utah: Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University, 1982.
Display Abstract
America’s Decision About Christ / Reid E. Bankhead A Testimony / Janice White Clemmer An Appreciation for the Book of Mormon / Robert J. Matthews Sanctification and Justification are Just and True / Gerald N. Lund Becoming Perfect in Christ / Robert E. Parsons The Condescension of the Father and the Son / N. Gaylon Hopkins The Plates that Mormon Found and the Manuscript that Joseph Smith Lost / Eldin Ricks Remnants of Israel: Who? When Gathered? / Paul E. Felt A Man May Know for Himself / Hal L. Taylor The Nephites and the Law of Moses / H. Donl Peterson The Same God, Yesterday, Today, and Forever / Monte S. Nyman
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ID = [67011] Status = Type = book Date = 1982-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-sperry Size:Children: 11 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:23
Midgley, Louis C. “No Middle Ground: The Debate over the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon.” In Historicity and the Latter-day Saint Scriptures, ed. Paul Y. Hoskisson, 149–70. rovo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2001.
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ID = [36390] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2001-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-books Size: 53154 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:44
Olson, Camille Fronk. “‘No More Strangers or Foreigners, but Fellowcitizens’” In The Household of God, eds. Lincoln H. Blumell, Jason R. Combs, Mark D. Ellison, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Cecilia M. Peek. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2022.
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ID = [33802] Status = Type = book article Date = 2022-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:21
Ogletree, Mark D.No Other Success: The Parenting Practices of David O. McKay. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017.
Display Abstract
“No other success can compensate for failure in the home” is a statement made famous by President David O. McKay, who taught Church members the importance of focusing on the family. At the age of thirty-two, he magnified his responsibilities as a newly called Apostle. He had to learn to juggle world travel, heavy Church assignments, and duties with his small but growing family. Later, as a member of the First Presidency, he spent a lot of time teaching and fostering both his children and grandchildren. He embraced a new type of fatherhood in which men were more nurturing and involved in their children’s lives. He seemed to be ahead of his time in his parenting style and practices. This book takes an unprecedented and in-depth look at President McKay’s parenting and family life in his own home and invites readers to learn from his best practices. There are no other books available that take a contemporary parenting theory and apply it backward into history—in this case, taking a closer look at a modern-day prophet who advocated a prominent emphasis on families. ISBN 978-1-9443-9414-1
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ID = [33216] Status = Type = book Date = 2017-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 13 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:20
Millet, Robert L., ed.No Weapon Shall Prosper: New Light on Sensitive Issues. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Display Abstract
Winner of the Harvey B. Black and Susan Easton Black Outstanding Publication Award (Gospel Scholarship in Ancient Scripture). From the time young Joseph Smith Jr. walked out of the grove of trees, opposition to what he had seen and experienced has been constant. To suggest that all the existing churches were wrong and that their creeds were an abomination in the sight of God was to stir up a hornet’s nest, to invite criticism and suspicion, and to open the door to persecution. We ought to be competent disciples, serious students of the gospel who are able to provide a defense of the faith. As contributors, we are fully persuaded that Mormonism is not only true and faithful but also reasonable. We are committed to our faith and way of life because the Spirit of the living God has borne witness to our souls that what began in Palmyra and now reaches to every corner of the globe is true and is God-ordained and God-inspired. This volume does not address every sensitive issue, but it does provide answers to a reasonable cross section of hard questions. ISBN 978-0-8425-2794-1
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ID = [33267] Status = Type = book Date = 2011-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 17 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:20
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 1 January 11, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > L — P > Miracles
ID = [37322] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 38794 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 10 May 17, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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ID = [37331] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 35878 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 11 May 31, 2015.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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ID = [37332] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 38986 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 12 June 14, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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ID = [37333] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 34524 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 13 June 28, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > T — Z > War
ID = [37334] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 39795 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 14 July 12, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > T — Z > Word of Wisdom
ID = [37335] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 37359 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 15 July 26, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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ID = [37336] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 36272 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 16 August 9, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum
ID = [37337] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 34224 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 17 August 23. 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Baptism RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [37338] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 34165 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 18 September 6, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Devil RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [37339] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 35651 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 19 September 20, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Book of Mormon RSC Topics > L — P > Miracles
ID = [37340] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 37473 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 2 January 25, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > G — K > Gift of the Holy Ghost RSC Topics > L — P > Miracles
ID = [37323] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 35529 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 20 October 4, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > G — K > Heaven RSC Topics > Q — S > Second Coming
ID = [37341] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 38369 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 21 October 18, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > G — K > Hope RSC Topics > L — P > Peace
ID = [37342] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 34516 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 22 November 1, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > T — Z > Testimony
ID = [37343] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 34799 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 23 November 15, 2015.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Baptism RSC Topics > G — K > Hope
ID = [37344] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 34613 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 24 November 29, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > G — K > Heaven
ID = [37345] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 33244 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 25 December 13, 2015.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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ID = [37346] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 34859 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 26 December 27, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > Q — S > Salvation
ID = [37347] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 31131 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 3 February 8, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > L — P > Miracles RSC Topics > T — Z > Tithing
ID = [37324] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 35868 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 4 February 22, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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ID = [37325] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 35946 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 5 March 8, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > G — K > Heaven RSC Topics > G — K > Judgment RSC Topics > L — P > Priesthood
ID = [37326] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 38153 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 6 March 22, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Creation
ID = [37327] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 38799 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 7 April 5, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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ID = [37328] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 33976 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 8 April 19, 1851.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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Topics: RSC Topics > L — P > Mercy
ID = [37329] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 38143 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “No. 9 May 3, 2015.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1851 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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ID = [37330] Status = Type = book article Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 35406 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Christianson, James R. “Noah, the Ark, the Flood: A Pondered Perspective.” In The Old Testament and the Latter-day Saints: The 14th Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, 35–49. [Salt Lake City]: Randall Book, 1987.
Display Abstract
The historicity of the flood and speculations concerning ways to reconcile scientific findings with the biblical account
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Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis Old Testament Topics > Flood
ID = [67066] Status = Type = book article Date = 1986-01-01 Collections: old-test,rsc-books,rsc-sperry Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 10:21:23
BYU Religious Education. “Noah; Abraham and the Covenant: Gen. 9-16.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, Clyde Williams, 2006.
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Topics: Old Testament Topics > Covenant [see also Ephraim, Israel, Jews, Joseph]
ID = [39451] Status = Type = video Date = 2006-01-06 Collections: old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:23:02
Clayton, Kathy Kipp. “Noivar ou se empenhar, eis a questão.” In Buscai Diligentemente, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Paulo Renato Grahl. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
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ID = [35294] Status = Type = book article Date = 2010-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 16762 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:37
Reed, Andrew C. “The Non-Mormon Mormony: Authority, Religious, Tolerance, and Sectarian Identification in Late Imperial Russia.” In The Worldwide Church, eds. Michael A. Goodman and Mauro Properzi. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2016.
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ID = [34645] Status = Type = book article Date = 2016-01-01 Collections: church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:27
Combs, Jason Robert. “Noncanonical Gospels.” In New Testament History, Culture, and Society, ed. Lincoln H. Blumell. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
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ID = [34146] Status = Type = book article Date = 2019-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 62332 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:23
Calabro, David M. “Nonverbal Communication in the New Testament.” In New Testament History, Culture, and Society, ed. Lincoln H. Blumell. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
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Topics: RSC Topics > G — K > Heaven RSC Topics > L — P > Prayer
ID = [34158] Status = Type = book article Date = 2019-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 50370 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:24
Minert, Roger P. “Nordhausen Branch.” In Under the Gun. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
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ID = [35135] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2011-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 8816 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:36
Grover, Mark L. “North Argentina: Branching Outward.” In A Land of Promise and Prophecy. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
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Topics: RSC Topics > L — P > Missionary Work
ID = [35682] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2008-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 47727 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:39
Minert, Roger P. “Nössige Branch, Dresden District.” In In Harm’s Way. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
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ID = [35486] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2009-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 17005 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:38
Bowen, Matthew L. “Not Partaking of the Fruit: Its Generational Consequences and Its Remedy.” In The Things Which My Father Saw, eds. Daniel L. Belnap, Gaye Strathearn, and Stanley A. Johnson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
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ID = [35270] Status = Type = book article Date = 2011-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-books,rsc-sperry Size: 59854 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:36
Lyon, T. Edgar. “‘Not the Good Fortune . . .’ (1803–1824).” In John Lyon: The Life of a Pioneer Poet. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1989.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Family
ID = [36910] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 1989-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 99730 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:47
Crawley, Peter L. “Notes.” In A Descriptive Bibliography of the Mormon Church, Volume 3. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2012.
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ID = [34966] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2012-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 204068 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:29
Tanner, John S.Notes from an Amateur: A Disciple’s Life in the Academy. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Display Abstract
The word amateur derives from the Latin for “love.” An amateur is at root a lover—a lover of sport, science, art, and so forth. Tanner explains, “There is much to recommend the professional ethic, including rigor, methodology, high standards of review, and so forth. . . . Yet it is hoped that we also never cease to be amateurs in our professions—that is, passionate devotees of our disciplines.” This book gathers together brief messages entitled “Notes from an Amateur” that were periodically sent to the faculty at Brigham Young University by former academic vice president John S. Tanner. Tanner’s words reflect his years of experience as a scholar, an administrator, and a disciple, addressing with characteristic insight and wisdom an impressive range of topics from the seemingly mundane to the inspiring. This book is enhanced by the evocative art of Brian Kershisnik. ISBN 978-0-8425-2801-6
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Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [33274] Status = Type = book Date = 2011-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-books Size:Children: 44 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:20
Peterson, Daniel C. “Notes on Historicity and Inerrancy.” In Historicity and the Latter-day Saint Scriptures, ed. by Paul Y. Hoskisson, 197–215. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Religious Studies Center, 2001.
Display Abstract
Some believe that historicity and inerrancy in scripture are the same. By this argument, when a portion of scripture is found to have errors, the entire record is considered neither historical nor accurate. However, nothing in this imperfect world is inerrant, and although the authors of the scriptural records were prophets and called of God to write their portion of the scriptures, they were not perfect—no one is. So although the authors were not inerrant, their writings are nonetheless historical. By academic standards the scriptures fulfill all the criteria for historically accurate records. With the human errors accounted for, the scriptures are reliable historically and accurate in their testimony of the doctrines of the gospel and the mission of Jesus Christ.
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Topics: Book of Moses Topics > Joseph Smith Translation (JST) > Historicity and Ancient Threads — General Issues RSC Topics > Q — S > Scriptures
ID = [2639] Status = Type = book article Date = 2001-01-01 Collections: moses,peterson,rsc-books Size: 47268 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:15:55
Crawley, Peter L. “Notes to Entries 346-499.” In A Descriptive Bibliography of the Mormon Church, Volume 2, ed. Peter Crawley. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Endowment
ID = [37407] Status = Type = book article Date = 2005-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 96133 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Crawley, Peter L. “Notes to Entries 500-599.” In A Descriptive Bibliography of the Mormon Church, Volume 2, ed. Peter Crawley. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Endowment
ID = [37408] Status = Type = book article Date = 2005-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 59313 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Crawley, Peter L. “Notes to Entries 600-769.” In A Descriptive Bibliography of the Mormon Church, Volume 2, ed. Peter Crawley. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Endowment
ID = [37409] Status = Type = book article Date = 2005-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 111106 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Erickson, Bethany. “‘Novel, Unlawful, Tyrannical, and Oppressive’: The Life and Political Career of Lilburn Boggs, the Extermination Order, and His Relationship with the Latter-day Saints.” Latter-day Saints and Religious Liberty: Historical and Global Perspectives, The 2022 BYU Church History Symposium.
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ID = [38735] Status = Type = talk Date = 2022-01-01 Collections: church-history,rsc-church-history,rsc-video Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:59
Dennis, Ronald D. “November.” In Zion’s Trumpet: 1850 Welsh Mormon Periodical, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
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ID = [37359] Status = Type = book article Date = 2011-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:50
Dennis, Ronald D. “November, 1846.” In Prophet of the Jubilee, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1997.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Faith RSC Topics > L — P > Miracles RSC Topics > L — P > Peace RSC Topics > T — Z > Testimony
ID = [37552] Status = Type = book article Date = 1997-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 85176 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:51
Dennis, Ronald D. “November, 1847.” In Prophet of the Jubilee, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1997.
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Topics: RSC Topics > A — C > Baptism
ID = [37565] Status = Type = book article Date = 1997-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 51724 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:51
Dennis, Ronald D. “November, 1848.” In Prophet of the Jubilee, ed. Ronald D. Dennis. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1997.
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Topics: RSC Topics > L — P > Miracles
ID = [37578] Status = Type = book article Date = 1997-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 45482 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:51
Dorius, Guy L. “‘Now This Caused Us to Marvel’” In Joseph Smith and the Doctrinal Restoration, ed. W. Jeffrey Marsh. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005.
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Topics: RSC Topics > G — K > Grace RSC Topics > G — K > Heaven
ID = [35937] Status = Type = book article Date = 2005-01-01 Collections: rsc-books,rsc-sperry Size: 28504 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:41
Wiewora, Nathaniel. “‘Numerous Wild Forms of Religion Soon Held Extensive Sway’: Antebellum Evangelicalism, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the Problem of Too Much Religious Liberty.” Latter-day Saints and Religious Liberty: Historical and Global Perspectives, The 2022 BYU Church History Symposium.
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ID = [38747] Status = Type = talk Date = 2022-01-01 Collections: church-history,rsc-church-history Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:59
Minert, Roger P. “Nuremberg Branch.” In Under the Gun. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
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Topics: RSC Topics > T — Z > Youth
ID = [35100] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2011-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 62168 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:35
Minert, Roger P. “Nuremberg District.” In Under the Gun. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
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ID = [35097] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2011-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 5875 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:35
Boone, David F., Paul H. Peterson, and David Rolph Seely.Nurturing Faith Through the Book of Mormon: The 24th Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium. 1995 Sidney B. Sperry Symposium. Salt Lake City: Deseret Books, 1996.
Display Abstract
Preface / Paul H. Peterson, David F. Boone, David R. Seely A Tribute to Sidney B. Sperry / Ellis T. Rasmussen Rending the Veil of Unbelief / Jeffrey R. Holland The Destiny of the House of Israel / Daniel H. Ludlow The Power and the Purpose of the Written Record / Robert J. Matthews The Regeneration of Fallen Man / Robert L. Millet The Power of Evidence in the Nurturing of Faith / John W. Welch
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ID = [37924] Status = Type = book Date = 1995-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-sperry Size:Children: 7 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:53
Hardy, Grant R. “Nurturing Faith: Literary Patterning in the Book of Alma.” In Give Ear to My Words, eds. Kerry Hull, Nicholas J. Frederick, and Hank R. Smith. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
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Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma RSC Topics > D — F > Faith
ID = [34085] Status = Type = book article Date = 2019-01-01 Collections: bom,rsc-books,rsc-sperry,rsc-video Size: 38703 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:23
Ogletree, Mark D. “Nurturing Father.” In No Other Success. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017.
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Topics: RSC Topics > D — F > Family RSC Topics > D — F > The Family: A Proclamation to the World RSC Topics > L — P > Love RSC Topics > L — P > Parenting RSC Topics > Q — S > Service
ID = [34471] Status = Type = book chapter Date = 2017-01-01 Collections: rsc-books Size: 26513 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:22:26