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Come, Follow Me

Prayer and Worship in Alma 32-34

A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon Lesson 28 “Plant This Word in Your Hearts” (Alma 32-35)     Transcript In Alma 32-34, Alma and Amulek are teaching a group of people that have been denied the opportunity to gather together normally to...

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Healing Rifts among the Nephites (Alma 16)

A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon Lesson 24 “Enter into the Rest of the Lord” (Alma 13-16)     Transcript In Alma 16 verses 15 through 19, there is a description of the efforts of Alma and Amulek and others to prepare the people for the...

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Alma 36: Christ as Turning Point

A Video Supplement for Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon Lesson 29 “Look to God and Live” (Alma 36-38)     Transcript In Alma 36, Alma describes to his son Helaman the events that turned him from a life of sin and rebellion to a life of service to God and...

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