2024 Come, Follow Me
Book of Mormon Lesson 49
December 2 — December 8
“To Keep Them in the Right Way”

After finishing his father’s record of the Nephites and abridging the record of the Jaredites, Moroni thought that his record-keeping work was done (see Moroni 1:1). What more was there to say about two nations that were utterly destroyed? But Moroni had seen our times (see Mormon 8:35), and he was inspired to “write a few more things, that perhaps they may be of worth … in some future day” (Moroni 1:4). He knew that widespread apostasy was coming, bringing with it confusion about priesthood ordinances and about religion in general. This may be why he gave clarifying details about the sacrament, baptism, conferring the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the blessings of gathering with fellow believers to “keep [each other] in the right way, … relying alone upon the merits of Christ, who was the author and the finisher of [our] faith” (Moroni 6:4). Precious insights like these give us reason to be thankful that the Lord preserved Moroni’s life so he could “write a few more things” (Moroni 1:4).
Moroni 1: Moroni writes for the benefit of the Lamanites—The Nephites who will not deny Christ are put to death. About A.D. 401–21.
Moroni 2: Jesus gave the twelve Nephite disciples power to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost. About A.D. 401–21.
Moroni 3: Elders ordain priests and teachers by the laying on of hands. About A.D. 401–21.
Moroni 4: How elders and priests administer the sacramental bread is explained. About A.D. 401–21.
Moroni 5: The mode of administering the sacramental wine is set forth. About A.D. 401–21.
Moroni 6: Repentant persons are baptized and fellowshipped—Church members who repent are forgiven—Meetings are conducted by the power of the Holy Ghost. About A.D. 401–21.
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps 2024 — Lesson 49, Jonn Claybaugh
Interpreter Radio Show: November 10, 2024
Nibley Book of Mormon Lectures: Come, Follow Me Lesson 49
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 47: Moroni 1-6 (2020), Jonn Claybaugh
Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon Lesson 47 (Moroni 1-6)
- The Holy Ghost in the Book of Moroni: Possessed of Charity, by Newell D. Wright and
- An Elegant Book on Gifts, Gifting, and Remembering, by Louis C. Midgley, May 6, 2022
- An Ancient Survival Guide: John Bytheway’s Look at Moroni, Jared Riddick, August 31, 2018
- Interpreting Interpreter: The Ghost of Moroni, by Kyler Rasmussen, Jun 9, 2023
Scripture Roundtable: Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Lesson 47, “To Keep Them in the Right Way”, December 18, 2016
Scripture Roundtable: Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Lesson 1, “The Keystone of Our Religion”, November 8, 2015