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The Sower

A Video Supplement for
Come, Follow Me Lesson 12:
“Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”




The sower scattered seeds of truth upon the empty land.
He sent the rains, he sent the sun to light and wet the sand.
He looked forth with hope to see sprout up the holy seeds.
He prunes His plants with love, with love He guards them from the weeds.
Examine then, O heart of mine, what seed within you grows?
Do you harbor weeds or grain which the true sower sows?
For He has scattered seeds of faith and washed them in the font,
And lit us by his spirit’s lamp supplying every want.
And sometimes when we feel uprooting’s pains within us grow,
Do we recall He purges but to help us here below?
And thus salvation’s fruit we pluck as faith within us grows.
O listen then to His sweet voice and love the seed He sows.

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