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Come, Follow Me

Feeding the Multitudes

A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Lesson 13: “Be Not Afraid”     Transcript In this video I will discuss Jesus’s miracles of feeding the multitudes including the Feeding of the 5000 and the Feeding of the 4000. These stories can be...

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The Parable of the Sower

A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Lesson 12: “Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”     Transcript In Matthew 13, Jesus gives several notable parables, stories which focus on commonplace occurrences like growing crops but contain rich...

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Cursing the Fig Tree

A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Lesson 15: Easter: “O Grave, Where Is Thy Victory?” and Come, Follow Me Lesson 20: “Behold, Thy King Cometh”     Transcript This video will discuss the incident with the fig tree focusing on...

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The Mount of Transfiguration

A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Lesson 14: “Thou Art the Christ”     Transcript This video will discuss the account of the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew 17 and provide contextualizing information to understand some parts of it....

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The Sower

A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Lesson 12: “Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”     Transcript The sower scattered seeds of truth upon the empty land. He sent the rains, he sent the sun to light and wet the sand. He looked forth with hope...

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The Strait and Narrow Path

A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Lesson 9: “He Taught Them as One Having Authority”     Transcript Matthew 7:13-14 reads “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and...

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Jesus Teaches Using Humor in John 4

A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Lesson 7: “Ye Must Be Born Again”     Transcript In John 4:31-34, the Lord has just concluded talking with a Samaritan woman at a well. His disciples are surprised by this because it involved violating some...

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