This is Scripture Roundtable 109 from The Interpreter Foundation, in which we discuss the New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson #11, “He Spake Many Things unto Them in Parables,” focusing on scriptures in Matthew 13, bringing in various insights to help us better understand the scriptures. These roundtables will generally follow the 2015 Gospel Doctrine schedule of scriptures, a few weeks ahead of time.
Panelists for this roundtable are John Gee, Martin Tanner, and Cassandra Hedelius.

This roundtable is also available as an audio podcast, and will be included in the podcast feed. You can listen by pressing the play button or download the podcast below:
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:04:51 — 22.3MB)
Thank you for this podcast. It is interesting that Jesus is called”the son of a construction worker”. I was fascinated that Brother Gee seemed to think that a construction worker is a menial job. We commonly refer to Jesus as a carpenter, but he may have been more like a builder which may or may not be a worker in construction. A builder implies one who may have designed something, and using the tools of the day built it or made it with his own hands. This is no menial skill, not then or even now. A construction worker now is a skilled worker, with some educational credentials, as well as on the job training. I would think that then as well as now a construction worker would be in demand for his skills. Sorry to digress. Also would not Jesus be taught in his local synagogue by the Rabbi of that community? Hebrew school of sorts?
Thirty, sixty, one hundred; a clear mathematical description of the three degrees of glory. This understanding more fully brings to our minds what we may gain or lose by enduring or not “enduring to the end”. I got this from the one of my fountainheads–Hugh Nibley