What Can Artificial Intelligence Tell Us About the Literary Skills Needed to Dictate a Text Like the Book of Mormon? |
Brian C. Hales
Joseph Smith’s Education and Intellect as Described in Documentary Sources |
Unavailable Genetic Evidence, Multiple Simultaneous Promised Lands, and Lamanites by Location?
Joseph Smith as a Book of Mormon Storyteller |
Seeking a Global Context for the First Vision |
A Priesthood Restoration Narrative for Latter-day Saints Believers |
Theories and Assumptions:
Visions, Mushrooms, Fungi, Cacti, and Toads: Joseph Smith’s Reported Use of Entheogens |
Curiously Unique:
The Case of the Missing Commentary |
Changing Critics’ Criticisms of Book of Mormon Changes |
Joseph Smith: Monogamist or Polygamist? |
Opportunity Lost |
Dating Joseph Smith’s First Nauvoo Sealings |
A Response to Denver Snuffer’s Essay on Plural Marriage, Adoption, and the Supposed Falling Away of the Church – Part 2: Façade or Reality? |
A Response to Denver Snuffer’s Essay on Plural Marriage, Adoption, and the Supposed Falling Away of the Church – Part 1: Ignoring Inconvenient Evidence |
A Response to Grant Palmer’s “Sexual Allegations against Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Polygamy in Nauvoo” |
Big Trouble in River City: American Crucifixion and the Defaming of Joseph Smith |
Dissenters: Portraying the Church as Wrong So They can be Right Without It |
Stretching to Find the Negative: Gary Bergera’s Review of Joseph Smith’s Polygamy: History and Theology |