This week for Come, Follow Me lesson 25 covering Alma 8-12, we have lectures 47 through 49 from Hugh Nibley’s Book of Mormon classes at Brigham Young University, covering Alma 5-14.
During 1988, 1989, and 1990, Hugh Nibley taught Honors Book of Mormon classes for four semesters at Brigham Young University. The lectures were video-taped and audio cassettes and printed transcripts were made of the lectures. We believe these recordings will be interesting to listen to and valuable to your Come, Follow Me study program this year. Each week, we will include the lectures covering the Book of Mormon chapters being studied that week.
All 112 lectures are immediately available in PDF, audio, video, and electronic formats, as well as in paperback books that are available for purchase. Links for all of the available online sources can be found in the Complete Bibliography for Hugh Nibley at https://interpreterfoundation.org/bibliographies/hugh-w-nibley/lectures/.
Lecture 47: Book of Mormon—Alma 5-10.
Also called “Good and Evil; Foretelling Christ’s Birth.”
Now we’re on that long fifth chapter of Alma. In verse 53 he gets specific on something. You’ll notice in verses 40 to 43 he talks in general terms about evil and good. Verse 40: “For I say unto you that whatsoever is good cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil cometh from the devil [well, what is he talking about?]. . . . I speak in the energy of my soul.” Here he’s specific; he tells what he’s talking about in verse 53: “Can ye lay aside these things, and trample the Holy One under your feet; yea, can ye be puffed up in the pride of your hearts [now this is when he talks specifically about being evil]; yea, will ye still persist in the wearing of costly apparel and setting your hearts upon the vain things of the world, upon your riches?”Audio PlayerWatch on YouTubeDownload AudioDownload PDF
Lecture 48: Book of Mormon—Alma 10–12.
Also called “Zeezrom and Lawyers.“
Alma 10 is the legalistic chapter. It’s on legalism and lawyers. It packs a real wallop and shows immense insight.Audio PlayerWatch on YouTubeDownload AudioDownload PDF
Lecture 49: Book of Mormon—Alma 12–14.
Also called “The Plan of Salvation.“
Alma 12 is perhaps the hardest chapter in the Book of Mormon. It’s the one that separates us farthest from the world. We are talking about free will, Adam’s fall, etc.Audio Player