There are 3 thoughts on “Insights into the Story of Korihor Based on Intertextual Comparisons”.

  1. Very interesting. I very much enjoyed the allusive ties between Aaron’s encounter with Lamoni’s Father, and the encounter between Alma and Korihor. This is very much the kind of thing that deepens my appreciation of the artistry and message of the scriptures, much in tune with observations of Robert Alter in The Art of Biblical Narrative, and as applied to the Book of Mormon by Alan Goff and others, such as Joe Spencer and Matt Bowen, and yourself. Well done.

  2. Thought provoking article! Thanks for putting that together.

    I especially liked your idea that Korihor may have come from Ammonihah. Boy, that’s a chilling thought! An escapee of that most wicked of cities wreaking such spiritual & social havoc – it’s like a denizen of hell briefly escaping their dark prison to afflict & torment the inhabitants of the earth.

    • Thanks, I agree with your comment about a denizen of hell escaping. The people of Ammonihah indeed seem to have presented quite a threat to the Nephites.

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