This video is a supplement to Gospel Doctrine Lesson 6: “Noah … Prepared an Ark to the Saving of His House” (Moses 8:19-30; Genesis 6-9; 11:1-9). It is linked to the article Gospel Doctrine OTL06C — What Was All the Confusion About at the Tower of Babel?

The identification of the Chiastic form of these verses is very useful. The explanations I found to be detailed yet vague and inconclusive. Not really helpful in determining who these people were, where they were from and what their language(s) situation really was. I guess we just don’t know.
Question: According to Helaman 6:28, did Satan lead “them” from the tower to the promised land? Am I reading this verse wrongly? Perhaps the little word “on”, as in led on, is the key? Jared and his groups were led by the Lord…right? As in Ether 1. Please don’t worry if you don’t have time for the question.
In Helaman 6:28, the “led on” refers to the later Jaredites, not their journey. If we didn’t have the book of Ether, we wouldn’t think much of the Jaredites. Mormon uses them as the source of the secret combinations that destroy governments. However, with the book of Ether, we know that the beginning was much different from the way Mormon describes their later years once they were in the land.