There are 4 thoughts on ““We Are a Remnant of the Seed of Joseph”: Moroni’s Interpretive Use of Joseph’s Coat and the Martial nēs-Imagery of Isaiah 11:11–12”.

  1. Another remarkable discovery. You have found such fascinating evidence of awareness of Hebrew in the abundant wordplays in the Book of Mormon that we can still see behind the English translation. Clever, sophisticated, subtle allusions abound that add richness to the meaning when one considers the implications in the likely Hebrew behind some of these passages. Thanks for helping us to better appreciate this sacred text.

  2. Thank you for a thoughtful article. Much to ponder and reflect upon. The name Joseph as a symbol of divine gathering certainly has play with the Prophet Joseph himself it seems to me. I know that is not the thrust of your article, but still…..

    • You are welcome, Brett! Thank you! Yes, this does have implications for the Prophet Joseph Smith and his prophetic mission. The volume, of which this article will comprise a chapter, will deal with that in greater depth. 🙂

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