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Not by Bread Alone Blog Post #5
Episode 2: An Impossible Meeting with Mobutu

For more information on the “Not by Bread Alone: Stories of the Saints in Africa” series, go to
For more information in French, go to
To see all of our posts about The Church in Africa, go to

This episode tells the story of how an unlikely series of events that began with a Congolese man named BULA led to a four-hour lunch meeting at Gbadolite, the remote palatial estate of MOBUTU SESE SEKO, the former ruler of the DR Congo. In that 12 February 1986 meeting, approval was granted for official recognition of the Church in that country.

Not by Bread Alone Blog Post #7 can be read in English at and in French at

The “Not by Bread Alone: Episodes” series introduces the history and peoples of the people of this vast central African nation. Episodes and other video shorts will be posted as they become available over the next few years. A YouTube playlist for the series is available at (English) and (French).

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