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General Conference Talks
& Conference Report
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 — 9
Richards, Stephen L. “The Tabernacle.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1952.
ID = [26865]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1952-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 23268  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:11
Hunter, Howard W. “The Tabernacle.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1975.
ID = [13535]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1975-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11457  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Hinckley, Gordon B. “A Tabernacle in the Wilderness.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2007.
Display Abstract  

This has been a unique and wonderful place of assembly.

ID = [20440]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2007-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 5753  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:28
Monson, Thomas S. “Tabernacle Memories.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2007.
Display Abstract  

As this building is rededicated today, may we pledge to rededicate our lives to the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

ID = [20437]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2007-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7020  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:28
Evans, Richard L. “The Tabernacle: A Century Old.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1967.
ID = [27863]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1967-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13678  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:17
Curtis, LeGrand R., Jr. “A Table Encircled with Love.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1995.
ID = [17686]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1995-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8258  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Maxwell, Neal A. “‘Take Especial Care of Your Family’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1994.
ID = [17445]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1994-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12270  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Hinckley, Gordon B. “Take Not the Name of God in Vain.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1987.
ID = [15911]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1987-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10344  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Wilson, Larry Y. “Take the Holy Spirit as Your Guide.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2018.
Display Abstract  

What an incomparable gift comes to those who put their faith in Jesus Christ. That gift is the Holy Spirit.

ID = [23059]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2018-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1160  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:07
Banks, Ben B. “Take Time for Your Children.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1993.
ID = [17260]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1993-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9971  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
Sang, Han In. “Take Up His Cross.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1992.
ID = [16975]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1992-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6075  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
Soares, Ulisses. “Take Up Our Cross.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2019.
Display Abstract  

Taking upon yourselves your crosses and following the Savior means continuing with faith on the Lord’s path and not indulging in worldly habits.

ID = [23275]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2019-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8782  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:08
Gay, Robert C. “Taking upon Ourselves the Name of Jesus Christ.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2018.
Display Abstract  

May we faithfully take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ—by seeing as He sees, by serving as He served, and by trusting that His grace is sufficient.

ID = [23189]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2018-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8766  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:07
Oaks, Dallin H. “Taking upon Us the Name of Jesus Christ.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1985.
ID = [15612]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1985-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15271  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:32
Richards, Franklin D. “Talents: A Blessing and Responsibility.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1968.
ID = [27949]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1968-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13226  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Clark, J. Reuben, Jr. “The Task Ahead.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1959.
ID = [27315]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1959-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6620  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Young, S. Dilworth. “Teach by Example.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1956.
ID = [27153]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1956-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10509  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Young, Dwan J. “Teach Children the Gospel.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1988.
ID = [16032]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1988-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6959  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
Petersen, Mark E. “Teach Honor.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1960.
ID = [27347]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1960-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10668  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Smith, Barbara B. “Teach LDS Women Self-Sufficiency.” Delivered at the Welfare Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1976.
ID = [13599]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1976-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6216  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Haight, David B. “‘Teach One Another’” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1971.
Display Abstract  

David B. Haight - We as members of this church know the meaning of life. It has been revealed in its truthfulness and purity and is available to all who seek, will listen, and believe. The mission and responsibility of this church and its members have been made abundantly clear—to proclaim the Lord’s teachings unto the entire world.

ID = [13123]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1971-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8820  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Ballard, M. Russell. “Teach the Children.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1991.
ID = [16717]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1991-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 2141  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Pinegar, Patricia P. “Teach the Children.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1994.
Display Abstract  

President Hunter, President Hinckley, President Monson, thank you for this opportunity to share my testimony and my feelings of joy, gratitude, and responsibility for being called to serve the Primary children of the Church. Learn more about Mormons:

ID = [17549]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1994-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7710  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Monson, Thomas S. “Teach the Children.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1997.
Display Abstract  

Children learn through gentle direction and persuasive teaching. They search for models to imitate, knowledge to acquire, things to do, and teachers to please.

ID = [18219]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1997-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15503  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:48
Lee, Harold B. “Teach the Gospel of Salvation.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1972.
ID = [13258]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1972-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 19750  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Widtsoe, John A. “Teach the Truth.” Delivered at the Wednesday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1949.
ID = [26693]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1949-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12272  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:10
Packer, Boyd K. “Teach Them Correct Principles.” Delivered at the Member Finances Fireside of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1990.
ID = [16503]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1990-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13044  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Perry, L. Tom. “Teach Them the Word of God with All Diligence.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1999.
Display Abstract  

Our teaching will be effective if we approach it humbly through prayer and study.

ID = [18547]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1999-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13021  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:54
Nelson, Russell M. “‘Teach Us Tolerance and Love’” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1994.
ID = [17421]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1994-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14008  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Smith, Eldred G. “Teach Your Children.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1948.
ID = [26653]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1948-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9075  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:09
Wirthlin, Joseph L. “Teach Your Children.” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1956.
ID = [27103]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1956-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12075  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:12
Young, S. Dilworth. “‘Teach Your Children’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1958.
ID = [27257]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1958-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 4519  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Dunn, Paul H. “Teach ‘the Why’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1981.
ID = [14838]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1981-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9484  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:31
Young, Levi Edgar. “Teach…Words of Wisdom.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1956.
ID = [27167]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1956-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 4947  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Hunter, Howard W. “A Teacher.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1972.
ID = [13225]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1972-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1345  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Holland, Jeffrey R. “‘A Teacher Come from God’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1998.
Display Abstract  

We must revitalize and reenthrone superior teaching in the Church—at home, from the pulpit, in our administrative meetings, and surely in the classroom.

ID = [18343]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1998-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12125  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:51
Cowley, Matthew. “Teachers of Men.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1947.
ID = [26598]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1947-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10150  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:09
Hillam, Harold G. “Teachers, the Timeless Key.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1997.
Display Abstract  

Regardless of life’s circumstances or the nature of one’s calling, all members of the Church have the opportunity to teach and to testify.

ID = [18268]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1997-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8958  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:49
Tuttle, A. Theodore. “Teaching.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1959.
ID = [27294]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1959-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6094  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Richardson, Matthew O. “Teaching after the Manner of the Spirit.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2011.
Display Abstract  

While we are all teachers, we must fully realize that it is the Holy Ghost who is the teacher and witness of all truth.

ID = [21562]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2011-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8488  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:47
Bangerter, W. Grant. “Teaching by the Spirit.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14451]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9022  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Wright, Ruth B. “Teaching Children to Walk Uprightly before the Lord.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1994.
ID = [17439]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1994-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9352  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Osguthorpe, Russell T. “Teaching Helps Save Lives.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2009.
Display Abstract  

We teach key doctrine, invite learners to do the work God has for them, and then promise that blessings will surely come.

ID = [21013]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2009-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8840  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:38
Durrant, Devin G. “Teaching in the Home—a Joyful and Sacred Responsibility.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2018.
Display Abstract  

I plead for heaven’s help as we strive to be Christlike teachers in our homes.

ID = [23032]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2018-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 4172  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:07
Newman, Jan E. “Teaching in the Savior’s Way.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2021.
Display Abstract  

Brother Newman reiterates the importances of teaching like the Savior in the Church and in our homes.

ID = [23352]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2021-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 413  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:09
Wirthlin, Anne G. “Teaching Our Children to Love the Scriptures.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1998.
Display Abstract  

Through the guidance of loving parents and dedicated teachers, small children can become familiar with the scriptures and the spirit that accompanies them.

ID = [18318]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1998-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10925  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:50
Esplin, Cheryl A. “Teaching Our Children to Understand.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2012.
Display Abstract  

Teaching our children to understand is more than just imparting information. It’s helping our children get the doctrine into their hearts.

ID = [21597]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2012-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8590  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:47
Shumway, Naomi M. “Teaching Our Little Women.” Delivered at the Women’s Fireside Addresses of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1979.
ID = [14388]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1979-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6628  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Martinez, Hugo E. “Teaching Self-Reliance to Children and Youth.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2022.
Display Abstract  

Elder Martinez explains blessings that come from living principles of self-reliance and participating in the Children and Youth program.

ID = [23454]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2022-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7742  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:09
McConkie, David M. “Teaching with the Power and Authority of God.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2013.
Display Abstract  

The Lord has provided the way for every worthy Latter-day Saint to teach in the Savior’s way.

ID = [22036]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2013-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8256  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:05
Tenorio, Horacio A. “Teachings of a Loving Father.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1990.
ID = [16489]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1990-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7511  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Oaks, Dallin H. “Teachings of Jesus.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2011.
Display Abstract  

Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten and Beloved Son of God. … He is our Savior from sin and death. This is the most important knowledge on earth.

ID = [21559]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2011-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12478  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:47
Oaks, Dallin H. “The Teachings of Jesus Christ.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2023.
Display Abstract  

We are given the scriptures to direct our lives. My message today consists of a selection of the words of our Savior—what He said.

ID = [67428]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2023-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8195  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:02:21
Stapley, Delbert L. “Teachings of the Apostle Paul.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1976.
ID = [13644]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1976-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14549  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Ballard, M. Russell. “Teaching—No Greater Call.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1983.
ID = [15192]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1983-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8317  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:32
Monson, Thomas S. “Tears, Trials, Trust, Testimony.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1987.
ID = [15853]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1987-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10914  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Andersen, Neil L. “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2010.
Display Abstract  

A stronger personal faith in Jesus Christ will prepare [your children] for the challenges they will most surely face.

ID = [21220]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2010-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1743  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:41
Smith, Eldred G. “The Tempering Process of Life.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1958.
ID = [27243]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1958-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7497  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Nelson, Russell M. “The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2021.
Display Abstract  

Whenever any kind of upheaval occurs in your life, the safest place to be spiritually is living inside your temple covenants!

ID = [23416]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2021-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 582  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:09
Pace, Glenn L. “A Temple for West Africa.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2000.
Display Abstract  

It has been inspiring to see the Lord’s hand in bringing the forces together which will lead to an inevitable victory. There will be a temple in West Africa.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [18808]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2000-04-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 6857  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:59
Washburn, J. Ballard. “The Temple Is a Family Affair.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1995.
ID = [17587]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1995-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7457  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Winkel, Richard H. “The Temple Is about Families.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2006.
Display Abstract  

When you come to the temple you will love your family with a deeper love than you have ever felt before.

ID = [20269]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2006-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6514  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:25
Gong, Gerrit W. “Temple Mirrors of Eternity: A Testimony of Family.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2010.
Display Abstract  

An eternal perspective of gospel conversion and temple covenants can help us see rich blessings in each generation of our forever families.

ID = [21274]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2010-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6733  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:42
Monson, Thomas S. “The Temple of the Lord.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1993.
ID = [17117]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1993-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 4545  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
Whiting, Scott D. “Temple Standard.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2012.
Display Abstract  

The high standards of temple building employed by this Church are a type and even a symbol of how we should be living our own lives.

ID = [21748]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2012-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7876  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:49
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Temple Work.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1959.
ID = [27275]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1959-04-01  Collections:  general-conference,smith-joseph-fielding  Size: 12979  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Scott, Richard G. “Temple Worship: The Source of Strength and Power in Times of Need.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2009.
Display Abstract  

When we keep the temple covenants we have made and when we live righteously … , we have no reason to worry or to feel despondent.

ID = [20925]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2009-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10284  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:36
Packer, Boyd K. “The Temple, the Priesthood.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1993.
ID = [17132]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1993-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13434  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
Haight, David B. “Temples and Work Therein.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1990.
ID = [16578]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1990-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14035  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Smith, Eldred G. “Temples Are Essential.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1969.
ID = [28006]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1969-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8344  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Burton, Theodore M. “The Temples of God.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1966.
ID = [27787]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1966-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9717  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:17
Craven, Rulon G. “Temptation.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1996.
ID = [17946]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1996-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7695  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:38
Hunter, Howard W. “The Temptations of Christ.” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1976.
ID = [13608]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1976-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10893  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
McConkie, Bruce R. “The Ten Blessings of the Priesthood.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1977.
ID = [13836]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1977-10-01  Collections:  general-conference,mcconkie  Size: 14568  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:29
Brockbank, Bernard P. “The Ten Commandments.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1971.
Display Abstract  

Bernard P. Brockbank - The God-given Ten Commandments are still a basic part of God’s way of life and a basic part of the gospel of the kingdom.

Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Old Testament Topics > Ten Commandments
ID = [13164]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1971-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10470  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Hinckley, Gordon B. “Ten Gifts from the Lord.” Delivered at the General Women’s Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1985.
ID = [15699]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1985-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17416  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Burton, H. David. “Tender Hearts and Helping Hands.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2006.
Display Abstract  

To each of you whose tender hearts and helping hands have eased the burdens of so many, please accept my heartfelt gratitude.

ID = [20153]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2006-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10756  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:23
Bednar, David A. “The Tender Mercies of the Lord.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2005.
Display Abstract  

I testify that the tender mercies of the Lord are available to all of us and that the Redeemer of Israel is eager to bestow such gifts upon us.

ID = [25779]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2005-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13007  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:16
Packer, Boyd K. “The Test.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2008.
Display Abstract  

Neither mobbings nor the army could turn the Saints aside from what they knew to be true.

ID = [20851]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2008-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10607  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:35
Young, Levi Edgar. “The Test of Christianity.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1944.
ID = [26432]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1944-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7864  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:08
Evans, Richard L. “The Test of Love.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1966.
ID = [27762]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1966-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9851  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:17
Bowen, Albert E. “The Test of Propriety in Conduct.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1944.
ID = [26443]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1944-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17403  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:08
Montoya, Hugo. “Tested and Tempted—but Helped.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2015.
Display Abstract  

We can help each other as children of our Heavenly Father in our trials and temptations.

ID = [22465]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2015-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6558  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Eyring, Henry B. “Tested, Proved, and Polished.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2020.
ID = [23341]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2020-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10551  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:08
Tanner, N. Eldon. “Testimonies to the Divinity of Jesus Christ.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1964.
ID = [27647]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1964-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 20248  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Sonne, Alma. “Testimonies—The Strength of the Church.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1953.
ID = [26954]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1953-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 4828  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:11
Romney, Marion G. “Testimony.” Delivered at the Monday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1948.
ID = [26622]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1948-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9372  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:09
Richards, Franklin D. “Testimony.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1974.
ID = [13389]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1974-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9020  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Stone, O. Leslie. “Testimony.” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1975.
ID = [13455]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1975-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9274  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Richards, A. LeGrand. “A Testimony.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1980.
ID = [14586]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10847  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Didier, Charles A. “Testimony.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1991.
ID = [16813]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1991-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11708  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Hinckley, Gordon B. “Testimony.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1998.
Display Abstract  

This thing which we call testimony is the great strength of the Church. It is the wellspring of faith and activity. It is difficult to explain. It is difficult to quantify … , yet it is as real and powerful as any force on the earth.

ID = [18391]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1998-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 5104  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:51
Dunn, Loren C. “Testimony.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2000.
Display Abstract  

I know that God our Father is in this work in great congregations such as this, and in the smallest branch and the smallest congregation God is in this work.

ID = [18904]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2000-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 3496  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:01
Oaks, Dallin H. “Testimony.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2008.
Display Abstract  

Knowledge encourages obedience, and obedience enhances knowledge.

ID = [20674]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2008-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11902  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:32
Samuelson, Cecil O. “Testimony.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2011.
Display Abstract  

The fundamentals of gaining and retaining a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ are straightforward, clear, and within the capacity of every person.

ID = [21394]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2011-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8630  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:44
Grant, Heber J. “Testimony and Blessing.” Delivered at the Thursday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1944.
ID = [26391]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1944-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 26386  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:07
Godoy, Carlos A. “Testimony as a Process.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2008.
Display Abstract  

To receive the witness of the “still small voice” sometimes can have a stronger impact on our testimonies than the visit of an angel.

ID = [20863]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2008-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6861  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:35
Young, S. Dilworth. “A Testimony for the Children.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1955.
ID = [27094]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1955-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9626  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:12
Callis, Charles A. “Testimony from the Book of Mormon.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1946.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

In this article, the author presents his testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.

Keywords: Another Testament of Jesus Christ; Book of Mormon; Testimony
ID = [26545]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1946-10-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,general-conference  Size: 8854  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:09
Anderson, Joseph. “A Testimony of Christ.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1974.
ID = [13449]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1974-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1438  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
McConkie, Bruce R. “The Testimony of Jesus.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1972.
ID = [13237]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1972-04-01  Collections:  general-conference,mcconkie  Size: 1771  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Hunter, Milton R. “A Testimony of Jesus Christ.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1949.
ID = [26709]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1949-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17440  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:10
Nelson, Russell M. “A Testimony of the Book of Mormon.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1999.
Display Abstract  

When you read the Book of Mormon, concentrate on the principal figure in the book—from its first chapter to the last—the Lord Jesus Christ.

ID = [18737]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1999-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 10721  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:58
Romney, Marion G. “A Testimony of the Redeemer.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1951.
ID = [26831]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1951-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10080  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:10
McConkie, Bruce R. “Testimony of the Restoration.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1956.
ID = [27163]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1956-10-01  Collections:  general-conference,mcconkie  Size: 7472  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Richards, A. LeGrand. “The Testimony of the Spirit.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1948.
ID = [26617]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1948-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13333  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:09
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “A Testimony of the Truth.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1949.
ID = [26712]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1949-10-01  Collections:  general-conference,smith-joseph-fielding  Size: 8212  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:10
Richards, A. LeGrand. “A Testimony Through the Holy Ghost.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1966.
ID = [27768]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1966-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17891  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:17
Moyle, Henry D. “The Testimony We Give of Him.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1961.
ID = [27430]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1961-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15997  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Burton, Theodore M. “Testimony—A Motivating Force.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1962.
ID = [27518]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1962-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12026  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:15
Isaacson, Thorpe B. “A Testimony—Our Most Priceless Possession.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1952.
ID = [26901]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1952-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14424  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:11
Hanks, Marion D. “‘Thank God It Can Be Done in My Time’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1967.
ID = [27862]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1967-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 16815  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:17
Monson, Thomas S. “Thanks Be to God.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1989.
ID = [16222]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1989-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 16643  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
Nelson, Russell M. “Thanks Be to God.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2012.
Display Abstract  

How much better it would be if all could be more aware of God’s providence and love and express that gratitude to Him.

ID = [25734]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2012-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9348  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:16
Hinckley, Gordon B. “Thanks to the Lord for His Blessings.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1999.
Display Abstract  

Great are our blessings. Tremendous is our responsibility. Let us … march forward without fear to enlarge among people everywhere the righteousness of the Lord.

ID = [18645]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1999-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 5340  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:56
Grant, Heber J. “Thanksgiving and Blessing.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1943.
ID = [26257]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1943-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15239  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:07
Monson, Thomas S. “That All May Hear.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1995.
ID = [17647]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1995-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12923  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Brown, Hugh B. “‘That All Men Might Repent’” Delivered at the Monday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1955.
ID = [27063]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1955-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14155  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:12
Eyring, Henry B. “That He May Become Strong Also.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2016.
Display Abstract  

I pray that we will rise to our call to lift others to prepare them for their glorious service.

ID = [22717]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2016-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12178  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Renlund, Dale G. “‘That I Might Draw All Men unto Me’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2016.
Display Abstract  

As we draw closer to God, the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ will come into our lives.

ID = [22570]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2016-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 4476  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Lant, Cheryl C. “That Our Children Might See the Face of the Savior.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2010.
Display Abstract  

It is our sacred responsibility as parents and leaders of this rising generation of children to bring them to the Savior.

ID = [21192]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2010-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8482  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:41
De Hoyos, Benjamín. “That Our Light May Be a Standard for the Nations.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2017.
Display Abstract  

The Savior’s gospel and His restored Church give us many opportunities for our light to be a part of the great standard for the nations.

ID = [22879]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2017-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7485  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:07
Perry, L. Tom. “‘That Spirit Which Leadeth to Do Good’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1997.
Display Abstract  

The Holy Ghost will be our constant companion if we submit ourselves to the will of our Father in Heaven.

ID = [18157]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1997-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11456  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:47
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “‘That the Fulness of My Gospel Might Be Proclaimed’” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1970.
ID = [26350]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1970-10-01  Collections:  general-conference,smith-joseph-fielding  Size: 13178  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:07
Ballard, M. Russell. “That the Lost May Be Found.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2012.
Display Abstract  

As you seek to live the gospel and doctrine of Christ, the Holy Ghost will guide you and your family.

ID = [21679]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2012-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11587  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:48
Young, S. Dilworth. “That the Scriptures Might Be Fulfilled.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1974.
ID = [13390]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1974-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11261  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Lee, Harold B. “‘That the World through Him Might be Saved’” Delivered at the Thursday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1961.
ID = [27411]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1961-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12914  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Costa, Claudio R. M. “That They Do Always Remember Him.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2015.
Display Abstract  

I love to study and ponder the life of Him who gave everything for me and for all of us.

ID = [25758]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2015-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 219  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:16
Christofferson, D. Todd. “That They May Be One in Us.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2002.
Display Abstract  

We will not be one with God and Christ until we make Their will and interest our greatest desire.

ID = [19417]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2002-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7403  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:10
Cordon, Bonnie H. “That They May See.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2020.
Display Abstract  

Look and pray for opportunities to let your light shine that others may see the way to Jesus Christ.

ID = [23301]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2020-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 118  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:08
Edwards, Keith R. “That They Might Know Thee.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2006.
Display Abstract  

We can learn spiritual lessons if we can approach suffering, sorrow, or grief with a focus on Christ.

ID = [20368]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2006-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7968  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:27
Schmitt, Jonathan S. “That They Might Know Thee.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2022.
Display Abstract  

Elder Schmitt teaches us that learning about the many names of Jesus can inspire us to become more like Him. My earnest desire is that you will come to know Jesus by His many names and that you will become like Him.

ID = [23494]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2022-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8787  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:10
Edgley, Richard C. “That Thy Confidence Wax Strong.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1994.
ID = [17514]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1994-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9194  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Hughes, Kathleen H. “That We May All Sit Down in Heaven Together.” Delivered at the General Relief Society Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2005.
Display Abstract  

When we become instruments in the hands of God, we are used by Him to do His work.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [20142]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2005-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 7165  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:23
Bednar, David A. “That We May Always Have His Spirit to Be with Us.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2006.
Display Abstract  

We should endeavor to discern when we “withdraw [ourselves] from the Spirit of the Lord” … [and] attend to and learn from the choices and influences that separate us from the Holy Spirit.

ID = [20179]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2006-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12540  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:24
Hunter, Howard W. “That We May Be One.” Delivered at the Tuesday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1976.
ID = [13594]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1976-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8891  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Eyring, Henry B. “That We May Be One.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1998.
Display Abstract  

The Savior of the world spoke of that unity and how we will have our natures changed to make it possible.

ID = [18388]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1998-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13648  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:51
Monson, Thomas S. “That We May Touch Heaven.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1990.
ID = [16569]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1990-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17022  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Taylor, Henry D. “‘…That Ye Love One Another…’” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1959.
ID = [27331]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1959-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 5047  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Lee, Harold B. “That Ye May Be Able to Withstand in the Evil Day.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1966.
ID = [27756]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1966-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 16859  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:17
Brown, Victor L., Jr. “That Ye May Have Eternal Life.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1969.
ID = [28031]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1969-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7945  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Rector, Hartman, Jr. “That Ye May Have Roots and Branches.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1983.
ID = [15144]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1983-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9059  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:31
Smith, Eldred G. “‘That You May Know the Truth’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1959.
ID = [27321]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1959-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10945  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Clayton, L. Whitney. “That Your Burdens May Be Light.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2009.
Display Abstract  

Burdens provide opportunities to practice virtues that contribute to eventual perfection.

ID = [21010]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2009-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8889  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:38
Richards, A. LeGrand. “‘That Your Joy May Be Full’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1954.
ID = [27022]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1954-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17960  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:12
Bingham, Jean B. “That Your Joy Might Be Full.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2017.
Display Abstract  

Jesus Christ is the source of all healing, peace, and eternal progress.

ID = [22951]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2017-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 2053  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:07
Talmage, James E. “Book of Mormon and the Book of Isaiah.” 99th Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April, 1929.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Authorship, Book of Mormon Geography, Deutero-Isaiah, Isaiah (Prophet), Prophecy, Testimony
ID = [76693]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1929-04-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,general-conference,talmage  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:10:53
Petersen, Mark E. “Their Greatest Tragedy.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1965.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article states that the greatest tragedy that happened to the Jews was the rejection of their King, Jesus Christ. Likewise, the people of the modern world may reject his Second Coming. Signs described in the Book of Mormon show that the Second Coming will not be unexpected.

Keywords: Death of; Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ; Jews; Mortal Ministry of; Second Coming of; Trial of Jesus
ID = [27721]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1965-10-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,general-conference  Size: 14245  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Isaacson, Thorpe B. “Their Souls Are Precious.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1958.
ID = [27229]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1958-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14050  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Faust, James E. “‘Them That Honour Me I Will Honour’” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2001.
Display Abstract  

Honor four sacred principles in your lives: reverence for Deity; respecting and honoring family relationships; reverence for and obedience to the ordinances and covenants of the holy priesthood; respect for yourself as a son of God.

ID = [19063]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2001-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12060  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:04
Palmer, S. Mark. “Then Jesus Beholding Him Loved Him.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2017.
Display Abstract  

Anytime you feel you are being asked to do something hard, think of the Lord beholding you, loving you, and inviting you to follow Him.

ID = [22870]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2017-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7205  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:07
Hamilton, Kevin S. “‘Then Will I Make Weak Things Become Strong’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2022.
Display Abstract  

Elder Hamilton teaches that repentance is necessary and that as we humble ourselves and have faith in Jesus Christ, our weaknesses can be made strong through Christ’s grace.

ID = [23441]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2022-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9676  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:09
Wirthlin, Joseph B. “‘There Am I in the Midst of Them’” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1976.
ID = [13573]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1976-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11193  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Ashton, Marvin J. “‘There Are Many Gifts’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1987.
ID = [15893]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1987-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13117  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Christensen, Craig C. “‘There Can Be Nothing So Exquisite and Sweet as Was My Joy’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2023.
Display Abstract  

Repenting daily and coming unto Jesus Christ is the way to experience joy—joy beyond our imagination.

ID = [67414]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2023-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8111  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:02:20
Beck, Julie B. “There Is Hope Smiling Brightly before Us.” Delivered at the General Young Women Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2003.
Display Abstract  

You can wake up every day … with hope smiling brightly before you because you have a Savior.

ID = [19566]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2003-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7483  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:13
Christiansen, ElRay L. “There Is Need for Repentance.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1973.
ID = [13337]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1973-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7936  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Sonne, Alma. “There Is No Middle Ground.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1950.
ID = [26783]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1950-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8008  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:10
McKay, Thomas E. “There Is Power in Prayer.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1949.
ID = [26673]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1949-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10670  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:09
Curtis, LeGrand R., Jr. “There Is Power in the Book.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2016.
Display Abstract  

The greatest power of the Book of Mormon is its impact in bringing us closer to Jesus Christ.

ID = [22710]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2016-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 10812  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Kimball, Spencer W. “There Is Still Much to Do.” Delivered at the Welfare Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1975.
ID = [13549]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1975-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1224  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Groberg, John H. “‘There Is the Light’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1976.
ID = [13619]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1976-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9185  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Waddell, W. Christopher. “There Was Bread.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2020.
ID = [23324]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2020-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 4246  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:08
Tuttle, A. Theodore. “Therefore I Was Taught.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1979.
ID = [14307]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1979-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7228  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Perry, L. Tom. “‘Therefore I Was Taught’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1994.
ID = [17389]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1994-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12477  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Bednar, David A. “Therefore They Hushed Their Fears.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2015.
Display Abstract  

David A. Bednar teaches how we can overcome mortal fears by having faith in Jesus Christ and building our lives on His foundation.

ID = [22335]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2015-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12794  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Hanks, Marion D. “‘…Therefore Ye Are Free Indeed’” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1954.
ID = [27031]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1954-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6987  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:12
Malan, Jayne B. “These Are Your Days.” Delivered at the General Women’s Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1991.
ID = [16856]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1991-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11351  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Simpson, Robert L. “These Four Things.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1976.
ID = [13574]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1976-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11293  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Faust, James E. “These I Will Make My Leaders.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1980.
ID = [14556]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15988  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Jack, Elaine L. “‘These Things Are Manifested unto Us Plainly’” Delivered at the General Women’s Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1990.
ID = [16612]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1990-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11103  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Packer, Boyd K. “These Things I Know.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2013.
Display Abstract  

Of all that I have read and taught and learned, the one most precious and sacred truth that I have to offer is my special witness of Jesus Christ.

ID = [31254]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2013-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 363  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:48:45
Nelson, Russell M. “‘These … Were Our Examples’” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1991.
ID = [16809]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1991-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13395  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “They Bear Witness.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1956.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article testifies that the Lord has always had witnesses to bear testimony of his truths—the coming forth of the Book of Mormon follows suit. All who read the Book of Mormon may read the testimony of the Three Witnesses.

Keywords: Law of Witnesses; Three Witnesses; Witnesses
ID = [27141]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1956-10-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,general-conference,smith-joseph-fielding  Size: 11352  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Brown, Hugh B. “‘They Call for New Light’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1964.
ID = [27622]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1964-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15070  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Wong, Chi Hong (Sam). “They Cannot Prevail; We Cannot Fall.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2021.
Display Abstract  

Elder Wong teaches that we cannot fall if we build our foundation on Jesus Christ.

ID = [23376]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2021-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 4808  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:09
Busche, F. Enzio. “They Didn’t Give Up.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1977.
ID = [13878]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1977-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 2683  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:29
Clark, J. Reuben, Jr. “They of the Last Wagon.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1947.
ID = [26608]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1947-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 18451  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:09
Monson, Thomas S. “They Pray and They Go.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2002.
Display Abstract  

Let us, as a mighty body of priesthood, be doers of the word, and not hearers only. Let us pray, then let us go and do.

ID = [19293]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2002-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12727  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:08
Monson, Thomas S. “They Showed the Way.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1997.
Display Abstract  

Jesus Christ, Savior of the world … was and is the ultimate pioneer, for He has gone before, showing all others the way to follow.

ID = [18142]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1997-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13614  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:47
Paramore, James M. “‘They Taught and Did Minister One to Another’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1986.
ID = [15745]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1986-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9063  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Monson, Thomas S. “They Will Come.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1997.
Display Abstract  

Let us, with faith unwavering and with love unstinting, be bridge builders to the hearts of those with whom we labor.

ID = [18136]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1997-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15430  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:47
Pace, Glenn L. “‘They’re Not Really Happy’” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1987.
ID = [15907]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1987-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8287  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Richards, A. LeGrand. “The Things of God and Man.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1977.
ID = [13819]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1977-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12751  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:29
Rasband, Ronald A. “The Things of My Soul.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2021.
Display Abstract  

What things do you ponder? What things really matter to you? What are the things of your soul?

ID = [23399]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2021-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1086  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:09
Packer, Boyd K. “‘The Things of My Soul’” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1986.
ID = [15739]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1986-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13490  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Hinckley, Gordon B. “The Things of Which I Know.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2007.
Display Abstract  

I wish to give you my testimony of the basic truths of this work.

ID = [20480]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2007-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8816  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:29
Viñas, Francisco J. “Things Pertaining to Righteousness.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2010.
Display Abstract  

As parents and leaders we need to watch over our members and families, helping them to stay away from those things that could lead them to a spiritual death.

ID = [21217]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2010-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8787  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:41
Richards, A. LeGrand. “The Things That Matter.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1949.
ID = [26677]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1949-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13014  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:09
Tuttle, A. Theodore. “The Things That Matter Most.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1971.
Display Abstract  

A. Theodore Tuttle - Have we sought “so much” for material things while missing, even ignoring, the things of God? The beauty of nature at this or any other season goes unseen and unappreciated.

ID = [13177]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1971-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1199  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Nelson, Russell M. “Think Celestial!” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2023.
Display Abstract  

Your choices will determine where you will live throughout eternity, the kind of body with which you will be resurrected, and those with whom you will live forever.

ID = [81126]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2023-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10008  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:06
McConkie, Bruce R. “‘Think on These Things’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1973.
ID = [13343]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1973-10-01  Collections:  general-conference,mcconkie  Size: 10640  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Monson, Thomas S. “Think to Thank.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1998.
Display Abstract  

Do we give thanks to God “for his unspeakable gift” [2 Cor. 9:15] and His rich blessings so abundantly bestowed upon us?

ID = [18444]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1998-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 3739  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:53
Petersen, Mark E. “‘Think, then Act Safely’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1956.
ID = [27155]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1956-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9768  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Smith, George Albert. “Third Address.” Delivered at the Wednesday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1949.
ID = [26689]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1949-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1782  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:10
Brown, Hugh B. “This Church Is Christianity Restored.” Delivered at the Monday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1965.
ID = [27681]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1965-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17829  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Eyring, Henry B. “This Day.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2007.
Display Abstract  

All of us will need His help to avoid the tragedy of procrastinating what we must do here and now to have eternal life.

ID = [25786]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2007-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11574  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:16
Rasband, Ronald A. “This Day.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2022.
Display Abstract  

Elder Rasband gives examples of President Nelson sharing the Book of Mormon, describes how he has tried to follow the prophet’s example, and invites all to do the same. Our living prophet is doing his part to flood the earth with the Book of Mormon. We must follow his lead.

ID = [23470]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2022-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 728  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:10
Holland, Jeffrey R. “‘This Do in Remembrance of Me’” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1995.
ID = [17805]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1995-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 5570  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Hinckley, Gordon B. “This Glorious Easter Morn.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1996.
ID = [17931]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1996-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14216  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:38
Brown, Hugh B. “This Gospel…Not A Gospel.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1958.
ID = [27231]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1958-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13438  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Hinckley, Gordon B. “This Great Millennial Year.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2000.
Display Abstract  

This work is possessed of a vitality which has never been evidenced before to such a degree.

ID = [18970]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2000-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 3677  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:02
Benson, Ezra Taft. “This Is a Day of Sacrifice.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1979.
ID = [14208]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1979-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12548  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:29
Dunn, Loren C. “This is His Church.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1968.
ID = [27939]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1968-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6535  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
McConkie, Bruce R. “‘This Is Life Eternal’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1952.
ID = [26868]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1952-04-01  Collections:  general-conference,mcconkie  Size: 6683  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:11
Dunn, Loren C. “‘This Is My Beloved Son’” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1971.
Display Abstract  

Loren C. Dunn - I am impressed by the fact that the plan of redemption and salvation for all mankind was worked out between a father and his son, even God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ.

ID = [13159]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1971-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10625  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Hunter, Howard W. “‘This Is My Gospel’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1973.
ID = [13328]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1973-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11229  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Ballard, M. Russell. “‘This Is My Work and Glory’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2013.
Display Abstract  

God has freely given His power to those who accept and honor His priesthood, which leads to the promised blessings of immortality and eternal life.

ID = [21844]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2013-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11699  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:51
Richards, George F. “‘This Is My Work and My Glory’” Delivered at the Thursday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1950.
ID = [26729]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1950-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10794  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:10
Ashton, Marvin J. “‘This Is No Harm’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1982.
ID = [14889]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1982-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14623  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:31
Faust, James E. “This Is Our Day.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1999.
Display Abstract  

The marvels of modern science and technology will not exalt us. Indeed, the great challenge we face as we prepare for the future is to be more spiritually enlightened.

ID = [18559]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1999-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12967  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:55
Lee, Harold B. “This Is Our Gospel.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1963.
ID = [27597]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1963-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15043  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Nielsen, S. Gifford. “This Is Our Time!” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2021.
Display Abstract  

Elder Nielsen reminds us that we can take courage in the thought that we have been sent here by Heavenly Father at this decisive time in history in order to fulfill His purposes.

ID = [23366]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2021-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 726  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:09
Call, Waldo P. “This Is the Work of the Lord.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1985.
ID = [15618]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1985-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1402  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:32
Hinckley, Gordon B. “This Is the Work of the Master.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1995.
ID = [17669]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1995-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14806  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Edgley, Richard C. “This Is Your Phone Call.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2009.
Display Abstract  

We now call upon you to mobilize our priesthood quorums in response to the employment and financial challenges facing our members.

ID = [20934]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2009-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8810  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:36
Wirthlin, Joseph L. “This Marvelous Work.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1960.
ID = [27378]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1960-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12074  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Isaacson, Thorpe B. “This Nation Under God.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1964.
ID = [27649]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1964-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13422  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Hinckley, Gordon B. “This Peaceful House of God.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1993.
ID = [17200]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1993-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 16033  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
Stapley, Delbert L. “This Pearl Beyond Price.” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1965.
ID = [27710]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1965-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17513  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Banks, Ben B. “This Road We Call Life.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2002.
Display Abstract  

As you stay on the right path, the reward at the end of life’s journey is well worth the moments of adversity you experience along the way.

ID = [19285]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2002-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8323  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:08
Sill, Sterling W. “This Same Jesus.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1963.
ID = [27548]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1963-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14150  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:15
Brown, Hugh B. “This Same Jesus.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1971.
Display Abstract  

Hugh B. Brown - One of the compensations for going away from home is coming home again, where we receive such a warm welcome.

ID = [13197]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1971-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8292  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Hinckley, Gordon B. “‘This Thing Was Not Done in a Corner’” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1996.
ID = [18031]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1996-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 21182  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:45
Evans, Richard L. “This We Believe….” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1962.
ID = [27495]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1962-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10508  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:15
Hinckley, Gordon B. “This Work Is Concerned with People.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1995.
ID = [17650]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1995-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12448  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Haight, David B. “This Work Is True.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1996.
ID = [17883]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1996-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9225  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:38
Hinckley, Gordon B. “‘This Work Will Go Forward’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1990.
ID = [16512]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1990-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 2307  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Evans, Richard L. “This You Can Count On.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1969.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article discusses the idea that, “The eternal purposes of the Lord shall roll on, until all his promises shall be fulfilled” (Mormon 8:22). In making choices do not be deceived. Trust in the laws of God upon which you can rely.

Keywords: Deception; Eternal Nature of; God; Promises; Trust
ID = [28013]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1969-10-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,general-conference  Size: 10930  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Monson, Thomas S. “Those Who Love Jesus.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1985.
ID = [15653]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1985-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 2852  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Monson, Thomas S. “Thou Art a Teacher Come From God.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1970.
ID = [26378]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1970-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15220  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:07
Hanks, Marion D. “Thou Art You.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1964.
ID = [27663]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1964-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8567  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Tanner, N. Eldon. “‘Thou Mayest Choose for Thyself’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1973.
ID = [13302]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1973-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17408  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Perry, L. Tom. “‘Thou Shalt Give Heed unto All His Words’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2000.
Display Abstract  

The continued expansion of technology will only bring the messages to us. … [But it is] the challenge of each individual and family … to internalize the messages of the gospel.

ID = [18805]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2000-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11599  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:59
Nelson, Russell M. “‘Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1996.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Ten Commandments
ID = [17869]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1996-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9161  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:38
Taylor, Henry D. “Thou Shalt Love the Lord.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1969.
ID = [27967]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1969-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8729  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Taylor, Henry D. “Thou Shalt Love Thy Wife with All Thy Heart.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1973.
ID = [13338]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1973-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8258  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Sill, Sterling W. “Thou Shalt Not.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1971.
Display Abstract  

Sterlling W. Sill - Because of our birthright, our intelligence, our covenants, and our assignments, we are all special witnesses for God and have some very important things that we should do.

Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Old Testament Topics > Ten Commandments
ID = [13178]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1971-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10179  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Richards, George F. “‘Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness’” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1947.
ID = [26563]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1947-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12295  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:09
Hunter, Milton R. “‘Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1971.
Display Abstract  

Milton R Hunter - The greatest of all laws in this gospel plan pertains to marriage for life and eternity. Thus it pertains to the family eternal. The sweetest joys and greatest blessings that can be gained in mortality and in the life to come are attained through family life lived in accordance with the gospel plan.

Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Old Testament Topics > Ten Commandments
ID = [13117]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1971-04-01  Collections:  general-conference,old-test  Size: 9808  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
McConkie, Bruce R. “‘Thou Shalt Receive Revelation’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1978.
ID = [14118]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1978-10-01  Collections:  general-conference,mcconkie  Size: 10489  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:29
Hunter, Howard W. “Thoughts on the Sacrament.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1977.
ID = [13704]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1977-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 4009  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Pace, Glenn L. “A Thousand Times.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1990.
ID = [16518]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1990-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11501  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Paramore, James M. “A Thousand Witnesses.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1977.
ID = [13731]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1977-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 3385  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Benson, Ezra Taft. “The Threat of Communism.” Delivered at the Wednesday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1960.
ID = [27362]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1960-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13761  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Tanner, N. Eldon. “Threat of Moral Decay.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1965.
ID = [27675]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1965-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 16423  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Dyer, Alvin R. “Three Challenges.” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1962.
ID = [27505]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1962-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11780  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:15
Wirthlin, Joseph B. “Three Choices.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2003.
Display Abstract  

I would like to offer my own self-improvement program. It consists of three steps that have been useful to me.

ID = [19656]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2003-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12963  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:15
Smith, Eldred G. “Three Days in the Tomb.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1974.
ID = [13403]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1974-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8443  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Monson, Thomas S. “Three Goals to Guide You.” Delivered at the General Relief Society Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2007.
Display Abstract  

Your influence ranges far beyond yourself and your home and touches others all around the globe.

ID = [20644]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2007-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 499  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:32
Kirkham, Oscar A. “Three Great Words.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1951.
ID = [26838]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1951-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6136  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:11
Christiansen, ElRay L. “Three Important Questions.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1974.
ID = [13378]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1974-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7600  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Petersen, Mark E. “Three New Volumes of Scriptures Revealed.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1964.
ID = [27665]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1964-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 15089  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Perry, L. Tom. “Three Pledges.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1972.
ID = [13287]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1972-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 942  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Walker, William R. “Three Presiding High Priests.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2008.
Display Abstract  

Wisdom and strength will come to us as we look to the First Presidency as our ideal and our pattern of leadership.

ID = [20686]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2008-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9230  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:32
Monson, Thomas S. “The Three Rs of Choice.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2010.
Display Abstract  

Each of us has come to this earth with all the tools necessary to make correct choices.

ID = [21296]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2010-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12175  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:42
Uchtdorf, Dieter F. “Three Sisters.” Delivered at the General Women’s Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2017.
Display Abstract  

We are responsible for our own discipleship, and it has little—if anything—to do with the way others treat us.

ID = [22894]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2017-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15396  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:07
Pinnock, Hugh W. “Three Things to Share.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1977.
ID = [13875]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1977-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 2477  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:29
Benson, Ezra Taft. “Three Threatening Dangers.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1964.
ID = [27650]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1964-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17397  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Edgley, Richard C. “Three Towels and a 25-Cent Newspaper.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2006.
Display Abstract  

When we are true to the sacred principles of honesty and integrity, we are true to our faith, and we are true to ourselves.

ID = [20338]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2006-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6632  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:26
Evans, Richard L. “Through Diligence and Obedience.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1956.
ID = [27110]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1956-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7237  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:12
Renlund, Dale G. “Through God’s Eyes.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2015.
ID = [22501]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2015-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 5387  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Hunter, Milton R. “Through the Blood of the Lamb.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1958.
ID = [27223]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1958-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13289  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Aburto, Reyna I. “Thru Cloud and Sunshine, Lord, Abide with Me!” Delivered at the Women’s Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2019.
Display Abstract  

I testify that “thru cloud and sunshine” the Lord will abide with us, that our “afflictions [can be] swallowed up in the joy of Christ.”

ID = [23259]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2019-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 519  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:08
Burton, Theodore M. “‘Thus Saith the Lord’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1971.
Display Abstract  

Theodore M. Burton - It has been said that what is needed most today is not the voice of man, but the voice of God. Which generation of men and women have ever needed more the voice of a prophet of God to guide them than we do today?

ID = [13172]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1971-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13878  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Nelson, Russell M. “‘Thus Shall My Church Be Called’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1990.
ID = [16400]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1990-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12981  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
Andersen, Neil L. “Thy Kingdom Come.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2015.
Display Abstract  

Neil L. Andersen discusses the role Church members have to help build the kingdom of God and prepare for the Second Coming of the Lord.

ID = [22407]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2015-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 380  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Kimball, Spencer W. “‘Thy Son Liveth’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1945.
ID = [26455]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1945-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10608  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:08
Richards, Franklin D. “‘Thy Will Be Done, O Lord’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1972.
ID = [13263]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1972-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11443  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Longden, John. “The Tie That Binds.” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1968.
ID = [27925]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1968-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9391  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Monson, Thomas S. “Till We Meet Again.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2010.
Display Abstract  

Endure to the end we must, for our goal is eternal life in the presence of our Father in Heaven.

ID = [21340]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2010-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 3960  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:43
Monson, Thomas S. “Till We Meet Again.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2013.
Display Abstract  

May we show increased kindness toward one another, and may we ever be found doing the work of the Lord.

ID = [22051]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2013-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1887  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:05
Hinckley, Gordon B. “‘Till We Meet Again’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2001.
Display Abstract  

Our safety lies in the virtue of our lives. Our strength lies in our righteousness. God has made it clear that if we will not forsake Him, He will not forsake us.

ID = [19222]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2001-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 458  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:07
Dunn, Paul H. “A Time for Every Purpose.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1975.
ID = [13480]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1975-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10166  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Kapp, Ardeth Greene. “A Time for Hope.” Delivered at the General Women’s Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1986.
ID = [15818]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1986-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 3347  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Haight, David B. “A Time for Preparation.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1991.
ID = [16785]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1991-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14384  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Buehner, Carl W. “The Time Is Now.” Delivered at the Monday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1955.
ID = [27056]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1955-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8051  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:12
Ashton, Marvin J. “The Time Is Now.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1975.
ID = [13488]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1975-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6457  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Longden, John. “Time is of the Essence.” Delivered at the Wednesday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1966.
ID = [27749]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1966-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8485  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:17
Dunn, Loren C. “Time Is on Your Side.” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1969.
ID = [27998]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1969-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8613  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Lee, Harold B. “A Time of Decision.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1972.
ID = [13234]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1972-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 18100  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Hinckley, Gordon B. “A Time of New Beginnings.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2000.
Display Abstract  

Let us take a little time to meditate, to think of what we can do to improve our lives and to become better examples of what a Latter-day Saint should be.

ID = [18877]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2000-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 5217  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:00
McKay, David O. “A Time of Preparation.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1961.
ID = [27428]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1961-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 3497  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Smith, Eldred G. “A Time of Testing.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1962.
ID = [27516]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1962-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8039  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:15
Brown, Hugh B. “A Time of Testing.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1969.
ID = [27984]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1969-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13673  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Taylor, Henry D. “A Time of Testing.” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1971.
Display Abstract  

Henry D. Taylor - As we travel through life upon this earth, there come times when we must stand up and be counted. These are times of testing. Are we on the Lord’s side, keeping his commandments?

ID = [13157]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1971-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6761  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Ashton, Marvin J. “A Time of Urgency.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1974.
ID = [13383]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1974-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12392  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Clayton, L. Whitney. “The Time Shall Come.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2011.
Display Abstract  

With you, I stand in awe as this work moves forward miraculously, marvelously, and irresistibly.

ID = [21481]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2011-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8641  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:45
Monson, Thomas S. “A Time to Choose.” Delivered at the General Young Women Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1995.
ID = [17721]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1995-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8664  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Kimball, Spencer W. “The Time to Labor Is Now.” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1975.
ID = [13499]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1975-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 16713  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Bennett, William H. “A Time to Prepare.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1975.
ID = [13478]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1975-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8441  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Wirthlin, Joseph B. “The Time to Prepare.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1998.
Display Abstract  

The days of our probation are numbered, but none of us knows the number of those days. Each day of preparation is precious.

ID = [18325]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1998-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11531  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:50
Ardern, Ian S. “A Time to Prepare.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2011.
Display Abstract  

We must devote our time to the things that matter most.

ID = [21505]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2011-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7020  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:46
Lee, Harold B. “Time to Prepare to Meet God.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1970.
ID = [26380]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1970-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 18455  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:07
Dunn, Paul H. “Time-Out!” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
ID = [14439]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9291  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
McKay, David O. “The Times Call for Courageous Youth and True Manhood.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1969.
ID = [27995]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1969-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13814  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Hinckley, Gordon B. “The Times in Which We Live.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2001.
Display Abstract  

Our safety lies in repentance. Our strength comes of obedience to the commandments of God.

ID = [19201]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2001-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13095  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:06
McConkie, Bruce R. “The Times of Refreshing.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1967.
ID = [27859]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1967-10-01  Collections:  general-conference,mcconkie  Size: 9288  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:17
Haight, David B. “Times Which Are Too Full.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1970.
ID = [26372]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1970-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6356  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:07
Kimball, Spencer W. “‘’Tis Not Vain to Serve the Lord’” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1952.
ID = [26857]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1952-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15135  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:11
Richards, A. LeGrand. “Tithes and Offerings.” Delivered at the Thursday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1944.
ID = [26395]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1944-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11960  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:08
Richards, George F. “Tithing.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1948.
ID = [26612]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1948-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11704  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:09
Brown, Victor L., Jr. “Tithing.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1969.
ID = [27966]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1969-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10181  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Oaks, Dallin H. “Tithing.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1994.
ID = [17387]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1994-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15792  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Poelman, Ronald E. “Tithing: A Privilege.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1998.
Display Abstract  

You and I are now among those generations given the privilege to know and to live the law of the tithe. The blessings that flow from obedience to that law are both temporal and spiritual.

ID = [18400]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1998-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8173  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:52
Hales, Robert D. “Tithing: A Test of Faith with Eternal Blessings.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2002.
Display Abstract  

Pay your tithing. Unlock the windows of heaven. You will be abundantly blessed for your obedience and faithfulness to the Lord’s laws and commandments.

ID = [19379]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2002-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14282  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:09
Hinckley, Gordon B. “Tithing: An Opportunity to Prove Our Faithfulness.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1982.
ID = [14931]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1982-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 245  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:31
Andersen, Neil L. “Tithing: Opening the Windows of Heaven.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2023.
Display Abstract  

The windows of heaven open in many ways. Trust in the Lord’s timing; the blessings always come.

ID = [81102]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2023-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1349  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:04
Robbins, Lynn G. “Tithing—a Commandment Even for the Destitute.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2005.
Display Abstract  

Genuine sacrifice has been a hallmark of the faithful from the beginning.

ID = [19960]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2005-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8315  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:20
Neuenschwander, Dennis B. “To a Missionary Son.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1991.
ID = [16792]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1991-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8133  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Scott, Richard G. “To Acquire Spiritual Guidance.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2009.
Display Abstract  

By careful practice, through the application of correct principles, and by being sensitive to the feelings that come, you will gain spiritual guidance.

ID = [21003]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2009-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11913  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:37
Hales, Robert D. “To Act for Ourselves: The Gift and Blessings of Agency.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2006.
Display Abstract  

Agency used righteously allows light to dispel the darkness and enables us to live with joy and happiness.

ID = [20150]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2006-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13245  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:23
Hinckley, Gordon B. “To All the World in Testimony.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2000.
Display Abstract  

In this great hall … the voices of prophets will go out to all the world in testimony of the Redeemer of mankind.

ID = [18776]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2000-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10031  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:59
Kyungu, Alfred. “To Be a Follower of Christ.” Delivered at the Saturday Evening Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2021.
Display Abstract  

To be a follower of Christ is to strive to conform our actions, conduct, and lives to those of the Savior.

ID = [23408]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2021-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7729  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:09
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “To Be Called the Sons of God.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1942.
ID = [26234]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1942-10-01  Collections:  general-conference,smith-joseph-fielding  Size: 2490  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:06
Scott, Richard G. “To Be Free of Heavy Burdens.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2002.
Display Abstract  

You must trust that the Savior has given His life so that you can make the required changes in your life, changes that will bring peace.

ID = [19432]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2002-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11463  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:11
Scott, Richard G. “To Be Healed.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1994.
ID = [17349]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1994-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11423  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
McKay, David O. “To Be in the Service of Our Fellowmen Is to Be in the Service of Our God.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1969.
ID = [28019]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1969-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15528  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Cullimore, James A. “To Be in the World but Not of the World.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1973.
ID = [13367]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1973-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11840  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Packer, Boyd K. “‘To Be Learned Is Good If …’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1992.
ID = [17076]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1992-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13008  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
Porter, L. Aldin. “‘To Bear Testimony of Mine Only Begotten’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2001.
Display Abstract  

A spiritual witness of the Nephite scripture will always bring the certainty of the Savior’s existence.

ID = [19045]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2001-04-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 10252  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:03
Kimball, Spencer W. “To Bear the Priesthood Worthily.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1975.
ID = [13486]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1975-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17825  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Faust, James E. “To Become One of the Fishers.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1972.
ID = [13266]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1972-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 4015  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Hunter, Howard W. “To Believe Is to See.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1962.
ID = [27508]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1962-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10625  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:15
Dunn, Paul H. “To Be—Not to Have Been.” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1966.
ID = [27782]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1966-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9733  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:17
Vandenberg, John H. “To Cleanse Our Souls.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1975.
ID = [13515]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1975-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11479  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Richards, A. LeGrand. “To Convince the World.” Delivered at the Wednesday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1960.
ID = [27365]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1960-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8703  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Sill, Sterling W. “To Die Well.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1976.
ID = [13620]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1976-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11039  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Eyring, Henry B. “To Draw Closer to God.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1991.
ID = [16703]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1991-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10734  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Richards, Franklin D. “‘To Fill the Whole Earth’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1963.
ID = [27568]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1963-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9630  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:15
Didier, Charles A. “To Follow or Not, That Is the Question.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1981.
ID = [14820]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1981-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11204  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:31
Burton, Theodore M. “To Forgive Is Divine.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1983.
ID = [15195]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1983-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9087  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:32
Taylor, Henry D. “‘…To Forgive Is Divine’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1962.
ID = [27534]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1962-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6210  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:15
Ivins, Antoine R. “To Gain a Testimony.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1957.
ID = [27184]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1957-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8201  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Pingree, Anne C. “To Grow Up unto the Lord.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2006.
Display Abstract  

Determined service to others, even in difficult circumstances, is required of those who truly desire “to grow up unto the Lord.”

ID = [20221]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2006-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7441  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:24
Sill, Sterling W. “To Have Dominion.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1963.
ID = [27591]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1963-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 21909  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:15
Scott, Richard G. “To Heal the Shattering Consequences of Abuse.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2008.
Display Abstract  

The power of healing is inherent in the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

ID = [20689]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2008-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12338  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:32
Rasband, Ronald A. “To Heal the World.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2022.
Display Abstract  

Elder Rasband teaches four ways that society and individuals benefit from religious freedom and how this freedom can be a unifying and healing influence.

ID = [23453]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2022-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9866  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:09
Scott, Richard G. “To Help a Loved One in Need.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1988.
ID = [16009]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1988-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7905  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
Brockbank, Bernard P. “To Help Every Member Be a Missionary.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1966.
ID = [27803]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1966-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13537  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:17
Pieper, Paul B. “To Hold Sacred.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2012.
Display Abstract  

Sacred things are to be treated with more care, given greater deference, and regarded with deeper reverence.

ID = [21691]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2012-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1662  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:49
Clarke, J. Richard. “‘To Honor the Priesthood’” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1991.
ID = [16677]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1991-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9787  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Kimball, Spencer W. “‘To Kick Against the Pricks’” Delivered at the Wednesday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1955.
ID = [27064]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1955-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 18790  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:12
McKay, David O. “To Know God.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1957.
ID = [27203]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1957-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6358  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Lee, Harold B. “To Know God.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1969.
ID = [27989]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1969-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14724  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Hunter, Howard W. “To Know God.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1974.
ID = [13447]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1974-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10560  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Monson, Thomas S. “To Learn, To Do, To Be.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1992.
ID = [16937]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1992-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15845  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
Monson, Thomas S. “To Learn, to Do, to Be.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2008.
Display Abstract  

May we learn what we should learn, do what we should do, and be what we should be.

ID = [20830]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2008-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15141  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:35
Pingree, Anne C. “To Look, Reach, and Come unto Christ.” Delivered at the General Relief Society Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2006.
Display Abstract  

The Messiah extends His arm of mercy to us, always eager to receive us—if we choose to come to Him.

ID = [20386]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2006-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6995  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:27
Stapley, Delbert L. “To Love God.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1968.
ID = [27927]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1968-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17675  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Ivins, Antoine R. “To Magnify the Priesthood.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1960.
ID = [27401]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1960-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 5486  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Stapley, Delbert L. “To Make a People Prepared for the Lord.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1975.
ID = [13517]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1975-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11584  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Hinckley, Gordon B. “To Men of the Priesthood.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2002.
Display Abstract  

You men who hold this precious priesthood, bind it to your very souls. Be worthy of it at all times and in all circumstances.

ID = [19408]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2002-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14506  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:10
Eyring, Henry B. “To My Grandchildren.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2013.
Display Abstract  

There is one overarching commandment that will help us to meet the challenges and lead to the heart of a happy family life.

ID = [22012]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2013-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11698  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:05
Kirkham, Oscar A. “‘To My Son—Seek Ye the Lord’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1952.
ID = [26902]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1952-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6750  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:11
Young, S. Dilworth. “To Obey Is Better than Sacrifice.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1952.
ID = [26860]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1952-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6320  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:11
Hinckley, Gordon B. “To Please Our Heavenly Father.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1985.
ID = [15581]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1985-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14083  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:32
Stone, O. Leslie. “To Serve the Master.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1972.
ID = [13265]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1972-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 3320  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Hales, Robert D. “To the Aaronic Priesthood: Preparing for the Decade of Decision.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2007.
Display Abstract  

How you bear [the] priesthood now will prepare you to make the most important decisions in the future.

ID = [20446]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2007-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11892  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:28
Hinckley, Gordon B. “To the Bishops of the Church.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1988.
ID = [16103]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1988-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17581  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
Hinckley, Gordon B. “To the Boys and to the Men.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1998.
Display Abstract  

I am suggesting that the time has come to get our houses in order.

ID = [18487]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1998-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14843  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:53
Benson, Ezra Taft. “To the Children of the Church.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1989.
ID = [16256]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1989-04-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 4735  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
Lee, Harold B. “To the Defenders of the Faith.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1970.
ID = [26326]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1970-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12861  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:07
Benson, Ezra Taft. “To the Elderly in the Church.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1989.
ID = [16259]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1989-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 20014  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
Benson, Ezra Taft. “To the Fathers in Israel.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1987.
ID = [15913]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1987-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13255  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Costa, Joaquin E. “To the Friends and Investigators of the Church.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2017.
Display Abstract  

If you pay the price of revelation, humble yourself, read, pray, and repent, the heavens will open and you will know that Jesus is the Christ.

ID = [22867]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2017-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 299  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:07
Benson, Ezra Taft. “To the Home Teachers of the Church.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1987.
ID = [15857]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1987-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14900  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Benson, Ezra Taft. “To the Humble Followers of Christ.” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1969.
ID = [27959]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1969-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 19861  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Monson, Thomas S. “To the Rescue.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2001.
Display Abstract  

Brethren, the world is in need of your help. There are feet to steady, hands to grasp, minds to encourage, hearts to inspire, and souls to save.

ID = [19066]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2001-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11965  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:04
Arnold, Mervyn B. “To the Rescue: We Can Do It.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2016.
Display Abstract  

The Lord has provided all of the tools necessary for us to go to the rescue of our less-active and nonmember friends.

ID = [22588]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2016-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 2017  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Benson, Ezra Taft. “To the Single Adult Brethren of the Church.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1988.
ID = [16000]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1988-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9298  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
Benson, Ezra Taft. “To the Single Adult Sisters of the Church.” Delivered at the General Women’s Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1988.
ID = [16156]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1988-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10252  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
Hunter, Howard W. “To the Women of the Church.” Delivered at the General Women’s Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1992.
ID = [17111]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1992-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9101  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
Hinckley, Gordon B. “To the Women of the Church.” Delivered at the General Relief Society Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2003.
Display Abstract  

Thank you for being the kind of people you are and doing the things you do. May the blessings of heaven rest upon you.

ID = [19693]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2003-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11769  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:15
Backman, Robert L. “To the Young Men of the Church.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1980.
ID = [14562]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1980-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14228  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Benson, Ezra Taft. “To the Young Women of the Church.” Delivered at the General Women’s Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1986.
ID = [15815]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1986-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 18639  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Benson, Ezra Taft. “To the ‘Youth of the Noble Birthright’” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1986.
ID = [15731]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1986-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 16259  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Tanner, N. Eldon. “To Those Searching for Happiness.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1979.
ID = [14184]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1979-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 17335  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:29
Eyring, Henry B. “To Touch a Life with Faith.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1995.
ID = [17773]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1995-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 16444  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Jensen, Marlin K. “‘To Walk Humbly with Thy God’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2001.
Display Abstract  

True humility will inevitably lead us to say to God, “Thy will be done.”

ID = [19015]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2001-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10431  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:03
Ballard, M. Russell. “To Whom Shall We Go?” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2016.
Display Abstract  

In the end, each one of us must respond to the Savior’s question: “Will ye also go away?”

ID = [22734]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2016-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9476  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:07
Kimball, Spencer W. “To You…Our Kinsmen.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1959.
ID = [27320]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1959-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 19003  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Holland, Jeffrey R. “To Young Women.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2005.
Display Abstract  

Be a woman of Christ. Cherish your esteemed place in the sight of God. He needs you. This Church needs you. The world needs you.

ID = [20062]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2005-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11041  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:22
Packer, Boyd K. “To Young Women and Men.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1989.
ID = [16225]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1989-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11936  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
Brown, Hugh B. “‘To Your Tents, O Israel!’” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1954.
ID = [27008]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1954-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 11714  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:12
Wickman, Lance B. “Today.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2008.
Display Abstract  

Provided we have so lived Today that we have claim on the Atonement’s cleansing grace, we will live forever with God.

ID = [20747]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2008-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6687  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:33
Monson, Thomas S. “Today Determines Tomorrow.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1998.
Display Abstract  

Let each of us learn of Him, believe in Him, trust in Him, follow Him, obey Him. By so doing, we can become like Him.

ID = [18484]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1998-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15070  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:53
González, Walter F. “Today Is the Time.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2007.
Display Abstract  

What are we doing today to engraven in our souls the gospel principles that will uphold us in times of adversity?

ID = [20575]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2007-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 7229  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:30
Brockbank, Bernard P. “Today Millions Are Waiting.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1975.
ID = [13473]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1975-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8967  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Cannon, George I. “Today—A Day of Eternity.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1991.
ID = [16749]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1991-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6819  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Ivins, Antoine R. “Today’s Great Need Is Faith.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1952.
ID = [26873]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1952-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10596  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:11
Lee, Harold B. “Today’s Young People.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1971.
Display Abstract  

Harold B. Lee - In your own circle, in your own home, in your own lives, you must do all you can of your own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness.

ID = [13127]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1971-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 4951  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Holland, Jeffrey R. “Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2016.
Display Abstract  

Keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever.

ID = [22651]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2016-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 1534  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Ashton, Marvin J. “The Tongue Can Be a Sharp Sword.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1992.
ID = [16887]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1992-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12871  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Holland, Jeffrey R. “The Tongue of Angels.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2007.
Display Abstract  

Our words, like our deeds, should be filled with faith and hope and charity.

ID = [20410]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2007-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10186  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:28
Wood, Robert S. “‘The Tongue of Angels’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1999.
Display Abstract  

What we say and how we present ourselves not only betray our inner person but also mold that person, those around us, and finally our whole society.

ID = [18754]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1999-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 6861  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:58
Peterson, H. Burke. “‘Touch Not the Evil Gift, nor the Unclean Thing’” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1993.
ID = [17280]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1993-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 9031  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
Packer, Boyd K. “‘The Touch of the Master’s Hand’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2001.
Display Abstract  

We all make mistakes. … It is then in our nature to feel guilt and humiliation and suffering, which we alone cannot cure. That is when the healing power of the Atonement will help.

ID = [19036]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2001-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 10242  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:03
Wirthlin, Anne G. “Touch the Hearts of the Children.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1995.
ID = [17821]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1995-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8510  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Russell, Gardner H. “Touching the Hearts of Less-Active Members.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1986.
ID = [15775]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1986-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 5803  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Vandenberg, John H. “Touchstone of Truth.” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1974.
ID = [13372]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1974-04-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 12096  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Evans, Richard L. “Toward a Balanced Life.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1961.
ID = [27423]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1961-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8605  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Hanks, Marion D. “The Tradition of Their Fathers.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1968.
ID = [27950]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1968-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 15247  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:18
Romney, Marion G. “The Tragic Cycle.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1977.
ID = [13812]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1977-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12991  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Hinckley, Gordon B. “A Tragic Evil among Us.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2004.
Display Abstract  

[Pornography] is like a raging storm, destroying individuals and families, utterly ruining what was once wholesome and beautiful.

ID = [19868]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2004-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 12996  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:18
Perry, L. Tom. “Train Up a Child.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1983.
ID = [15204]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1983-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13036  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:32
Brown, Victor L., Jr. “‘Train Up a Child . . .’” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1967.
ID = [27855]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1967-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13182  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:17
Petersen, Mark E. “‘Train Up a Child’” Delivered at the Friday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1946.
ID = [26541]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1946-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 8625  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:08
Perry, L. Tom. “‘Train Up a Child’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1988.
ID = [16123]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1988-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 13500  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
McKay, David O. “Training of Youth.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1959.
ID = [27290]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1959-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 19496  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Scott, Richard G. “The Transforming Power of Faith and Character.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2010.
Display Abstract  

A consistent righteous life produces an inner power and strength that can be permanently resistant to the eroding influence of sin and transgression.

ID = [21280]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2010-10-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 14051  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:42
McKay, David O. “The Transforming Power of Faith in Jesus Christ.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1951.
ID = [26809]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1951-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 16319  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:10
Morris, George Q. “Transforming Power of the Gospel.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1952.
ID = [26861]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1952-04-01  Collections:  general-conference  Size: 5718  Children: 0  <