2024 Come, Follow Me
Book of Mormon Lesson 6:
February 5 — February 11
“Free to Choose Liberty and Eternal Life, through the Great Mediator”

If you knew that your life was coming to an end, what final messages would you want to share with the people you love most? When the prophet Lehi felt he was nearing the end of his life, he gathered his family together one last time. He shared with them what Heavenly Father had revealed to him. He bore his testimony of the Messiah. He taught gospel truths he cherished to the people he cherished. He talked about liberty, obedience, the Fall of Adam and Eve, redemption through Jesus Christ, and joy. Not all of his children chose to live by what he taught—none of us can make these choices for our loved ones. But we can teach and testify of the Redeemer, who makes us “free to choose liberty and eternal life” (see 2 Nephi 2:26–27).
2 Nephi 1: Lehi prophesies of a land of liberty—His seed will be scattered and smitten if they reject the Holy One of Israel—He exhorts his sons to put on the armor of righteousness. About 588–570 B.C.
2 Nephi 2: Redemption comes through the Holy Messiah—Freedom of choice (agency) is essential to existence and progression—Adam fell that men might be—Men are free to choose liberty and eternal life. About 588–570 B.C.
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps 2024 — Lesson 6, Jonn Claybaugh
Interpreter Radio: The Book of Mormon in Context Lesson 6
Nibley Book of Mormon Lectures: Come, Follow Me Lesson 6
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 6: 2 Nephi 1-5 (2020), Jonn Claybaugh
Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon Lesson 6 (2 Nephi 1-5)
Lehi’s Testimony to Joseph and Joseph of Egypt’s Life as Type for His Own Prophecy (2 Nephi 3), Hales Swift
- Nephi’s Small Plates: A Rhetorical Analysis, by Noel B. Reynolds, Feb 11, 2022
- Ancient Temple Imagery in the Sermons of Jacob, by David E. Bokovoy, Jun 28, 2021
- Josiah to Zoram to Sherem to Jarom and the Big Little Book of Omni, by Val Larsen, Apr 9, 2021
- Chiastic Structuring of Large Texts: Second Nephi as a Case Study, by Noel B. Reynolds, Dec 7, 2020
- An Intelligent, Thoughtful Work on One of the Richest Portions of the Book of Mormon, by Jeff Lindsay, Nov 27, 2020
- Missing Words: King James Bible Italics, the Translation of the Book of Mormon, and Joseph Smith as an Unlearned Reader, by Stan Spencer, Jul 10, 2020
- Labor Diligently to Write: The Ancient Making of a Modern Scripture, Chapter 12: 2 Nephi Chapter I (1–2), Brant A. Gardner
- Gentiles in the Book of Mormon, John Hilton III, Ryan Sharp, Brad Wilcox and Jaron Hansen, September 20, 2019
- The Language of the Spirit in the Book of Mormon, Noel B. Reynolds, August 30, 2019
- “By Small Means”: Rethinking the Liahona, Timothy Gervais and John L. Joyce , November 16, 2018
- “If I Pray Not Amiss”, David L. Clark, September 28, 2018
- Too Little or Too Much Like the Bible? A Novel Critique of the Book of Mormon Involving David and the Psalms, Jeff Lindsay, May 25, 2018
- The Possibility of Janus Parallelism in the Book of Mormon, Jeff Lindsay, January 5, 2018
- Jacob’s Protector, Matthew L. Bowen, December 15, 2017
- “If Ye Will Hearken”: Lehi’s Rhetorical Wordplay on Ishmael in 2 Nephi 1:28–29 and Its Implications, Matthew L. Bowen, May 19, 2017
- On Doubting Nephi’s Break Between 1 and 2 Nephi: A Critique of Joseph Spencer’s An Other Testament: On typology, Noel B. Reynolds, April 28, 2017
- Meeting Zoram, Collin Charles Russell, March 3, 2017
- Deuteronomy 17:14–20 as Criteria for Book of Mormon Kingship, Taylor Halverson, February 24, 2017
- The Title of Liberty and Ancient Prophecy, RoseAnn Benson, February 10, 2017
- “Their Anger Did Increase Against Me”: Nephi’s Autobiographical Permutation of a Biblical Wordplay on the Name Joseph, Matthew L. Bowen, December 30, 2016
- Nephi’s Change of Heart, Dennis Newton, June 17, 2016
- Nephi’s Good Inclusio, Matthew L. Bowen, November 20, 2015
- The Doctrine of Resurrection in the Book of Mormon, A. Keith Thompson, July 31, 2015
- A Mormon Theodicy: Jacob and the Problem of Evil, Val Larsen, June 12, 2015
- Nephi: A Postmodernist Reading, Benjamin L. McGuire, September 5, 2014
- Limhi’s Discourse: Proximity and Distance in Teaching, Loren Blake Spendlove, November 15, 2013
- Interpreting Interpreter: Visions as Scriptural Blueprint, by Kyler Rasmussen, Aug 5, 2022
- Interpreting Interpreter: Structuring Nephi’s Record-Keeping, by Kyler Rasmussen, Feb 11, 2022
LDS Perspectives Podcast: Nephi and Isaiah with Joseph Spencer, LDS Perspectives, November 11, 2016
- 2 Nephi 1. Resurrecting Deep Sleepers, Taylor Halverson, February 6, 2016
Scripture Roundtable: Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Lesson 6, “Free to Choose Liberty and Eternal Life”, January 17, 2016
Scripture Roundtable: Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Lesson 7, “I Know in Whom I Have Trusted”, January 17, 2016
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 12, “Fruitful in the Land of My Affliction”, March 8, 2014