There are 2 thoughts on “A Masterpiece on Resisting Our Impulses to Leave”.

  1. Thank you for this review. I can appreciate the efforts of Brother Wilcox to minister through this book and for having made himself vulnerable. Nobody can ever say “it will never happen to me”.

    I do have a few comments on terminology.

    I prefer to use the word “questions” rather than “doubts” in this context. Doubt has been identified as a tool of the adversary and not everyone has them. However, everyone has questions. I’d suggest that even President Nelson has questions – he is just better at getting answers! The Restoration of the Gospel started with a question. Having questions implies a desire to know and accept answers moreso than does having doubts. Doubters sometimes adopt doubting as an identity that needs maintaining, and so no evidence presented in response to a doubt will ever be acceptable.

    A second viewpoint that I’d like to explore is similar to those who are looking for responses to the question “Why Should I Stay”? My question is “Why Would I Leave”? I think of John 6:60-61, 66-68 where many disciples became offended at some of Jesus’ teachings and walked no more with Him. When Jesus asks the twelve if they too will leave, Peter’s wonderful response is “Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life”. Where am I to go to find the fulness of understanding of the Savior that I find in His restored Gospel? Where else do we find the answers to the big questions, including the words of eternal life? Where else do we find the solution to one of the greatest injustices of all concerning those who never even heard of Jesus or only know of Him as an historical figure? Where else do I find an organization that can challenge me every day to be a better person, a better disciple, a better brother to those around me, and then provides opportunities for me to do just that?

    I accept that my viewpoint may be unique or shared by only a few, but that does not make it less valid. I accept the grace of the Lord for giving me this understanding as something I did not earn or deserve. It is my prayer that Brother Wilcox’s book will reach the hearts of those for whom it will provide a life line for staying while they sort out their questions.

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