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Come, Follow Me — Old Testament Study and Teaching Helps
Lesson 39, September 19–25
Isaiah 40–49 — “Comfort Ye My People”

Isaiah 40-49 “Wait Upon the Lord”

Chapters 40-66 are highlighted by Isaiah’s prophecies of the future, mostly pertaining to the latter days. For example, in relation to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Isaiah declared, “the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together” (Isaiah 40:5). Also prominent throughout the rest of Isaiah are prophecies of the Messiah, along with themes of redemption, salvation, and comfort, as we look to God and reject the ways of the world. Study the following:

Protection, healing, comfort, and salvation from the Lord

  • Isaiah 40:1-2, 9-11, 28-29, 31
  • Isaiah 41:8-13, 17-18
  • Isaiah 42:6, 16
  • Isaiah 43:1-3, 25
  • Isaiah 44:3, 21-22
  • Isaiah 45:17, 22, 25
  • Isaiah 46:3-4
  • Isaiah 48:9-10, 17, 20
  • Isaiah 49:9-10, 15-18, 22-25
  • How has the Lord blessed you in one of these ways?
  • Which verse or verses are the most meaningful for you? Why?

Calamities and destructions to come upon the wicked

  • Isaiah 40:4, 17, 23-24
  • Isaiah 42:13-15
  • Isaiah 48:22
  • Isaiah 49:26

Despite these and other prophesied catastrophic events, President Russell M. Nelson shared these encouraging words: “We live in the most vibrant era in the history of the world. I wake up every morning eager for the adventures of the day. And I hope you feel that same exuberance for the gift of life. Though our world is filled with serious challenges, I am optimistic about the future…. I give you my assurance that regardless of the world’s condition and your personal circumstances, you can face the future with optimism and joy—if you have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel” (“Go Forward with Faith,” Press Conference, January 16, 2018).

The futility of worshiping false gods

  • Isaiah 41:24, 29
  • Isaiah 42:17
  • Isaiah 44:9-11, 15-18
  • Isaiah 45:16, 20
  • Isaiah 46:1-2, 6-7
  • Isaiah 47:10-15
  • Isaiah 48:5, 22
  • What are some of today’s most dominant “false gods”?

Prophecies and testimonies of the ministry and majesty of the Lord

  • Isaiah 40:8
  • Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7
  • Isaiah 43:5, 10-11, 15
  • Isaiah 44:6, 8, 23-25
  • Isaiah 45:4-6, 12, 18, 21, 23
  • Isaiah 46:9-10
  • Isaiah 49:6-9, 13
  • How would you summarize these teachings about the Lord?
  • Is there a favorite verse for you?

Isaiah 48:10 “I Have Refined Thee”

Read again Isaiah 48:10. Have you had afflictions in your life that have helped “refine” you? Can you say in your heart that such experiences made you feel “chosen” by the Lord?

President Russell M. Nelson taught: “Focusing on joy brings God’s power into our lives. As in all things, Jesus Christ is our ultimate exemplar, ‘who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross.’ (Hebrews 12:2.) Think of that! In order for Him to endure the most excruciating experience ever endured on earth, our Savior focused on joy!… If we focus on the joy that will come to us, or to those we love, what can we endure that presently seems overwhelming, painful, scary, unfair, or simply impossible?… As this principle is embedded in our hearts, each and every day can be a day of joy and gladness.” (“Joy and Spiritual Survival,” October 2016 general conference).

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