Videos of the presentations given at the Third Annual BYU New Testament Commentary Conference held on July 31, 2015, are now available for viewing. You can view them at the BYU New Testament Commentary website, or they are also embedded below.
John W. Welch, Welcome and Introductions, and “Visiting the Ruins of Corinth Today”

Kevin L. Barney, “The Joseph Smith Translation of 1 Corinthians: Toward an Eclectic Approach”

Craig L. Blomberg, Denver Seminary, “A Celestial Commentary on 1 Corinthians”

Avram R. Shannon, “The Term ‘Apostle’: Issues in Using Jewish Sources in New Testament Studies”

Julie M. Smith, “Portraits of Jesus: Christology in the Gospel of Mark and 1 Corinthians”

Brock M. Mason and David L. Paulsen, “Theological Underpinnings of Baptism for the Dead”

T. Benjamin Spackman, “Christian Accommodation at Corinth”

Michael D. Rhodes, “Remarks and Responses: Behind the Scenes of This New Commentary”

Richard D. Draper, “‘The Cup of Blessing’: Paul’s Teachings on the Sacrament in 1 Corinthians 10”

Having not actually seen the commentary, I was surprised by Blomberg’s comments regarding 1 Cor 15:40-42 regarding the types of resurrection seem somewhat naive or overtly dismissive of other evidence closely aligned to LDS interpretation of these verses. I would assume he would be aware of the Patristic writings (Ante-Nicene) demonstrating the interpretation of those verses being closely aligned to multiple levels of heaven/resurrection reward according to the individual’s mortal experience. Clement of Alexandria in Stromata 6:14, Origen in The Principles 2:10:2 and Irenaeus (ANF 1:567) align interpretation of Paul’s analogy of levels of resurrection glory to Matt 13:8 of fruit of hundred, sixty and thirty-fold in accordance to resurrected glory. Also, the mention by Paul of a third heaven (2 Cor 12:2) suggests more than one abode for the resurrected upon which there are numerous books and articles, e.g., Ascent to Heaven by Himmelfarb, Snatched into Paradise (2 Cor 12:1-10) by Wallace, Messiah and Exaltation by Chester, Heavenly Journeys by Dean-Otting, Heavenly Realms and Earthly Realities in Late Antique Religions by Boustan and Reed, Things Unutterable by Tabor, The Fate of the Dead by Bauckham, and Only the Third Heaven? by Gooder.