There are 2 thoughts on “The Theology of C. S. Lewis: A Latter-day Saint Perspective”.

  1. Thank you, Brother Millet. I enjoyed reading this and thinking about CS Lewis. I think my favorite of his books is The Great Divorce, and you went right to the part I think about the most. It’s a source of great hope to me.

    It’s a personal concern of mine that I find teaching from non-LDS authors to be more compelling. That’s not entirely fair, since I include people like Brother Oaks and Brother Holland very highly in my regard, but the people who’ve moved me most spiritually seem to be Lewis, Tolkien, Kierkegaard, Chesterton, and even Simone Weil and Albert Camus.

    Regarding Lewis and Tolkien, maybe I need that myth more than others do. There are moments of such beauty in books like Perelandra, Till We Have Faces, or The Lord of the Rings that seem to make Heaven more real through their myth than even through the direct word of the scriptures. Maybe that’s a flaw in me, but I hope that I’ll be forgiven if so.

    Anyway. Thank you for your article. I’m sharing with fellow friends.

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