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Not by Bread Alone Blog Post #7
Just in Time: Three Converts Return Home (Episode 3)

For more information on the “Not by Bread Alone: Stories of the Saints in Africa” series, go to
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To see all of our posts about The Church in Africa, go to

On 13 February 1986, Mucioko and Régine BANZA and Dieudonné NKITABUNGI MBUYI, along with other Church representatives, met prior to signing documents that began the process of legal recognition of the Church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They had each joined the Church in Europe some years earlier. To legally organize, the signatures of three Congolese members of the Church were required. These three stalwart converts made the difficult choice to return to Africa, and thus were present in Kinshasa just in time when the Lord needed them. The stories of their conversion and the Lord’s hand in bringing them back to the Congo is the subject of a new video, Episodes 3 in the Not By Bread Alone historical film series.

To read more, go to 7-just-in-time-the-lord-brings-three-congolese-converts-back-to-the-congo-episode-3/ (English) or (French).

The “Not by Bread Alone: Episodes” series introduces the history and peoples of the people of this vast central African nation. Episodes and other video shorts will be posted as they become available over the next few years. A YouTube playlist for the series is available at (English) and (French).

Episode 3: Just in Time: The Lord Brings Three Congolese Converts Back to the Congo

More Than Just a Tradition: Singing in the Banza Family

Unwavering Commitment to Jesus Christ

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