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Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants
Doctrine and Covenants 45

May 5–11: “The Promises … Shall Be Fulfilled”

The revelation in section 45 was received, according to the section heading, “to the joy of the Saints.” And there’s a lot to be joyful about in this revelation. In it the Savior gives His tender promise to plead for us before the Father (see verses 3–5). He tells of His everlasting covenant spreading throughout the world, like “a messenger … to prepare the way before [Him]” (verse 9). And He prophesies of His glorious Second Coming. The Savior does all of this while also acknowledging that these are troubling times (see verse 34), in part because of the perils that are to take place before His coming. But that peril, that darkness is not strong enough to extinguish the light of hope. “For verily I say unto you,” the Lord declared, “that I am … a light that shineth in darkness” (verse 7). That alone is reason to receive this revelation—with whatever counsel and warnings and truth He wants to give—with joy.

D&C 45: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to the Church, at Kirtland, Ohio, March 7, 1831. Prefacing the record of this revelation, Joseph Smith’s history states that “at this age of the Church … many false reports … and foolish stories, were published … and circulated, … to prevent people from investigating the work, or embracing the faith. … But to the joy of the Saints, … I received the following.”


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