Calvin D. Tolman
About Calvin D. Tolman
Calvin D. Tolman graduated from University of Utah with a B.A. in Anthropology and an M.A. in Linguistics. He worked for forty years in the printing industry operating a web press and supervising and managing the pressroom. He is interested in the archaeology of Mesoamerica, especially the Maya. He attended the Maya Meetings in Texas at Austin for about twenty-five years. He has studied biblical Hebrew from a historical linguistic approach analyzing vowel changes from Proto-Semitic to biblical Hebrew. His church service includes a mission in West Mexico 1964–66, counselor in a bishopric, stake executive secretary, high councilor, bishop, and stake patriarch. He married Nancy Ann Byers. They have six children, nine grandchildren and four great-grandsons.Liahona: “Prepared of the Lord, a Compass”
by Calvin D. Tolman | May 20, 2022 | 6 comments