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Nibley Lectures:
Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 14
“Jesus Christ Will Gather His People”
D&C 29

During 1978, 1979, and 1980, Hugh Nibley taught a Doctrine and Covenants Sunday School class. Cassette recordings were made of these classes and some have survived and were digitized by Steve Whitlock and recently enhanced by Nick Galieti. Most of the tapes were in pretty bad condition. The original recordings usually don’t stop or start at the beginning of the class and there is some background noise. Volumes vary, probably depending upon where the recorder was placed in the room. Many are very low volume but in most cases it’s possible to understand the words. In a couple of cases the ends of one class were put on some space left over from a different class. There’s some mixup around D&C90-100 that couldn’t be figured out so those recordings are as they were on the tapes. Even with these flaws and missing classes, we believe these these will be interesting to listen to and valuable to your Come, Follow Me study program.

This week we have one Lecture relevant to the March 31 – April 6 Come, Follow Me lesson, “Jesus Christ Will Gather His People” covering D&C 29.

All 26 recordings are available immediately as follows:


D&C 29: Recorded March 11, 1979

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