There are 3 thoughts on “Who Holds the Keys?”.

  1. Great article Dr. Peterson, inspiring!

    Two things: one, weren’t Peter & James already in their immortal state when they laid their hands on JS’ head? (Because a physical body is needed to confer keys, right?) So, wouldn’t that mean that Peter’s bones are no longer in that sarcophagus, but now the permanent tabernacle of his spirit?

    And two, how do you think the Lord is going to draw away individuals & multitudes from the rich, millennia-old institutions of Islam and Catholicism to his small Latter-Day Church?

  2. Truly, Dan, this article is moving, inspiring, and uplifting, to name but a few deserving adjectives.
    Thanks. You are such a gifted writer. One of a kind.

  3. I’m not sure that Peter’s bones have been identified; Peter is resurrected, and while I’m not an expert on resurrection–and it may involve creating new bones, instead of reusing the old ones–one might think that just as Christ’s body was absent from the tomb after He resurrected, so Peter’s bones would no longer be at their original burial place after Peter’s resurrection.

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