Lisle G. Brown
About Lisle G. Brown
Lisle G. Brown (1943-2013) was a professor/librarian IV and the curator of Special Collections at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. He authored Nauvoo Sealings, Adoptions, and Anointings: A Comprehensive Register of Persons Receiving LDS Temple Ordinances, 1841–1846. He also edited a number books, including Preserving the Word: Descriptive Catalogue of Maurice Harmon’s Library of Anglo-Irish Literature and Criticism; History of the Marietta Manufacturing Company; and West Virginia: A Historical Resource Guide, as well as contributing to American Legislative Leaders in the South, 1911–1994, and the West Virginia Encyclopedia. He was also the webmaster for Marshall University’s Special Collections and created more than twenty-five Internet exhibits for its Virtual Museum and Digital Collections. He published articles on LDS subjects in Brigham Young University Studies, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Journal of Mormon History, Mormon Historical Studies, and West Virginia History. Lisle served in the West German Mission and fulfilled a number of Church callings, including volunteer Institute of Religion instructor for thirty years, bishop, high councilor, counselor in a stake presidency, and temple ordinance worker, and patriarch of the Huntington West Virginia Stake. He and his wife, Merry, are the parents of one son and three daughters, and they have five grandchildren.Tamid: Zacharias and the Second Temple
by Lisle G. Brown | Nov 1, 2021 | 2 comments