You can read online the articles in Volume 64 (2025) by clicking on the links below. You will also see more formats that are available for each article, including paperback and e-book. This volume is still being compiled, and new articles will appear in it each Friday.
Volume 64 (2025)
- Derek Squire
The Literary Structure of Alma 23–27, 1-24 - Blake T. Ostler
The Flimsiest Show on Earth, 25-36 - Matthew Scott Stenson
“When Ye Shall Rend That Veil of Unbelief”: A Typological Reading of Ether 3 and 4, 37-56 - Jeff Lindsay
The Lamb of God: A Note on the Significance of Meir Bar-Ilan’s Paper for Latter-day Saints, 57-64 - Meir Bar-Ilan
The Heavenly Lamb, Sacrifices on the Heavenly Altar, and the Song of the Lamb, 65-88 - James W. Lucas
Joseph and Oliver Told the Truth about the Translation: A Response to Brant Gardner’s and Jeff Lindsay’s Reviews, 89-106 - Brant A. Gardner
Responding to a Non-Responsive Response, 107-110 - Jeff Lindsay
Honorable Intentions with an Unreliable Methodology: Lucas’s Response Underscores the Problems, 111-148 - Volume still being compiled…