The number of articles for each subject (tag) is shown in parentheses. All of the articles published both on the Interpreter Foundation website and in Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship are included in this index. To see the just the articles published in the Journal, go to Subject Index under Read the Journal on the menu.
- R. Albert Mohler Jr. (1)
- Rabbinic (1)
- Race (1)
- racism (6)
- radio (1)
- Rameumptom (1)
- reading (1)
- reason (3)
- rebirth (2)
- records (1)
- redemption (2)
- redemption of the dead (2)
- Red Sea (2)
- Reformation (1)
- reformed Egyptian (1)
- refugees (1)
- relational grace (2)
- relics (1)
- religion (6)
- Religion of Abraham (1)
- religious education (2)
- Religious Educator (1)
- religious freedom (5)
- religious liberty (1)
- religious vocabulary (1)
- remembrance (1)
- repentance (12)
- repetition (3)
- repetitions (2)
- reprint (2)
- reprintings (1)
- Reprint Series (92)
- rescue (1)
- research (1)
- respect (1)
- responsibility (1)
- restoration (16)
- Restoration Movements (1)
- Resumptive Structure (1)
- resurrection (16)
- retaining membership (2)
- revelation (39)
- Revelation 12 (1)
- Revelation on the Priesthood (5)
- revelators (1)
- revelatory events (1)
- Reverend Andrew Jackson (1)
- review (72)
- rhetoric (5)
- Rhetorical Criticism (1)
- Richard Bushman (2)
- Richard Dawkins (2)
- Richard G. Swinburne (1)
- Richard Lloyd Anderson (1)
- Richard N. Williams (1)
- Rick Grunder (4)
- righteousness (4)
- ritual (2)
- rituals (2)
- Robert A. Rees (1)
- Robert Bennett (2)
- Robert Cundick (1)
- Robert M. Price (1)
- Robert Millet (1)
- Robert Rees (1)
- rock (3)
- rod (1)
- Roger E. Olson (2)
- Romans (3)
- Rome Temple (1)
- root words (2)
- roundtable (258)
- Royal Skousen (27)
- Russell M. Nelson (1)
- Russell Stevenson (1)
- Ruth (2)
- Ruth M. Stephens (6)