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Come, Follow Me — New Testament Study and Teaching Helps
Lesson 50, December 4 — 10
Revelation 1–5 — “Glory, and Power, Be unto … the Lamb for Ever”

The Book of Revelation Introduction

The following can assist in your study:

  • The book of Revelation contains an account of a vision given to the Apostle John the Beloved, during his time as an exile on the Isle of Patmos (in the Mediterranean).
  • The book is thought by scholars to date to about 95 AD.
  • The book is also known as “the Apocalypse,” which is Greek for uncovered or revealed. Other “Apocalyptic” books include Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Joel, and so forth. (In our modern society, the term apocalypse has also come to be associated with the dramatic and catastrophic events associated with the end of the world.)
  • The book of Revelation is thought by many students to be difficult to understand, although the general theme is clear, teaching us that in the end, good will triumph over evil. It may be due to this overwhelmingly clear conclusion that the Prophet Joseph Smith stated, “The Book of Revelation is the plainest book God ever caused to be written” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 290).
  • The Joseph Smith Translation changes about 23% of the verses in Revelation (a somewhat low number in comparison to some of the other books of the Bible).
  • Rather than having a determination to try to figure out every symbol and message, look for things that can be plain to discern.
  • Other interesting references to the book of Revelation are found in 1 Nephi 14:19-27 and Doctrine and Covenants 77. In 1 Nephi 14:22, Nephi states that John would write “concerning the end of the world.”
  • Revelation is divided into two main parts: Chapters 1-3, which address things at the time the revelation was given (directed toward seven branches of the church in today’s western Turkey); and chapters 4-22 which are about things in the future, beyond John’s day, including the Great Apostasy, the latter-day Restoration, the Judgment, the Millennium, and the Celestial Kingdom.

Revelation 1-3 We Must Overcome

Read John’s description of Jesus Christ and His works, in Revelation 1:5-7. Read also John’s vision of the Savior in verses 10-20.

The visitation of the Savior to John is followed in chapters 2-3 by the Lord’s messages to the seven churches or branches of the church; addressing the “angel” (leader) of each. Use the outline below to find what the Lord’s specific messages were to each branch, including, (1) what they were commended for; (2) what they were counseled to do; and (3) what promised blessings they could receive, if they repented.

These three items of information regarding Ephesus are already filled in, as a pattern for what you can do for the six remaining branches:

City/branch: Commended for: Counsel given: Promises made:
Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7) Patience; bearing up amidst evil; rejected false apostles; labored without fainting Repent for having “left their first love” (the Lord); return to their “first works” and overcome To eat of the tree of life (to enter into the Lord’s presence)


(Rev. 2:8-11)


(Rev. 2:12-17)


(Rev. 2:18-29)


(Rev. 3:1-6)


(Rev. 3:7-13)



Did you find anything in these chapters that are helpful for your life now?

You may have noticed that each branch was promised blessings if they could “overcome” (this word being used by the Lord in Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21). What things do we all need to overcome in this life? Read again Revelation 2:7, 10; and Revelation 3:4, 11, 20-21. Read also John 16:33; Romans 12:21; 1 John 5:1; D&C 76:53. Clearly, we must overcome sin, temptation, Satan, the natural man, the world, and so forth.

Revelation 4-5 More of John’s Visions

The rest of the book of Revelation is a vision with many themes and time periods. As with other apocalyptic books, it is helpful to read the chapter headings in order to better understand the symbolism, imagery, timeframes, and other elements of the Lord’s messages:

  • Read Revelation chapter 4 heading and verses 1-2. What similarities to other scriptural accounts of heavenly visions do you already see?
  • What else does John see in verses 3-4, 10? Read also Revelation 5:6-10; D&C 77:5; and D&C 75:5.
  • Read Revelation 4:6-9; then read D&C 77:1-4 and D&C 130:6-9.
  • Read Revelation chapter 5 heading and verse 1; then read D&C 77:6-7.
  • Read Revelation 5:11-14. In what ways do you “worship” the Lamb of God in your daily life?

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