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A New Look for the Foundation

Good morning!

I’m pleased to share with you something that we have been working on at The Interpreter Foundation for quite some time. We are in the middle of a multimonth effort to rebrand the Foundation, and you’ll start to see the fruits of those efforts today. Most prominent among our rebranding efforts (at this point) is the adoption of a new logo for the Foundation:

You may see the logo across our website and in various other social media venues. If it is not immediately visible to you, it will be in the very near future.

Not only have we adopted a new logo, but we have also redesigned how we are presenting the articles in Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Faith and Scholarship. A bit later today we will publish an article, as is our practice on Fridays. This article is the first in Volume 61 of the journal, and it is the first to use the new design. If you want to see the full effect of what the design looks like, make sure to download the PDF for the article. (Every journal article published on our website includes a link to download a PDF.)

In addition, Volume 61 of the journal will introduce a brand-new cover design. While this cover won’t be available until we complete Volume 61 sometime in, probably, June, here is a peek at what a new cover will look like:

Today is exciting for me because these are big changes for the Foundation, and I’ve been eager to share them. This is only the beginning, however. Over the next several months we will introduce additional changes, some silently and others with fanfare. Our goal is that the changes introduce a new, fresh look and make our content more accessible to you.

I’d also be interested in your feedback about the changes, starting with those that you’ll see today. If you have comments, please send them my way—

Thank you for your support and stay tuned for more to come!

—Allen Wyatt, Vice President of Operations
    The Interpreter Foundation

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