Read Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship online and gain new insights into the scriptures from our talented staff of writers.
Just in time for your Come Follow Me discussion of the witnesses to the Book of Mormon!
Undaunted: Witness of the Book of Mormon can now be viewed for free here: https://witnessesfilm.com/ and Witnesses will go up for free from 2 Feb 2025 through 1 March 2025.
Joseph Smith: A Life Lived in Crescendo
Edited by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw
Available Now
This two-volume set (1100 pages total) seeks to enrich study of the life and teachings of Joseph Smith through essays by knowledgeable and faithful scholars on selected punctuation marks of Joseph Smith’s final years in Nauvoo. While some of Joseph Smith’s contemporaries saw these events and doctrinal developments as evidence that he was a fallen prophet, modern Latter-day Saints, looking back, see them as a glorious culmination to a faithful life.
Go to https://interpreterfoundation.org/books/ for more information
Margaret Barker’s Master Classes on the Hebrew Scriptures
The Interpreter Foundation is pleased to offer two seminars from noted scholar Dr. Margaret Barker.
The Nov. 9 seminar looked at the changes and developments in the text of the Hebrew Scriptures and the work of the scribes who transmitted them.
This provided the context for the second seminar on Nov. 16 where Dr. Barker examined five examples from Qumran texts of Deuteronomy and Isaiah to explore how and why differences arose, and which of the versions was the more likely to have been used by the first Christians.
This class is for everyone interested in the story of the Hebrew Scriptures. Knowledge of Hebrew is not required.
Video and audio recording of both seminars are available at https://interpreterfoundation.org/conferences/margaret-barker-master-classes-on-the-hebrew-scriptures/.

Reprint: George Mitton: Foreword: Eschewing the Ephemeral
“In every conversation I’ve had with George, what impresses me most is his earnestness about the important, enduring matters of life. I didn’t know him when he was younger, but I imagine that he was always that way. In this, he has been a personal model for me,...

Nibley Lectures: Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 7 (2025) — D&C 10-11
During 1978, 1979, and 1980, Hugh Nibley taught a Doctrine and Covenants Sunday School class. Cassette recordings were made of these classes and some have survived and were recently digitized by Steve Whitlock. Most of the tapes were in pretty bad condition. The...

Study and Teaching Helps: 2025 Doctrine & Covenants — D&C 10–11
D&C 10:1-9 “It Is Now Restored” Section 10 (along with Section 3) addresses the loss of the first 116 pages of the Book of Mormon translation. Read the section heading and Words of Mormon 1:3-7. An important theme we can draw from Section 10 is that...

Interpreter Radio Show — January 26, 2025
In the January 26, 2025 episode of The Interpreter Radio Show, our hosts are Steve Densley and John Thompson, with special guest Noel Hudson. They discuss Noel's article in Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship< and Come, Follow Me...

Interpreting Interpreter: Inclusive Soteriologists
This post is a summary of the article “Perspectives on the Soteriological Problem of Evil: Nuancing the “Universalist” Theologies of Henri de Lubac and Joseph Smith” by Timothy Gervais in Volume 63 of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and...

Perspectives on the Soteriological Problem of Evil: Nuancing the “Universalist” Theologies of Henri de Lubac and Joseph Smith
Abstract: Since the discovery of the new world by Christian European explorers during the age of discovery, the increasingly global community of the modern age has confronted Christian theologians with difficult soteriological questions. These questions have caused...

Reprint: George Mitton Tribute by John P. Mitton
George L. Mitton was raised in Logan, Utah. Following military service, he served in the British Mission (1949–51) and later in many church callings. He received a master’s degree in political science at Utah State University and did additional graduate studies at the...

Nibley Lectures: Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 6 (2025) — D&C 6-9
During 1978, 1979, and 1980, Hugh Nibley taught a Doctrine and Covenants Sunday School class. Cassette recordings were made of these classes and some have survived and were recently digitized by Steve Whitlock. Most of the tapes were in pretty bad condition. The...

Study and Teaching Helps: 2025 Doctrine & Covenants — D&C 6–9
D&C 6 Oliver Cowdery and You In 1829 Joseph and Emma Smith were living near Emma’s parents in Harmony, Pennsylvania. Almost 300 miles away, 22-year-old Oliver Cowdery became acquainted with the Smith family in New York, and learned about Joseph and the gold...

Interpreter Radio Show — January 19, 2025
In the January 19, 2025 episode of The Interpreter Radio Show, our hosts are Bruce Webster, Kris Frederickson, and Martin Tanner. They discuss Come, Follow Me Doctrine & Covenants lesson 7, BYU employment standards, and NetFlix’s American Primeval. You can...

Interpreter Radio Show — January 12, 2025
In the January 12, 2025 episode of The Interpreter Radio Show, our hosts are Martin Tanner, Terry Hutchinson and Mark Johnson with special guest Barbara Jones Brown. They discuss NetFlix’s American Primeval, Barbara’s new book, Vengeance Is Mine: The Mountain...

Interpreting Interpreter: Serpentine Seraphs
This post is a summary of the article “‘Upon Thy Belly Shalt Thou Go’: The Garden of Eden Serpent Symbology Based on the Concept of Seraphim” by Noel Hudson in Volume 63 of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship. All of the...
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The Interpreter Foundation is a nonprofit organization. All journal publications and video presentations are available for free by digital download and streaming. The price of hard copy versions of journal articles covers only the cost of printing; books are typically priced to help cover both upfront pre-publication expenses and royalties to authors when applicable. In some cases, the Foundation may subsidize publication costs to keep retail prices affordable. The Foundation does not profit from sales of its publications.