The Interpreter Foundation was a sponsor of the 2016 Temple on Mount Zion Conference which took place on 5 November 2016 in Provo, Utah. It was filmed. Videos of each of the presentations are now available for free viewing on The Interpreter Foundation’s YouTube channel, or here on embedded below. There is also a YouTube playlist available of the conference presentations. The conference proceedings will also be published in book form in the future.
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw: “By the Blood Ye Are Sanctified”: The Symbolic, Salvific, Interrelated, Additive, Retrospective, and Anticipatory Nature of the Ordinances of Spiritual Rebirth in John 3 and Moses 6

John Thompson: The Story-Cycles of the Patriarchs and Temple Progression

David Calabro: The Choreography of Genesis: A Ritual Reading of the Book of Abraham

Matthew Grey: Jerusalem Temple Imagery in Late Ancient Synagogue Ritual, Art, and Architecture

Alex Douglas: Gentiles in the Temple: Worship and Conversion in the Septuagint of Isaiah

Camille Fronk Olson: Women in Ancient Israelite Temple Worship

Matthew Bowen: “Where I Will Meet You”: The Convergence of Sacred Time and Sacred Space as the Etiological Function of the Tent of Meeting

David Larsen: Group Ascension to Heaven in Early Judaism and Christianity

Daniel Smith: The Ancient Israelite Tabernacle, Its Accoutrements, and the Priestly Vestments